As James Gunn lays the groundwork for the next 10 years of the DC Universe, the director turned studio chief has been doing his best to be as transparent as possible with fans on social media. Part of that process has recently involved swatting down (or confirming) rumors that have been reported by prominent trade publications like the recent debacle over the fate of Wonder Woman 3 and Henry Cavill’s Superman return.
This time around, Gunn politely stepped in to debunk a new rumor about Robert Pattinson’s Batman. Until now, virtually every report has stated that both Gunn and Warner Bros. Discovery plan to leave the self-contained The Batman universe alone after the first film delivered some much-needed box office success earlier in the year.
However, a new report in Variety made a surprisingly bold claim that Gunn and co-chief Peter Saffran are “exploring the possibility” of bringing Pattinson’s Batman into their reimagined DC Universe. Gunn took to Twitter to shoot down the credibility of the “well-placed source” while making sure to praise writer Adam B. Vary for a history of good work.
“There are few reporters I love more than @adambvary – truly a good guy – but in this case he needs to get a new source as this is entirely untrue,” Gunn wrote.
There are few reporters I love more than @adambvary – truly a good guy – but in this case he needs to get a new source as this is entirely untrue. https://t.co/a7cnbTfpSi
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) December 14, 2022
To further toss dirt the rumor, The Batman director Matt Reeves also entered the fray by quote-tweeting his new DC Studios boss. “The source I’m really liking on this is Mr. @JamesGunn,” Reeves tweeted.
The source I’m really liking on this is Mr. @JamesGunn https://t.co/fYmy5to9A7
— Matt Reeves (@mattreevesLA) December 14, 2022
So there you have it. We may not know much about what James Gunn is planning for the DC Universe, but we can now say with a reasonable amount of confidence that everyone is going to leave RBattz alone. No one touch the Robert Battinson!