Budgeting your money doesn’t have to be hard. If you’re young and employed you probably know all to well the feeling of living paycheck to paycheck. Of busting your back — and mental health — at a job that makes you feel either underappreciated, under-supported, or lacking any free time to, you know, live. Or worse, all three at the same time!
Luckily, we live in an era where there are a lot of qualified individuals out there who have that whole financial literacy thing down pat and they are offering that advice to people on their Instagram and TikTok. So as we step into 2023, allow us to introduce you to the budgeting gurus that you need to follow to help stretch that dough.
The Broke Black Girl
Dasha Kennedy is a financial activist that shares contemporary and culturally relevant financial literacy resources at a near-constant clip on her Instagram. Her main focus is on the financial hardships of being a black woman in the modern age, but the tools and advice she shares apply to everyone.
From how to develop a $1000 emergency fund for the year, to how to manage your time and monitor your finances, and how to set money aside to invest, Dasha is always offering a brilliant bit of financial wisdom that actually seems doable, no matter your income level.
Above all else, she’s funny and relatable, which is rare with financial gurus who always seem so secure in their funds and plans. Dasha isn’t afraid to be real and reveal that it’s okay to not have it all figured out.
Humphrey Yang is a personal finance, money, and investing guru who respects your time, and we love him for that. On his TikTok, Humphrey Talks, Yang offers all sorts of sensible tips for investing in Roth IRAs and why things like compound interest and consistent investing can better set you up for retirement in a small easy-to-digest package.
And if you want to go deeper, his YouTube channel offers longer videos that offer more detail regarding investing tips and how to make your money work for you.
Haley Sacks of MrsDowJones has been recognized by major publications like the Wall Street Journal and New York Times, and has been named one of Fortune’s 40 under 40 and InStyle’s Badass 50 for her adept skill at educating young people on how to save more money.
What makes Sacks fun to follow is that she gears her money-saving tips to things that we actually care about right now, like buying concert tickets or negotiating better wages from our bosses while still offering the practical tips that’ll help your later lives remain financially stable.
With 2.6 million followers on TikTok, Milan Singh is one of the top finance creators on TikTok, and watching even a handful of his videos, it’s easy to see why.
His tips are sensible, direct, and subject-specific, with simple tips on everything from budgeting your sneaker obsession, to how to start a business, and how to combat small everyday charges you probably don’t think about and how they add up to carve up your earnings.
The Pink Tax costs women HOW MUCH?!
The “pink tax” refers to the higher prices that are often charged for products marketed to women, compared to similar products marketed to men. The pink tax affects a wide range of products, including personal care items (such as razors and shampoo), clothing, and toys. The pink tax is not always justified, and many experts and advocates argue that it is a form of discrimination. One study by the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs found that women in the city paid an average of 7% more than men for products and services in a variety of categories, including personal care, home health care, and clothing. Another study by the Women’s Rights and Resource Center in 1994 found that the pink tax costs women in the United States an average of $1,351 per year, or about $40,000 over a lifetime – I can’t imagine how high these numbers have risen to today. Here are a couple ways you can fight the pink tax: – Support companies who are taking a stand against the pink tax with gender-neutral pricing. – Buy more gender-neutral items when shopping for toys, razors, shampoos, deodorant, etc. – Avoid the dry cleaners as much as possible (the price difference between men & women here is notorious) Follow to learn more of what school SHOULD’VE taught you about money
Appreciate you! -Nick . . . . . . Disclaimer: This content is purely educational in nature and is NOT intended to be financial or tax advice. Consult with a qualified professional who understands your specific situation before making any financial decision. Nick holds the CFP® designation, and had a career as a financial planner, but does not currently advise clients and solely focuses on creating educational financial media. . . #learnontiktok #moneytok #personalfinance
♬ Monkeys Spinning Monkeys – Kevin MacLeod & Kevin The Monkey
Nick Meyer does what so many financial gurus don’t do well — he makes financial literacy fun. Money is fun, financial advising, is not!
But Nick Meyer makes learning about how to stretch your dollars as entertaining as all the other TikTok videos you watch thanks to a heavy reliance on costumes, green screens, and jokes.
Daniella Flores is the self-proclaimed side hustle queen and focuses her efforts on helping neurodivergent and LGBTQ+ folks increase their money-making abilities via side hustles and work-from-home resources.
What makes Flores so special is that she helps to turn your own interests into money-making endeavors, rather than offering you tips on ways to make money that don’t necessarily speak to your personality or skills.
Her Instagram is full of quick bites of information, but if you want the real cheat codes, you’ll have to visit her I Like to Dabble blog, which goes way more in-depth.
If you want to simultaneously fight the patriarchy while making bank, Tori Dunlap is the creator for you. Through her TikTok, HerFirst100k, Dunlap instills her 2.2 million followers with the tools to negotiate their way to better and more equitable wages.
From how to talk to your boss, to negotiating for your dream job, to what sort of money mistakes to avoid, Dunlap keeps you educated in easy-to-digest videos that are as fun to watch as they are informative. She’s also written her own book, Financial Feminist, which should be required reading for every person in their twenties looking to get paid what they’re worth.
Taylor Price, which, yes, is actually her real name, is host to some of our favorite finance tips on Twitter.
Whether it’s negotiating your check-out bill at Target using the company’s little-mentioned price-match policy, hacking your resume, or how to better take advantage of your credit card benefits, Price lays out the financial mistakes that are all too common that carve into your budget and how to get ahead of those mistakes so you end up with more money in your pocket.