The Walking Dead recently ended with Season 11, but the franchise ain’t dead. The first spinoff, Fear The Walking Dead, will also end this year with an eighth and final season, and get ready for more spinoffs to rise like the undead. The Rick Grimes/Michonne spinoff, for example, will arrive in 2024, but first, Daryl In Paris is coming because — I guess? — he learned to make his motorcycle fly to Europe. Hey, when it comes to this franchise, some questions might be better than the actual answers. And before that magic happens, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Lauren Cohan’s Negan and Maggie spinoff, The Walking Dead: Dead City, will drop them into New York City, where showrunner Eli Jorne promises even grosser Walkers than we’ve seen on AMC already.
Morgan has been going through the paces to prepare, and he seems seriously damn grateful for the infamy brought by his Negan (N3gan?) role. However, this has not come without a downside. Morgan remains very aware of the backlash that followed after Negan whipped out Lucille upon the head of Glenn in Season 7. As Insider reveals via a recent TCA panel, Morgan still hears about it from fans on the street:
Of his controversial entrance onto the show, Morgan said, “It changed my life. That one scene changed my life, literally, in so many ways. And I still get sh*t for it.”
“I live in New York and so I walk down those streets, and the people that are there remind me daily that Glenn was their favorite character,” Morgan added to a laugh from the crowd.
Negan, of course, did countless other terrible things, and later, the show put him on a redemptive path that has now led to a team-up that previously seemed unlikely. That is to say, Negan will help Maggie locate her son, Hershel Rhees (son of Glenn), long after, you know, what he did. The path that followed was not a straightforward one, and all of the resulting nuances (yep, this franchise does have them) will surely rise up in discussions when Dead City arrives in Spring 2023.
(Via Insider)