Here we are, friends, in the final stretch to the 2022 finish line. What a year it has been!
Every week this year, we’ve shared a roundup of 10 things that made us smile, and you have told us time and time again that you love it. (Who wouldn’t love a regular collection of joy all in one place?)
To close out the year, we’re doing this week’s roundup a little differently. Millions of you follow us on Instagram, where we curate and share delightful, uplifting things we find around the interwebs. It’s always fun to look back at the end of the year and see what resonated most with people, so we’ve gathered together our 10 most beloved Instagram posts of 2022 for your enjoyment.
From sweet big brothers to bird and queso lovers, this top 10 countdown is a delightful reminder of the things that made us smile the most this year.
10. ‘Living statue’ broke character when a toddler insisted on giving him a hug.
Who can resist a wholesome toddler hug? Nobody can. (And nobody should.)
9. A pilot brought an airplane-obsessed 2-year-old into the cockpit to be his co-pilot.
Representation matters and this kiddo got to see firsthand that dreams can come true.
8. Bird researcher became a human bird feeder and her silent excitement was adorable.
First of all, brrr. Second of all, what a fun idea. Third of all, her face after the bird ate from her face feeder was everything.
7. Boy met his baby brother for the first time and his reaction melted everyone’s hearts.
Oh, what a little feeler! Hudson is a very lucky little brother.
6. Kids named ‘Internet’ and ‘Ordinary’? So, so close.
Shout out to our social media team for the caption on the first one here (“She wins the Antionette.” LOL), but click through for more hilarious kids-getting-names-wrong stories.
5. Little girl’s reaction to her ‘silly Popsy’ shaving his beard was priceless.
Classic toddler, from “I don’t like it, take it off!” to “Hey, why did you take it off?” She sure loves her silly Popsy, though. Too cute.
4. Kiddo’s sweet reaction to holding his newborn baby sister was just pure love.
We have a bit of a theme here, with two new big brothers on our list. But come on. It doesn’t get any purer than this.
3. Baby ate queso for the first time and his face said it all.
Queso baby is all of us.
2. Neighborhood kids run to greet man with Alzheimer’s every day after school.
Tissue warning was definitely in order for this one. What a beautiful example of community.
1. Hector the hummingbird—and the human who hand-feeds him—were the favorites of 2022.
Hector loves his nectar and everyone loves Hector. And that resonant voice from Hector’s human friend makes his visit all the better.
Thanks for a year full of smiles, everyone. If you’d like our weekly 10 things roundups delivered to your inbox in 2023, sign up for our free newsletter, The Upworthiest, here. Have a safe and happy new year!