For nearly a year, the FDA has flirted with banning menthol cigarettes. Those efforts have amped up recently, with New York City considering a ban, too. Few have been as angry at this as insurrection defender and incompetent elections soothsayer Tucker Carlson, who’s dedicated multiple segments to getting weirdly angry about the subject, despite cigarettes having nowhere near the public pull they once did (unless you’re Post Malone). As is Tucker’s wont, he went a little farther into the breach than usual on Friday night, even claiming that highly addictive cigarettes, which are incredibly hard to quit, somehow “free the mind.”
Tucker: They hate nicotine. They love THC.. Why do they hate nicotine? Because nicotine frees your mind and thc makes you compliant and passive pic.twitter.com/M73aC2IeWy
— Acyn (@Acyn) January 21, 2023
“Why do they hate tobacco? It’s not because it causes cancer,” Tucker railed. “They don’t care about your health. They closed the gyms during COVID. Anyone who closed a gym during a pandemic that kills people who are fat clearly doesn’t care about your health at all.”
That’s some truly tinfoil hat logic, given how easily COVID could spread at a gym, but that wasn’t even the kookiest part. This was: “They hate nicotine. They love THC. They’re promoting weed to your children but they’re not letting you use tobacco or even non-nicotine-delivery devices, which don’t cause cancer. Why do they hate nicotine? Because nicotine frees your mind and THC makes you compliant and passive, that’s why.”
As anyone who’s had to quit smoking tobacco knows, tobacco certainly does the opposite of freeing your mind. It causes both physical and psychological distress. Over the last couple decades, tobacco has grown increasingly unpopular, which surely doesn’t sit well with tobacco companies. Indeed, the world hasn’t heard pro-tobacco nonsense like the kind Tucker has been spouting since the ‘80s.
Tucker’s pro-tobacco ranting certainly turned heads.
conservatives turning nicotine cigarettes into a culture war issue would be incredible https://t.co/19bNJNddkb
— AquaImperium (@aquaimperium8) January 21, 2023
“nicotine frees your mind” is just a beautifully psychotic sentence. he should keep going with this shit. “asbestos strengthens your lungs,” “arsenic makes your blood thicker,” “pesticides are good for your bones.” the sky’s the limit. come out as pro-anthrax. you’ll be a legend https://t.co/9AhqXsIn1H
— Sal Gentile (@salgentile) January 21, 2023
We’re about a week away from him firing a gun on set. https://t.co/qJNoI94mVc
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) January 21, 2023
have you ever been a habitual smoker without nicotine after 24 hours? your mind is definitely not “free” https://t.co/Sj9cAirPpE
— hannah gais (@hannahgais) January 21, 2023
Tucker in two weeks: The left doesn’t want you smacking yourself in the face with a cast iron skillet. They say it won’t work like it does in Tom & Jerry, that it won’t make your face as flat as a pancake or make your teeth fall out like piano keys. But what are they hiding? https://t.co/5Q13HCwUsN
— Velodus
(@velodus) January 21, 2023
It’s yet another example, like demonizing COVID vaccines, of Republicans passionately telling their base to do things that kill them.
Honestly the entire Republican project seems to be about identifying things that lower life expectancy and then insisting on those things. https://t.co/kMUoxGy5cZ
— A.R. Moxon (@JuliusGoat) January 21, 2023
Between being anti-vax and pro-cigarette, I’m completely convinced that rightwing media’s endgoal is just to kill off its entire audience. https://t.co/J4YTwlRNOG
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) January 21, 2023
Who needs to get vaccinated against a potentially deadly respiratory virus when there are so many cigarettes to smoke?! https://t.co/nD33zxlX6F
— The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) January 21, 2023