Miles Bridges entered a no contest plea for a felony domestic violence charge on Thursday morning in Los Angeles, stemming from an incident in May in which he assaulted his then-girlfriend in front of their children, with three charges being brought against him in July.
As part of his no contest plea agreement, Bridges will not serve any jail time and does not officially admit guilt, but will instead be sentenced to three years of probation, which comes with a variety of stipulations, per ESPN’s Baxter Holmes.
During his three-year probation, Bridges, 24, will have to undergo 52 weeks of domestic violence counseling and 52 weeks of parenting classes, serve 100 hours of community service, and undergo weekly narcotics testing with marijuana allowed only if there is a valid doctor’s prescription. He cannot own any guns or ammunition or any dangerous weapons. He also will have to pay a restitution fine of $300 and a domestic violence fine of $500, and obey the terms of a 10-year protective order, staying 100 yards away from and having no contact with the woman. Bridges and the woman maintain custody over their two children, and any visitation or exchange of children must be done peacefully and through a neutral third party.
Bridges is not currently in the NBA, so the league has not handed out any punishment to the former Hornets star, but should he sign, the league could suspend him or outright disqualify him from playing in the league as part of the collective bargaining agreement for having plead no contest to a domestic violence charge.