Florida has been a bad boy to the dominatrix community.
A dominatrix, known only as Mistress, attended a City Commission meeting in Fort Lauderdale on Tuesday, asking the councilpeople to spend $250,000 “to support doms and subs in Broward County [by building] a dungeon, created for us, by us, the taxpayers and voting citizens.” Mistress, flanked by two accomplices who looked like extras in a Lady Gaga music video, hijacked the meeting following a no-doubt riveting discussion about a “solid waste management” contract.
One of the regular items on the commission’s agenda Tuesday included debate about a $906,500 contract for solid waste management. She explained that she was “neutral” regarding the waste management contract, but “found it interesting” that the commission was willing to spend almost $1 million “to hide your secrets down the drain, hiding that condom I know you used to cheat on your spouse with.”
Mistress concluded her brief, well-reasoned statement, “Do not let this glamorous look distract you from doing your duty to take my demand. I look forward to spanking each and every one of you at the new esteemed dungeon. You are dismissed.”
The spectators seemed pretty chill about the whole thing, while one of the commissioners wished Mistress and her friends a happy holiday, which is nice. Here’s an idea: why not combine the two? A waste processing plant that’s also a sex cauldron (I thought they closed that place down). There are probably a few subs who would enjoy that.
Here’s video from the meeting:
At last night’s Fort Lauderdale City Commission meeting, “Mistress” spoke during public comment to propose that $250,000 of a $1 million solid waste management contract go “to support doms and subs in Broward County to build a dungeon.” #BecauseFlorida pic.twitter.com/VI2FHVuU7B
— Because Miami (@BecauseMiami) December 21, 2022
Good luck, Mistress! We’re rooting for you.
(Via Mediaite)