United States senator and self-proclaimed masculinity expert Josh Hawley stopped by Tucker Carlson‘s show this week to rage about his favorite topic: porn. Namely, how American men are watching too much of it, and Hawley wants them to stop because they should be making babies instead. You know, because it’s that easy.
While ranting to Carlson, Hawley blamed liberals for training men to withdraw into easily obtained pornography when there’s clearly a vast sea of waiting and available women for them to impregnate. All these wayward men have to do is talk to them, and boom, let the baby-making begin. It’s practically foolproof. Via Mediaite:
Somebody’s got to be honest and tell the truth to these young men, and the truth is that the porn industry is selling them a total lie, and the truth is American society needs them. We need them to step up. We need them to go get married and have families and be responsible husbands and fathers. This society is impoverished because too many young men are too despairing or too check out on social media or porn to be doing what we need them to do as a country.
Of course, this topic is just a further extension of Hawley’s obsession with masculinity. The Missouri senator wrote an upcoming book on how today’s modern man aren’t the virile, strapping men of yore, which people found particularly rich coming from the guy who was caught on video running out of the Capitol building on January 6 after pumping his fist in support of the insurrectionist crowd.
Did porn and video games make Senator Hawley a coward or is it a natural talent he was born with? Inquiring minds want to know.
(Via Mediaite)