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Donald Trump Hosted — And Lavished Praise Upon — A Bunch Of QAnon Quacks At Mar-a Lago: ‘You Are Incredible People’

While Donald Trump has spent more than a week desperately attempting to erase the fact that he hosted infamous white supremacist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes for dinner at Mar-a-Lago, he apparently sees no issue in welcoming a group of QAnon conspiracy theorists to his Palm Beach golf club. (His “supernanny” must have had the night off.)

As The Daily Beast reports, Trump spent Tuesday night meeting with — and fawning over — a group of QAnon conspiracy theorists who were hosting a far-right fundraiser at the former president’s Palm Beach golf club and residence. Liz Crokin, a noted Pizzagate theorist, took to Telegram to write about what a “privilege and honor” it was “to speak at America’s Future fundraiser to combat child trafficking at Mar-A-Lago.” She also noted that she did, indeed, discuss Pizzagate.

For his part, Trump just seemed thrilled that anyone was excited to meet him. In a video that was filmed at the event, he told the room full of QAnon quacks that “You are incredible people, you are doing unbelievable work, and we just appreciate you being here, and we hope you’re going to be back.”

The Daily Beast did not receive a response after reaching out to the Trump campaign for a comment.

(Via The Daily Beast)