Lil Yachty might be one of the biggest rappers in the world right now, especially with his viral hit, “Poland.” However, despite his resume in the rap game, boasting years of bangers, he admitted he doesn’t really live the sex, drugs, and rock and roll lifestyle: In a recent interview on the Sofia With An F podcast, Yachty admitted that he’s not sexually active.
“I don’t have sex, and I think women probably think I’m gay,” he said. “I don’t care that much. I think a lot of times women think if they flying out to you like that we have to have sex. Or like that’s on my mind.”
Yachty broke through in the mid-2010s with hits like “Minnesota,” “One Night,” and “Broccoli,” which is likely when most of his partying days took place. Though still a heavy-hitter, Yachty seems to have slowed down on the debauchery in recent years.
“I just had so much sex that it’s, like, diluted to me,” Yachty said. “Yea, like, it’s just… it’s not what it used to be. Like, I get off more on just really laughing. Like, ’cause laughing is so good to laugh and it’s a real laugh and it’s like yea, we’re laughing together.”
While he’s not driven by sex, one thing that hasn’t changed is Yachty’s love for pizza: Back in September, he launched a line of frozen pizzas at Walmart called Yachty’s Pizzeria.