In today’s world, it’s easy to get caught up in all the negative news we’re exposed to, but in reality, most good deeds are done away from a camera—just one person helping another without desire for fanfare. And for mom Bryanne McBride and her young son, Mason, that’s exactly what they were doing when they got the surprise of a lifetime.
Bryanne was approached by a man in a parking lot asking for a dollar to catch the bus. The entire time, the mom scrounged around in her purse looking for spare change and revealed she felt bad because she thought she had some. Bryanne’s desire to help was a simple act of kindness to another human in need without the expectation of something in return.
During the time it took for the unsuspecting mother to dig for loose change, the “stranded” stranger, Zach, introduced himself and asked if the duo were from Philly. Once they said they were from the area, he then inquired if they were Eagles fans…the football team, not the birds. “You ever been to an Eagles game?” Zach asked.
The two quickly said no but the mom was focused on retrieving some quarters for this stranger. Zach continued to question them about the Eagles game, asking, “Would you want to go one day?” The answer was an enthusiastic yes, though Bryanne never broke her gaze from the purse as she looked for change. When she finally relented that she had no money in her purse and would need to check her car, she came back to a surprise.
Zach asked why Bryanne was so willing to help him and her response was just more evidence that she’s simply a kind person. “I hate telling people no, especially when I can help,” she said. After she handed him the money, he gave it to Mason and said he didn’t actually need it before handing the generous mom $500 in cash. But Zach wasn’t done—he had tickets to the Eagles game that night and gave the mother and son the tickets.
Watch their sweet exchange: