Vladimir Putin is reportedly heading to the bunker for the holidays, but he did find time to point some fingers over his disastrous war in Ukraine. Most recently, we’ve heard reports that Russia itself is feeling the squeeze (and people can’t even find paper throughout the nation). Putin has been ignoring the reality of Russia making soldiers use degraded ammo, and the Russian President has decided that making a champagne-fueled speech would somehow help matters, although it clearly did not.
Forbes now has details on Putin starting to admit that things are “complicated” over in Ukraine, as though he’s typing out a Facebook relationship status update. This news also arrives courtesy of Russian state news agency TASS, which reported that Putin is calling upon his security and intelligence officials to “significantly improve” the Russian border situation to ward off against potential terror attacks. Putin also seems nervous about being able to hold onto the Ukrainian territories that he claimed to annex in 2022:
The Russian leader added that the security situation was “extremely complicated” in the four occupied Ukrainian territories–which Moscow claimed to illegally annex following a sham referendum earlier this year–as he urged the security agencies to do everything needed to ensure the safety of “Russian people” living there.
The Moscow Times further reports that Putin is wagging fingers at his various counterintelligence experts while urging them to crack down on any “traitors, spies and saboteurs” within Russia’s ranks or coming in from elsewhere. Although paranoia might seem “normal” for a man who’s rumored to order his enemies/critics to be poisoned, this report did arrive after Russia passed the 300-day mark in Putin’s imperialistic war. He’s feeling the heat, and we can probably expect him to keep lashing out. For now, though, he’s off to the bunker.
(Via Moscow Times & Forbes)