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Diddy’s Bodyguard Informs People That He ‘Don’t Do Jingles’ In A Hilarious Uber Pre-Super Bowl Ad

Ahead of the Super Bowl next month, Uber Eats unleashed their new ad for their ‘Uber One’ membership.

Three people attempt to pitch Diddy an ad, but appear to be unsuccessful. The camera cuts back to the media mogul wearing sunglasses and a stern expression before his bodyguard hilariously notes that “Diddy don’t do jingles.”

“No, of course not, it’s not a jingle,” the woman replies.

“It’s one song for Uber One,” another man adds off-screen.

The bodyguard repeats the sentiment again. “Diddy. Don’t. Do. Jingles.

“Right. Of course. Diddy doesn’t do jingles,” she says again. “We just want a hit though.”

Thankfully, his bodyguard notes, “Diddy does do hits.”

“We’ll take a hit,” she responds.

Diddy finally cracks a big smile, showing off his pearly teeth. “Diddy is excited,” the guard points out in a deadpan voice.

The rapper then accepts a call, where he instructs the person on the other end to “meet me at the studio.” If there is an actual song in the works, we’d love to hear how Diddy’s non-jingle (totally not) works out.

“Watch Diddy not do a jingle,” the text reads with the date of the football game.

The timing of this ad and the look on Diddy’s face the entire time is truly the best part of this. It’s something you just have to see to understand. Watch Diddy’s Uber One ad above.