If you watched season one of BMF, 50 Cent’s most recent contribution to the crime-drama TV world in collaboration with creator Randy Huggins, then you have your thoughts on Lamar. Most fans drew a hard line between their support and dislike of Lamar due to his actions and decisions throughout the show. However, setting one’s feelings about Lamar aside, many could agree that Eric Kofi Abrefa, the man behind Lamar, absolutely crushed his role as the sworn enemy of Meech and T. With all of this being said, Lamar hit quite the wall at the end of season one of BMF, and if you had any hope of seeing him in season two, here’s your answer to that.
Will Lamar Be In Season 2 Of ‘BMF?’
Toward the end of season one, Lamar coerced Kato into helping him set up Meech in order to kill him and reclaim power in their Detroit neighborhoods. However, his plan backfires when Lamar learns that Kato is actually trying to set him up during the season one finale. Lamar tries to hold Kato hostage as he approaches Meech and fellow 50 Boyz member B-Mickie with a gun to Kato’s head. This proves to be unsuccessful as Meech fires and successfully hits Lamar. Just in case you thought Lamar may have survived the shooting for a return in season two, he does not appear on the cast list for the upcoming season which leaves Meech as the winner in their battle.
For more information on season two of BMF, you can check out an explainer here.
Season 2 of ‘BMF’ debuts on STARZ on January 6.