Fresh off fighting in the multiverse, Michelle Yeoh is set to voice the peregrine falcon-bot Maximal Airazor for Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. She’ll be joined by Pete Davidson, who will voice the Autobot Mirage (also known as Dino). Mirage transforms into a red Ferrari 458, but doesn’t seem to have any RBG tattoos painted on it.
Dino last appeared in Transformers: Dark of the Moon (back in the Sam Witwicky days!) and was voiced by Francesco Quinn who passed away in 2011.
For those keeping score, Rise of the Beasts will include four races of transforming bots all fighting with and against each other as we relatively-ant-sized humans scramble around trying not to get trampled. It’s also the 7th film in the franchise which has earned over $4.8 billion globally and represents a continuation of the nostalgia-set spin-offs after the 1980s world of Bumblebee. Rise of the Beasts is set in the 1990s and will be directed by Creed II helmer Steven Caple Jr.
Peter Cullen is returning to voice Optimus Prime (is anyone else allowed to?) and Ron Perlman is voicing Optimus Primal. Dominique Fishback (The Hate U Give) and Anthony Ramos (In The Heights) will star as non-robot characters.
Yeoh and Davidson are solid additions to a cast that looks far different than the initial entry in the franchise. Speaking of which, children born when Transformers came out will be able to get driver’s licenses and take themselves to Transformers: Rise of the Beasts when it comes out in June 2023. Enjoy that fun fact while applying your back ointment, friends.
(via The Hollywood Reporter)