While Eagles fans who were at Sunday’s game in Philadelphia were busy celebrating the Birds’ upcoming trip to the Super Bowl by climbing the city’s (greased) light posts, those who were watching the post-game revelry on television were forced to witness something terrifying: Eagles quarterback singing an ear-piercing rendition of “Fly, Eagles Fly,” the team’s victory song. It was, in a word, painful. As Jimmy Kimmel confirmed.
On Monday night, Kimmel recounted the ghastly bit of warbling when he explained how the game went down — and how it ended:
“After the game, Philly fans took to the streets to celebrate the way Philly fans celebrate: Loudly and drunkenly… The Eagles were led by Jalen Hurts, their quarterback, who may well win a Super Bowl. But I think it’s safe to say he will not be winning American Idol any time soon.”
Kimmel gave HurtS a break though, as singing is not really his job. (Thank god.) “Have you ever seen Adele throw a spiral? Terrible,” Kimmel added.
Kimmel, of course, was not the only one whose ears bled on Sunday night, as evidenced by the tweets below. But you can watch his recap of the event above. The Eagles will play in Kansas City Chiefs in the Super Bowl on Sunday, February 12th.
Jalen Hurtz singing #FlyEaglesFly was COMEDDYYYYYY last night
(@justkoolie) January 30, 2023
“That was the worst and yet the most wholesome rendition of the eagles fight song I’ve ever heard!!” Said my teary eyed daughter after listening to Jalen Hurtz’s singing! #Eagles #ItsAPhillyThing #SuperBowlBound
— Betty Chandy (@chandy_b) January 30, 2023
Jalen hurtz should stick to football and not sing
— Playoff Team Loading…
(@GingerLioness69) January 29, 2023