Jax Teller did not make it out of Sons of Anarchy alive. That seemed incredibly clear on multiple fronts, including how Jax decided to drive straight into a green-screened, 18-wheel Mack truck in the final moments of the series. Mayans M.C. began their ride by acknowledging that they’re living in a “post-Jax Teller world” with a promo showing off a makeshift memorial to the former SAMCRO president.
Zero debate about Jax’s death exists in the universe, but that hasn’t stopped Charlie Hunnam from teasing that something that could (at some point) be in the works. I’m stumped on what this could be, since it’s too late to double back for a baby-faced Jax prequel, so maybe there’s Zombie Jax in the works. Don’t question the Reaper, man! Seriously, though, I never considered the possibility that there could, you know, be more Jax in any reality, so I never broached the subject during our recent interview about Apple TV+’s upcoming Shantaram. Yet he’s apparently talked about it already, and then he followed up with Entertainment Tonight:
“Oh, did that get a little bit of traction,” quipped Hunnam. But when pressed on whether there’s a concrete idea or if reprising his role as Jax will come in a series or film, Hunnam played coy.
“I can’t, I can’t tell you. No, no,” said Hunnam with a bit of a grin on his face. “There’s nothing I can say at all, other than if it happens, it’ll happen.”
If this sounds like the very English Charlie Hunnam is “taking the p*ss,” as the English say, well, maybe he is! But he also said this to Access Hollywood, via Comic Book:
“I have an idea that I’m exploring in its infancy where that could be a possibility,” Hunnam explained. “It would be something that I would be incredibly excited about, so we’re sort of, like I said, in the infancy of exploring the viability of the idea.”
Gonna call this now: the mystery project will certainly be a story about grown-up hellion Abel, who will be visited by the other-dimension spirit of Jax, who’s now riding his bike in the sky. Or maybe — since we never saw the body (!) — Jax picked himself up off the highway and left those crows with their blood and bread, only to stagger off into the desert and build himself a new life on the straight and narrow. This sounds ridiculous, but so does driving into a green screen. It’s all made up, so maybe we just roll with it and watch Shantaram.