Candice Cameron recently caught heat for declaring that, as the Great American Family network’s Chief Creative Officer, she would only make movies depicting “traditional marriage.” In other news from the same family, big brother Kirk Cameron can’t be thrilled after his publisher, Brave Books, wasn’t able to book him in “50-plus public libraries” (according to Fox News) so that he could do story hours to promote As You Grow, his children’s book that “defends family, faith and God.”
Here’s a Brave Books tweet that features photos from Brad Schwartzrock:
Actor and writer Kirk Cameron defends family, faith and God in new kids’ bookhttps://t.co/yuBxlhkhJi
— BRAVE Books (@BraveBooksUS) December 1, 2022
Fox News now reports that Kirk’s publisher has dealt with the dozens of denials (or flat-out instances of ignoring) from library representatives, one of which declared, “I don’t think that’s something that we would do.” Another library employee offered, “Because of how diverse our community is, I don’t know how many people you would get.” Fox News pointed out that some of these locations do offer the “drag queen story hours” that rile up the far-right:
Many of the same libraries that won’t give Cameron a slot, however, are actively offering “drag queen” story hours or similar programs for kids and young people, according to Cameron’s book publisher and according to a review of the libraries’ websites and current program listings.
As you can imagine, this has caused a stir on social media, where conservatives are defending Kirk, but many are accusing him of waving the “seasonal victim card.” It’s getting messy out there in America.
As someone who was a public library manager, we have zero obligation to allow anyone to do a program. He has money. He can rent out a space to spread his hate. Sheesh. What an ass.https://t.co/eJmME4OHjO
— Lecia Michelle: Author, Activist & Photographer
(@LeciaMichelle11) December 7, 2022
Being anti-Kirk Cameron is not the same as being anti-Christian. https://t.co/YuRBD0Ek5x
— Jerry Williams! (@GreaterSapien) December 7, 2022
You know it’s Christmas time when Kirk Cameron creeps out of irrelevance to play his seasonal victim card. Merry Christmas everyone!!!
— Fudo Finalform (
) (@FudoFinalform) December 7, 2022
Kirk Cameron is a right wing extremist and has no business being around children
— Bronxy Boy (@BronxyBoy666) December 7, 2022
Blowing up a power grid to oppose a drag show in your neighborhood is domestic terrorism. People without access to food and water, warmth or medical equipment is a tragedy. Kirk Cameron having to find another library to spew his religious opinion is called life & hurts no one.
— Lynnez
Rib Gone Rogue (@Lynnenallo) December 7, 2022
I’m sorry that Kirk Cameron Christian Extremist can’t read a Christian extremist book at a fucking public library that I literally pay taxes on and so do millions of others who sure as fuck don’t want Kirk Cameron Christian Extremist to read to our kids.
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) December 7, 2022
Sorry yall. I don’t care about Kirk Cameron not being able to read his lil book at a PUBLIC library, when that same system banned books about how black folks were treated by white folks in this country because of fragility. Read that damn book at home weirdo.
— TheRealPettyLaBelle (✿◠‿◠) (@telaynea) December 7, 2022
I’m hearing that libraries are doing their best to protect children from Kirk Cameron. Good for libraries.
— LaurenBaratzLogsted (@LaurenBaratzL) December 7, 2022
It appears white Christians like Kirk Cameron don’t like being excluded.
Something something something about people should have the freedom to be who and what they are. Oh really!
— clockoutwars (@clockoutwars) December 7, 2022
But drag queen shows are perfectly fine.
Kirk Cameron is denied story-hour slot by public libraries for his new faith-based kids book | Fox News https://t.co/ksWkPSN0vZ
— Sean Thornton (@SeanTho98192182) December 7, 2022
Kirk Cameron is trending for being a bigoted jerk.
His sister Candace, who runs the “Great American Family” so long as your family is not Black, Jewish, LGBT, Asian, Muslim, Atheist, did I mention Jewish, or, well, sane Network, is also no prize.
— Howard
(@HowardA_AtLaw) December 7, 2022
Yes, it must be holiday season.
(Via Fox News)