Despite underperforming at the box office and delivering the first official “flop” for the franchise, Solo: A Star Wars Story is still well regarded by fans who have been clamoring for another sequel with Alden Ehrenreich as the lovable space rogue. The movie’s just darn fun, and it set up an intriguing story in its final moments that would’ve put Han on a collision course with another fan-favorite character, Darth Maul.
However, in the four years since Solo stumbled, taking movies about Boba Fett and Obi-Wan down with it, there have been rumors that the franchise could be revived either in theaters or on Disney+ as has been the trend. Unfortunately, Solo director Ron Howard is here with a bucket of cold hard reality about the nature of those talks.
“The only discussion that I’m aware of about a sequel for Solo is coming from the fans at this point,” Howard told NME. “I don’t think it’s a Lucasfilm priority, as I understand it.”
Oof. Presumably realizing he just crushed the hopes of Solo fans, Howard tried to soften the blow a bit with the old “anything is possible” bit.
“But there’s some great characters launched, and the folks from Lucasfilm love the fans and really do listen so I would never say never,” Howard added. “But I’m not aware of any concrete plans right now to extend the story or deal with that particular set of characters.”
To Howard’s point, Solo has been referenced in not one, but two recent Star Wars series. The Pike Syndicate, which appeared in the film, had a strong presence in The Book of Boba Fett. More surprisingly, Andor actually dropped a solid Solo reference by revealing that Cassian Andor and Han Solo were both at the Battle of Mimban featured in the film. That might not be much, but it is a sign that Lucasfilm does have love for the seemingly forgotten prequel film.
(Via NME)