Last night (October 30), Brazil elected a new president with the victory of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Two of his biggest proponents, Brazilian superstars Anitta and Pabllo Vittar, celebrated his victory last night.
Brazil’s current president Jair Bolsonaro ran for re-election this year in a very close race with Lula da Silva, who is known by the mononym Lula. Since his election in 2018, Bolsonaro enacted many controversial policies like the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest. He also downplayed the COVID-19 pandemic in the country, which led to many deaths, and spewed anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric.
Lula was previously Brazil’s president from 2003 to 2010. He ran on a leftist platform and vowed to “undo Bolsonaro’s legacy, including pro-gun policies and weakened environmental protections in the Amazon rainforest,” according to Reuters. Lula’s campaign received a big boost in July when Anitta endorsed him for president.
With Lula’s victory last night, Anitta celebrated the news on Twitter. Understanding the very close race between the candidates, she also offered empathy and compassion to the people who voted for Bolsonaro’s campaign.
Alívio. Se o amor venceu agora é hora de colocar esse amor em prática. Colocar a democracia em prática. Acolher e respeitar o vizinho que votou diferente, compreender e respeitar a pessoa que votou igual a você mas discorda em algumas coisas. Só assim a gente nunca mais vive o
— Anitta (@Anitta) October 30, 2022
“Relief,” Anitta wrote. “If love won, now it’s time to put that love into practice. Putting democracy into practice. Welcoming and respecting the neighbor who voted differently, understanding and respecting the person who voted the same as you but disagrees on some things. That’s the only way we can never live the nightmare that was that election. This social war we live. As long as we still treat the other with aggression, anger and disrespect, we will only be the mirror of what we say we are fighting against.”
She continued, “I pray for the union. The person we preferred won, but half the Brazilian people are unhappy. May we know how to think of them as we would like them to think of us regardless of any difference, regardless of whether they would do the same or not. This is unconditional love.”
Vittar also celebrated the news of Lula’s victory. On Twitter this morning, the drag pop star also expressed that she had no problem losing a follower for supporting Lula.
meu aniversário é só amanhã mas já ganhei o presente
— Pabllo Vittar (@pabllovittar) October 31, 2022
“My birthday isn’t until tomorrow but I already got the present,” Vittar wrote. “Losing a follower who is crying now but didn’t cry with the deaths in the pandemic. For me, it’s energy cleaning that was overdue! I don’t know what they were doing on my social media networks. 13 kisses.”
perder seguidor que tá chorando agora mas não chorou com as mortes na pandemia pra mim é limpeza de energia vão tarde! não sei o que estavam fazendo nas minhas redes … 13 beijos
— Pabllo Vittar (@pabllovittar) October 31, 2022
Anitta is currently nominated for two Latin Grammy awards, including Record of the Year. Vittar recently teamed up with fellow Brazilian drag pop star Gloria Groove for their collaboration “Ameianoite.”
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