‘Tis the season to role play! While Halloween has become synonymous with ghouls, gore, and all things spooky, it’s also a time for the flattered to do the flattering. As many of our favorite musical acts rushed to social media to share their over-the-top costumes, none quite stood out like that of Metallica legend James Hetfield.
Instead of opting for a gruesome getup, the Grammy winner traveled back in time to cosplay as himself, or at least the Stranger Things version of himself. Sporting a denim jacket with leather sleeves, faded black jeans, high-top Air Force Ones, and a Hellfire Club graphic tee, Hetfield stepped into the role of Eddie Munson effortlessly.
Since the character’s debut on the show, Munson, a magnetic metalhead, electric guitar player, and leader of the Hellfire Club has drawn comparisons to Hetfield, most notably for performing “Master Of Puppets” on the program.
While some fans were upset by the portrayal calling for supporters of the group to boycott the show, the vocalist seemed quite flattered.
Supportive fans joined in on the joke writing, “James was doing this look in the early 80s of course he’ll nail it,” and, “Eddie modeling himself after James Hetfield [then] James Hetfield dressing up as Eddie for Halloween it all comes full circle.”
eddie modeling himself after james hetfield –> james hetfield dressing up as eddie for halloween
it all comes full circle sdfghjkl;
— kargyle truther
(@chrissysisms) November 1, 2022
If Hetfield likes it, we love it.