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Steve-O On Sex Addiction, Stand-Up Comedy, And The Steve-O Super Bowl Commercial That Never Was

Jackass Forever came out earlier this year, just when it felt like we were seeing the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel. Even if it wasn’t necessarily the best of the series, for a lot of us it probably felt like a godsend that it even existed. Enough time has passed that we can acknowledge that Jackass is one of, if not the greatest American cultural products of late 20th and early 21st century.

If Johnny Knoxville is the brains behind Jackass, and Chris Pontius is the penis, Steve-O is the pathos. Arguably the wildest of the Jackass crew, Steve-O was always so up for anything, so eager to please, that it looked like he might legitimately kill himself. Often it made you wonder, “Is this guy okay? Am I hurting this man by enjoying his antics?”

These days, miracle of miracles, it seems like Stephen Glover, aka Steve-O, actually is okay. He looks healthy, he has a fianceé, and a reasonably thriving career as a stand-up performer. How he got from college dropout locally famous for throwing himself off bridges to 48-year-old homeowner with a monogamous relationship and stylish eyeglass frames is largely the story of his new book, A Hard Kick In The Nuts: What I’ve Learned From A Lifetime of Poor Decisions.

In this, his second book, Steve-O takes us on his journey from substance abuse to recovery to veganism and animal rights activism to stand-up comedy to sex addiction and second recovery all the way to today. It’s full of the kind of sage life advice, aphorisms, and introspection one often gleans in recovery, but also some of the stories that got him there. Like the time he woke up in an 18-year-old bartender’s childhood bed, surrounded by her stuffed animals and then had to go meet her parents. Or the time he ruined his relationship with Kat Von D partly by telling such stories, onstage, with her in the audience.

With Steve-O, the wildness is implied. But if we come for the hijinks, we stay for the pathos. Like this sweet little passage about Ryan Dunn:

Ryan’s death, like many deaths, I suppose, was a shock but not entirely a surprise. Before I got sober, the dynamic of our friendship was much like the dynamic of many of my friendships back then: I annoyed the shit out of him, and he barely tolerated me. I kind of respected the fact that he never even bothered to try to hide how much I got on his nerves. But after I sobered up, our relationship deepened, even though Dunn’s drinking never slowed down.

Anyway, I got to pick Steve-O’s brain this week, about the physical toll of being America’s ne’er-do-well little brother, what it actually means when celebrities “write” a memoir, his life on the road, and his future plans for a massive wild animal park styled on Graceland.

So when you’re doing these book events, I don’t know if there are readings involved, but you talk in the book about needing to be the center of attention and needing validation from the crowd. I imagine it’s a lot different when you’re reading and people are sitting there quietly versus a comedy show where you’re getting instant feedback on everything.

I’m not particularly interested in sitting there and reading my book to anybody, I think that would be painful for all involved. Not that it’s a bad book, but I just think that reading passages from books is a little bit lame. What I have been doing is Q&As. I’ve actually been enjoying that a lot. There was a book signing at Barnes & Noble in New York City, which started out as a Q&A discussion and then the book signing, and they have since completely nixed the Q&A part because I’ve proven to be by far the slowest author ever. I just sit there and talk to people and take f*cking forever. They were losing their minds over me. The store was supposed to have been closed at 9:00 PM and I was still going at 10:30. They hated me.

You have a co-writer listed on the book. I always wonder how that works. What’s that writing process like?

Worth mentioning that it’s the same writer who I did my first book with. And the first book we did together was his first book, period. Both of our first books. I remember I picked David Peisner because he had written an article about me for Spin Magazine, and I had a fairly really good experience with him over the few days that we worked on that. And I told him that I’d like to work on a book with him and that it was important to me that I make that decision before his article comes out, which is a silly, dumb thing. But it worked out really well. And what the process looked like was a fairly insane amount of time recorded. Tape recorded interviews, conversations. I believe for the first book we tape recorded 70 hours of conversations. And then the second book was less, I think more like 40 hours. Those tapes got transcribed by a stenographer, and once it was all transcribed, David Peisner effectively pored through it and created drafts of chapters. Then as soon as he finishes a draft of a chapter, he sends it to me and I revise it, send it back to him, and he incorporates my changes, sends it back to me, and I revise it again.

As we approached the delivery date for the original manuscript, I asked David — because since we wrote the first book, he’s done nothing but write books, he’s become quite the prolific co-writer/ghost writer — and so I asked him when we finished this one, in the 12 years since the first book, has there been anybody who’s been more psycho as far as meticulous attention to detail and just tweaking over every little thing? And he said, no, not even close. I’m super proud of that. I really did f*cking agonize over every detail. And I remember describing as the deadline loomed that I felt that I was really at a breaking point, which is rich, considering my job is to revise the fucking work he did. But I took it seriously and it was a lot. And then every stage of the book process just presents a shit ton of work, dude. I don’t remember the first book being like this, but f*ck this one was just a lot of work, man.

So I have to ask this because I just got back from physical therapy myself, and I wasn’t even in Jackass. So how often do you have to do physical therapy, pain management stuff for various injuries, and then how hard is that to do when you’re traveling on the road for a tour?

I’ve been largely super lucky with that. I’m in really pretty good shape overall. With that said, this right shoulder, it just seems to be falling apart on me. And that’s got nothing to do with any specific injury or incident, I think it’s just normal 48-year-old shit. What I do have in my neck, I’ve got degenerative disc disease, which is just, again, it’s mostly just 40-year-old shit, but it’s from throwing my body around a lot. That’s not really reached a point of being painful or debilitating, it’s just looming as an issue. And other than that, f*ck dude, I can tell that I’m doing myself a major disservice by not having a super disciplined stretching regimen. That, I think, is going to replace my lifetime regret, from not diligently flossing, to I think not stretching is going to overtake it.

So when you’re sober and you’re dealing with a disc disease, what is the line in terms of pain management and what you allow yourself to do for painkillers and stuff?

Like I said, the degenerative disc disease in my neck has not presented as a painful or debilitating situation yet. With that said, in my 14 years of sobriety, I’ve been through some f*cking horrific shit. I basically shattered my ankle. I had a plate and 11 screws put into my ankle. And I’ve had all kinds of surgeries since I got sober. And my rule is that when I’m in the hospital going into surgery, of course I’m going to have anesthesia. So whatever a doctor puts through an IV into my arm that I have no control over, that’s okay. But once I leave the hospital, I don’t fill out a prescription for painkillers. I’ve not filled out a single prescription for painkillers since I got sober. Everything’s been Tylenol and Advil and in the most horrific situations, Tylenol and Advil at the same time. It’s amazing how effective both of those f*cking things are.

A lot of teeth gritting, I imagine.

Yeah, I remember my ankle being really gnarly. I remember there was some gum graft surgery, some bone graft surgery. There was third degree burns. I definitely had a lot of crazy pain. And I think part of me just really gets a kick out of my belligerent refusal to take painkillers. When it’s really bad I’m just like “Man, I’m gnarly.”

So in the book, you met your fianceé when you were supposed to do a stunt for a Pepsi commercial that you weren’t thrilled about because you were anti-soda.

Yeah. It’s crazy too because during my lows with my diet, at times when I’ve been able to just sit down and just f*cking murder a entire bag of fun-sized Butterfingers, but even through those times, I’m just like, nope, not soda.

Man’s got to have a code, right?

Right. So between the soda thing and the meat thing — I’m less strict about dairy, but philosophically I’m very angry at dairy too, anything to do with factory farming really upsets me — so promoting Papa John’s pizza and Pepsi Cola… I love that I say in my book that at that time, that’s what it cost to buy my, I forget how we worded it, but my morality, my ethical standards could be bought for around $30,000.

I feel like that is probably true of a lot of people. So you ended up getting paid without them using the stunt, which seems like a perfect scenario. Are there any other endorsements or things like that that have worked out that way where you’ve gotten paid for not using something?

Correct. I can’t think of anything off the top of my head that was such a lucrative false alarm, no.

Are there other endorsements or things like that where you felt like you were…

Selling my soul?

Yeah. Things that you regretted or felt weird about.

For sure. Again, I can’t really think of anything but what’s more at the forefront of my mind is the things that I’ve actually turned down, where I’ve actually exercised some integrity. I don’t necessarily need to throw anybody under the bus, but there was some garbage snack that was all about dairy that actually was a six figure offer, and I turned it down. I was pretty stoked about that.

In the book you write about your relationship with Kat Von D and how that ended partly because she wasn’t super cool with you talking about being a sex addict on stage.

Yeah, she was a private person and I’m categorically not. So that whole dynamic really, I think that was the general basis for things not really being promising for a long term.

Right. So what is it about your current fiancee that makes her cool with you writing about it in a book and being open with that stuff?

I think that the world is full of, maybe not full, but I think that there are a lot of people who have serious issues with acting out sexually in a destructive manner, who don’t acknowledge that they have that issue and they just continue to do it. They cheat, whatever. I would prefer, and I believe I can say this about my fiance, that she would also prefer for me to acknowledge that I had an issue and really, really care about addressing that issue and conducting myself with integrity, accountability, and doing the right thing. I’d rather call myself out for having done the wrong thing and be really careful to do the right thing moving forward than not call myself out and be a f*cking scumbag.

Sure. But do you think that’s part of it, where it’s one thing to talk about it for you, but if there’s a way to make it so she doesn’t have to hear it every time… Do you do some separation there or say, “Hey, don’t read these chapters” or whatever?

That’s precisely what it is. I think that my girl, her name’s Lux (Wright). Lux never read my first book. She knew that it had all kinds of debaucherous shit in there that she didn’t really want to know about. And this book, she’s been fairly careful to avoid certain parts. And with that said, she knows about all the chapters that she hasn’t read. But yeah, I respect that she doesn’t want to read shit that is potentially upsetting to her. And it’s tough when you’re setting about writing a book like this. I think what was important in both in the book and in my life in general is that addressing these subjects is done in a way that doesn’t glorify it.

Is that partly something that you deal with in when you’re doing shares in recovery? Like some people when they’re doing shares, they ride that line between trying to acknowledge what was bad and not just reliving their glory days?

Sure. Yeah. In the whole recovery space, or I should say in the recovery community, we definitely try to avoid war stories that are going to glorify our active addiction. I think I’m pretty good about that. We call it sharing in a general way what we used to be like, what happened and what we’re like now. So you want to qualify as an addict, but you don’t want to overly revel in the “what it was like” part.

I was curious about what your dad’s like. You mentioned him obliquely in the book. I know he was a corporate guy. What is he like?

Dad… I describe my dad as just almost a human calculator. I don’t want to say he’s devoid of emotion, but he’s a pure logic machine and not particularly emotive. I think that’s probably the best way to put it. And with respect to the nature of my art and how much of it goes against his sensibilities, Dad’s really, really good at compartmentalizing. He can. And he is really enthusiastic about the business. Here’s a thing I think that is pretty rad, and I don’t even think it’s in the book, but there’s this saying, which I believe was attributed to Andrew Carnegie. I might be wrong about that. But the saying is, the first third of your life is for making mistakes. The second third of your life is for making money. And the final third of your life is for giving that money away.

And if we were to, for the sake of round numbers, call a lifespan 100 years, I got sober when I was 33 and really, really did a great job of checking the mistakes box. And when I got sober in 2008 with the financial crisis, my life was in such shambles. I had every reason to believe that my earnings potential had either completely evaporated or was about to fall off a f*cking cliff. And my savings were more than half gone from the financial crisis. So I, in early sobriety, I switched into a mindset because I didn’t even think I was going to be f*cking alive. I was pretty sure that I’d be dead. Now all of a sudden I might be alive for many more decades? It was scary. So I got proactive since I got sober about trying to be more savvy in business. And I think that’s brought my dad and I super closer together. Since I got sober I’ve more and more exhibited my dad’s traits and our relationship is just so awesome as a result. Dad’s on my payroll now. It’s crazy.

Well, I could pepper you for a lot longer, but I don’t want to make you late for your next thing, and I appreciate all the time you gave me.

Hey man, it’s all good. I appreciate you as well. And just to finish the thought about the trimesters of life. Absolutely I want to just be as f*cking aggressive as possible at business so that I can realize my vision, Lux and I, our vision of employing hundreds of people to take care of thousands of animals and to figure out a way to do that that affords me my own little Graceland-style f*cking spot. I want to have my own little museum because I’m a super attention whore ego maniac. I’m so jealous, I was just recently in Memphis and visited Graceland, and I was like, oh my God. This f*cking guy Elvis has been dead longer than he was alive, still people are flocking to this f*cking place, I’m just so jealous of that.

That’s your goal?

Well, I just thought it was on our own path we arrived at wanting to get a big property and open up an animal sanctuary. And it makes sense that for that to be a successful, sustainable thing, that it should have its own revenue streams. So incorporating some Graceland-like model, if that’s going to help the place be self-sufficient, then f*ck yeah. It almost seems to just be synergistic with what a ego maniac attention whore I am and our lofty goals of what we want to do. So yeah, man, that’s super where my head’s at and I’m in that second trimester of life and I’m going for it.

A Hard Kick In The Nuts‘ is out now. Vince Mancini is on Twitter. You can access his archive of reviews here.

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A Mario Fan Made An Edit Of ‘The Super Mario Bros. Movie’ Trailer Without Chris Pratt

Even if you haven’t played a Mario game since Hotel Mario, first off, you should check out Super Mario 64. Good game imo. Also, chances are high that you’re still among the tens of millions who watched The Super Mario Bros. Movie trailer yesterday and, by proxy, have a take on Chris Pratt’s Mario voice. He doesn’t say much in the first look at the animated movie (Jack Black’s Bowser is the real star), but it was enough to wonder what the character would sound like with Charles Martinet’s voice from the video games.

Wonder no more. “I edited the Super Mario Bros. Movie trailer to see how it would sound without Chris Pratt,” voice actor Carlos Morillo wrote on Reddit (where he goes by the user name “f*ckmattdamon,” and now I’m imaging Ben Affleck and Matt Damon as Mario and Luigi). The video, which you can watch above, replaces Pratt’s voice with his own, as well as Martinet’s. It’s well done, but here’s my take: two hours of Mario’s video game voice would be too much. There’s a reason he doesn’t talk much in the games.

Or one Redditor wrote, “It’s good… but I don’t know if the overdone nature of Mario’s quips in game would work for a feature film. I think it’d be pretty grating after a while, and I’d probably get annoyed. Kinda like with Jared Leto in House of Gucci…”

It’s shocking that the Jared Leto-as-Mario edit of the trailer hasn’t been made yet. Give the internet, oh, five minutes to fix (?) that.

The Super Mario Bros. Movie, which also stars Anya Taylor-Joy as Princess Peach, Charlie Day as Luigi, Jack Black as Bowser, Keegan-Michael Key as Toad, Seth Rogen as Donkey Kong, Fred Armisen as Cranky Kong, Sebastian Maniscalco as Foreman Spike, and Kevin Michael Richardson as Kamek, opens on April 7, 2023.

(Via Reddit)

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Nicki Minaj Remixes ‘Likkle Miss’ (Again) With A Diasporic All-Star Team Including Dancehall Legends

After over a decade of avoiding a specific kind of collaboration, Nicki Minaj has fully leaned into her role as a burgeoning elder stateswoman of rap, releasing a rapid-fire stream of collaborations with up-and-coming artists like BIA, Coi Leray, and Doja Cat, as well as a recruiting an all-woman posse for the remix of her No. 1 hitSuper Freaky Girl.” She’s also embracing the algorithmic power of the remix; just a couple of weeks after releasing the video for the Skeng-featuring remix of “Likkle Miss,” Nicki doubles down with an all-star diasporic roster for the “Likkle Miss (Fine Nine Remix)”

Nicki, who has been known to throw on both British and Caribbean accents for her alter egos, brings in a bunch of performers who naturally have them, from dancehall artists like Spice(!) and Lisa Mercedez to grime punchline master Lady Leshurr. There’s also soca artist Patricia Roberts(!), rising Bronx drill rapper London Hill, Trinidadian artist Destra Garcia, Pamputtae, and Dovey Magnum. Expect to see at least one of these names to sneak-diss Cardi B and get into a raucous back and forth on Twitter in the coming weeks because it seems like that’s the blood price of doing a Nicki Minaj remix these days. (Just kidding, please don’t send the Barbz after me, Nicki!)

Listen to the “Fine Nine Remix” of “Likkle Miss” above.

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The Rock Is Closing The Door On Running For Office: ‘The Number One Thing I Wanna Be Is Daddy’

At some point in a celebrity’s career, they may or may not be asked if they would run for some sort of political office. It’s weird, yes, but it happens a lot! And sometimes it even goes too far. But when stars are constantly praised and idolized, it makes sense that they would want to be even more powerful and get involved in the government. Even though Dwayne The Rock Johnson potentially harnesses enough power to run not only the country but the world, it seems like he does not want to do it!

The former pro-wrestler/actor/pancake aficionado was recently asked if he would consider running for office, probably due to the leadership skills he learned while filming Jumanji. While Johnson has expressed interest in running in the past, his priorities have shifted, and it seems like he wants to focus on his family.

“It’s off the table. Yes. It is off the table,” Johnson told CBS when asked about running for president. “I will say this because it requires a B-side to this. I love our country and everyone in it. I also love being a daddy. And that’s the most important thing to me is being a daddy, number one, especially during this time, this critical time in my daughters’ lives.”

Johnson added that working in Hollywood is already tough enough due to being away from his family and he wouldn’t want to go that route. “I know what it was like to be on the road and be so busy that I was absent for a lot of years in my first daughter’s…Growing up in this critical age at this critical time in their life, and that’s what the presidency will do. So my number one priority is my daughters.”

Even though he doesn’t want to be president, Johnson is open to the idea of being a CEO. “Sure, CEO sounds great. But the number one thing I wanna be is daddy. That’s it.” Does that mean opening a restaurant is off the table?

(Via Variety)

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Caroline Polachek Tackles An Aria From A Kurt Cobain-Themed Opera

Caroline Polachek appears on a new song, but with a twist. “Non Voglio Mai Vedere Il Sole Tramontare” is Polachek’s new aria single release, which translates to “I Never Want To Watch The Sun Go Down.” It is also a part of the soundtrack for a Kurt Cobain-themed opera called Last Days, a new Royal House Opera stage adaptation of Gus Van Sant’s 2005 film of the same name.

According to The Guardian, it is not technically Kurt Cobain, but very similar in both looks and the story of his passing. In this opera stage version, the Cobain character of “Blake” will be played by Titane star Agathe Rousselle.

“I think the reason why this archetype, this Kurt figure, remains relevant is because he so heavily demonstrated that paradox. He held so many contradictions within himself,” co-director Matt Copson told the publication. “He’s like a walking paradox, and I think those are really important and beautiful figures for us to grapple with because it’s an extremity of what I personally feel all the time.”

This is not Polachek’s primary appearance on an interesting soundtrack this year, either. She also was featured on the soundtrack for the ’70s-themed animated kids’ film, Minions: The Rise of Gru.

Listen to Caroline Polachek perform “Non Voglio Mai Vedere Il Sole Tramontare” from Last Days above.

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Jack Harlow Was A Fergie Fanboy In Fifth Grade, Which He Says Was His ‘Rapper Origin Story’

From the beginning of his supernova and super fast rise, Jack Harlow has built his reputation on staying true to his Louisville roots and owning the entirety of his awkward adolescence. His added another layer to his relatability while co-hosting The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on Thursday night (October 6).

Fallon and Harlow recounted the multi-Platinum-certified rapper’s experience co-hosting the 2022 MTV VMAs in August. The awards show had opened with Harlow performing “First Class,” his No. 1 smash that heavily sampled Fergie’s “Glamorous.” He was joined by an assortment of his friends (including Fallon) on a fake plane before making his way to the stage, where Fergie was waiting for him. It was exactly what fifth-grade Jack would’ve done.

“There was a talent show when I was in fifth grade. I tried to do ‘Fergalicious,’” Harlow told Fallon. “It’s a true story. True story. And, you know, the lyrics are suggestive, I guess. To me, it wasn’t anything. I didn’t even get to finish the audition. I was halfway through, and they cut me off. They’re like, ‘You can’t do that.’ So, that’s my rapper origin story.”

Harlow started the North American Leg of his Come Home The Kids Miss You World Tour on September 5 in Cincinnati, after serving as the guest picker and performing “First Class” on ESPN’s College GameDay at Ohio State. He squeezed in the Tonight Show between his sold-out Toronto show on Wednesday (October 5), with Drake in attendance, and his Barclays Center stop in Brooklyn tonight (October 7).

Watch Harlow’s segment with Fallon above.

Jack Harlow is a Warner Music artist. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group

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Willow Has A Heartbreak-Induced Exorcism In The Pained ‘Ur A Stranger’ Video

Willow’s follow-up to last year’s Lately I Feel Everything is here. COPINGMECHANISM is her newest LP, whose anticipation was built through tons of great singles like “Hover Like A Goddess” and “Curious/Furious.”

To accompany the release of this new record today, Willow unveiled a music video for the track “Ur A Stranger.” It’s a metallic, bitter heartbreak anthem that’s propelled forward with caustic riffs and Willow’s pained vocals. The video finds her expressing that frustration as fully as possible, having something of an exorcism. There’s also lots of alcohol. After the flash of chaos, the video ends with Willow getting kicked out of a bar.

Willow is set to perform on SNL for the second time this year tomorrow, Oct. 8, about which she said, “I’m nervous obviously, because being with Camila, a really, really good friend of mine, there’s that feeling of comfortability there where you can look across the stage and be like, ‘Girl, we’re in this together. We’re doing this.’ I’m not baring my soul alone on the stage. But now it’s going to be me baring my soul alone on the stage, and I’m just so grateful and so excited, but also sh*tting my pants, slightly.”

Watch the “Ur A Stranger” video above.

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Trae Young Tweets Draymond Green Punched Jordan Poole Because He’s ‘Tryna Get To LA’

Reports began circulating earlier this week about an incident at a Golden State Warriors practice. The long and the short of it is that Draymond Green threw a punch that hit Jordan Poole, which led to the veteran forward facing some sort of discipline from the team. On Friday, TMZ acquired and published the video of the altercation, which showed the two coming face-to-face, Poole shoving Green, and Green responding by throwing a right hook.

While we do not know the details, the timing of this is not especially great for Green, who can potentially hit unrestricted free agency next summer if he declines his player option. Green apparently wants a max contract from the team, while Golden State, as of July, had no plans of giving that to him. This means he can hit the open market this summer, and after watching the video, Atlanta Hawks guard Trae Young theorized that this is all part of a plan to go elsewhere in California.

Green is represented by Klutch, the agency that also represents LeBron James, Anthony Davis, and a number of other players on the Los Angeles Lakers’ roster. Of course, this is merely a joke by Young, and there is no indication that Green even wants to play for the Lakers just as a general thing, but perhaps this topic will be broached on the episode of The Shop that drops on Friday afternoon.

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Steve Lacy Doesn’t Believe Popular Culture Is Disposable Now: ‘People Just Aren’t Putting In The Time’

Steve Lacy is the man of the hour after his Gemini Rights single “Bad Habits” climbed the charts to overtake Harry Styles’ “As It Was” for the No. 1 spot on the Hot 100. Lacy, who is currently on his Give You The World Tour crisscrossing the United States, has gone from being a late addition to The Internet to one of Kanye West’s favorite artists (which is still saying something, even if Kanye is a little… off right now).

What makes all this even more impressive is that Lacy is defying the boundaries of being a Black artist in an era when there are still material benefits to following trends — especially the ones on TikTok. In a new feature in Billboard, Lacy’s quiet cool is compared to that of another Gemini, Lenny Kravitz, as the two rockstars — who are 34 years apart in age — get paired to talk about everything from vintage guitars to their worst breakups. They also address the above quandary, which ties into a question about whether or pop culture has become disposable due to technology-addled limited attention spans. Here’s what they thought:

Lacy: Oh, my God. I don’t believe that sh-t. I feel like people just aren’t putting the time in to make things that last longer. Me, I study things that last. I’m like, “What are those elements of songs that last?” I realized that it’s songwriting, drum selection, melodies, and lyrics.

Kravitz: Drum sounds, man! I spend so much time on the drums.

Lacy: It can kill a whole song. I’m so anal about the drums.

On a personal note, I’d throw in mixing. Underrated, almost unnoticeable, but a good mix can be the difference between a timeless classic and a disposable dud. Lacy and Kravitz’s convo is well-worth reading in full — especially for hardcore music equipment geeks — and puts an interesting twist on a fascinating glimpse into the creation processes of a legend… and a legend in the making.

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Kanye West Suggests His ‘White Lives Matter’ Antics Led To A Major Upcoming Concert Being Canceled

Kanye West, as he often does, finds himself in hot water at the moment. This time, it’s due to the “White Lives Matter” shirt he was recently seen wearing at Paris Fashion Week. Now, it appears Ye is experiencing some consequences of his fashion choice: Adidas recently said their partnership with West is “under review,” and now it appears West is losing to opportunity to secure a major venue for an upcoming concert.

Today, West shared a screenshot of what purports to be a text conversation between himself and Berlin-based creative director Niklas Bildstein Zaar, discussing a planned show at Inglewood, California’s SoFi Stadium (where the NFL’s Rams and Chargers play their home games). It starts with a text from Ye, saying, “We have the idea for Sofi stadium.” Zaar responds, “I just got news from Vaughn, that Sofi isn’t available any longer due to inability to staff the event on the current notice. Ive already asked twice to investigate further if theres anyway to make it happen regardless, but they got back with a firm no.”


Unlike other recent posts, this one does not appear to have any hidden secret messages in it.