House Republicans have yet to take a firm stance on antisemitic comments made by MAGA poster boys like Donald Trump and Kanye West, but they have started scrubbing old tweets praising the bigoted firebrands in case they need to jump ship.
Earlier today, a user discovered that a tweet from a few weeks ago by the account run by the Republicans’ on the House Judiciary Committee had been removed from the group’s official account. The original tweet was sent in October of this year, around the time Elon Musk welcomed Kanye back to the social media site and just a month before Trump’s account would be reinstated. It read simply, “Kanye. Elon. Trump.” The holy trinity of exhausting narcissistics.
A reporter for The Daily Beast had visited the account to see if the tweet was still live, which it was at 1 p.m. Just 34 minutes later, another user noticed the tweet had been removed.
Not anymore
— Nana 2point0 (@Kvffour) December 1, 2022
The House Judiciary Committee Republican account appear to have finally deleted the “Kanye. Elon. Trump.” tweet it sent in early October. pic.twitter.com/KmmPkMh4cz
— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) December 1, 2022
Why the sudden change of heart?
It seems the move may be tied to West’s disastrous appearance on Alex Jones’s InfoWars show, which was live streaming as the House GOP account deleted the post. On the stream, West donned a black mask covering his entire face and carried a bible onto the set. He then launched into a tirade about Jewish people pushing pornography before expressing his admiration for Adolf Hitler for inventing things like the Autobahn and microphones.
“I see good things about Hitler also,” West said. “I love everyone, and Jewish people are not gonna tell me, ‘You can love us and what we’re doing to you with the contracts and what we’re pushing with the pornography…’ But this guy who invented highways invented the very microphone that I use as a musician, you can’t say out loud anything good that this person ever did. Every human being has something of value that they brought to the table. Especially Hitler.”
It seems that labeling the Holocaust — the only thing Hitler “brought to the table” — as something of value was a step too far for the House GOP because their endorsement of West vanished after this interview.
While this Kanye/Alex Jones livestream is going, the GOP House Judiciary account finally deleted this tweet after nearly two months. https://t.co/jPfbmtoS0O pic.twitter.com/wWPzzy0t8X
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) December 1, 2022
Then again, House Republicans were probably less offended by West’s endorsement of genocide than they were by his outfit choices. Blatant anti-Semitism and Hitler isolation are fine, but we all know how right-wingers feel about face coverings. Wearing a mask is just a bridge too far.