Without Barbara Walters blazing the trail for women anchors, there would be no Megyn Kelly, and the ex-Fox News host made sure to mention that fact while recognizing the passing of Walters, who died at age 93 ahead of the New Year’s weekend. However, things took a surprisingly less reverent turn when Kelly started criticizing Walters’ parenting shortly after praising the late newswoman’s groundbreaking work.
“There is no question that this woman was a trailblazer in news and accomplished feats that would never really be matched and could never be matched,” Kelly said. “She made it in a time when women weren’t being taken seriously and when it was very hard to be considered as a serious news person, right? And all of us who have come in her wake owe her a debt of gratitude on that front.”
With that flowery introduction out of the way, Kelly started tearing into Walters being an absent mother to her adopted daughter. Via Mediaite:
“What I saw was an incredible person professionally. And I would never take one moment of that away from her. But a woman who completely fell down on the job when it came to her mothering.”
“It was jarring to me, her admissions about her own mothering and also what her book said without her seeming to realize it about her lane there as a mom. She talked about how she adopted a little girl named — she named her Jackie after Barbara’s sister. And the daughter never saw her mother,” Kelly added.
Kelly then took things even further by citing how Mike and Chris Wallace patched things up after the iconic 60 Minutes anchor confessed to being a “sh*tty father.” No such resolution happened with Walters, according to Kelly.
“My impression in reading the book was she was clueless about just how much damage she was inflicting on the child,” she said.
The Piano Recital is set to make a return to Carnegie Hall in New York City this year, after a five-year hiatus. The Piano Recital puts some of the best acts in music at the venue’s solo piano on the Stern Auditorium / Perelman Stage.
Taking the stage this year are Michelle Zauner, better known as Japanese Breakfast, as well as Kevin Morby, Craig Finn of The Hold Steady, Phil Cook, and Eric D. Johnson of Fruit Bats and Bonny Light Horseman.
“Playing a unique gig like The Piano Recital is always a true joy,” said Johnson in a statement. “I played the first incarnation of it some years back and it was a blast – a great memory that lives on. To be able to return to it, this time at a legendary spot like Carnegie Hall, is like a dream come true.”
The upcoming show is one of what may be several exciting projects Zauner has in the books for 2023. Back in 2021, Zauner released her memoir, Crying In H-Mart. In October 2022, she revealed the book is in the process of being adapted for a film during an interview with Elle.
“I’m working on final revisions of the script for the studio,” she said, noting that before the interview, “I was actually writing a teenage argument between me and my mom. Hopefully, we’ll be attaching a director soon.”
The Piano Recital will take place on February 25 at 8 pm. Tickets are available for purchase here.
A new year brings new questions about the flood of new and returning TV shows and wannabe blockbuster films. Is there still magic in Indiana Jones’ fedora? Can Yellowjackets top itself? What’s the next beloved show headed for the exit? Will people flock to Barbie? And what, exactly, is going on with DC? Thoughts and theories on all of the above can be found here with Uproxx writers Jessica Toomer and Jason Tabrys debating the finer points of these big questions as we kickstart our month-long 2023 entertainment preview.
What’s The Deal With DC?
Jason Tabrys: So we know a few things: Black Adam is not in James Gunn’s plans. Henry Cavill is also not in James Gunn’s plans. We’ve got Shazam, Blue Beetle, Aquaman 2, and Flash coming this year (I guess). But it’s hard to know what matters in the overall architecture of what’s next for DC since we don’t know the plan yet; we don’t even know how the plan’s going to be introduced. Blue Beetle is a film James Gunn has promoted. So maybe that one has an inside track to being a part of whatever’s next, especially if Booster Gold is a part of it — which feels like a very James Gunn character. And then there’s the Flash, and everything with Ezra Miller. How do you determine what matters and what doesn’t with the DC universe at this point?
Jessica Toomer: I think it’s safe to just assume nothing matters. I would hope that fans who like these movies will enjoy what will probably be the last run of a lot of them. I mean, I think DC is unloading Flash just because it doesn’t want to lose money. I think they’ll wash their hands of it. I think Shazam might have a place because it is a kind of weird character that does connect some different universes. But I don’t think James Gunn is going to be able to do his quirky, off-beat bit with every new superhero and movie DC is trying to introduce in this next phase. I think he’s going to be limited in that a little bit because they are trying to build basically what Marvel has
Tabrys: That might not be a glitch. That might be a feature for him to keep expanding the idea of what he’s able to do. Which is something he’s done before. Guardians Of The Galaxy has a lot more heart and sentiment than Slither. I guess the bigger question that I have is, can these films change the course of whatever’s coming next? If people are like ‘Hot, damn, we’ve got to throw some Avatar money at Shazam,’ is that going to change things?
Toomer: Based on the rumors and what’s been confirmed, I don’t think anything’s going to change the plan that they’re brewing at this point.
Will The Reboot Boom Take Off In 2023?
Tabrys: We’ve got a lot of franchises that are eager to jump back to the forefront this year. There’s a new Transformers movie coming, there’s a new Hunger Games prequel coming from Francis Lawrence, the Wonka film with Timothée Chalamet is en route,Indiana Jones 5 is also dropping. Are these films going to be able to have the same popularity that preceeding iterations have had?
Toomer: No. I’m being very negative right now, but no, I don’t think so. I think Indiana Jones might have a good chance only because that franchise is so beloved. Harrison Ford is a bona fide movie star and then they’re adding Phoebe Waller-Bridge, so it does seem exciting where they’re taking it. I don’t think people have cared about Transformers in a hot minute. I think that’s the same issue with this Hunger Games prequel, plus they’re making the weird choice to focus on the origin story of the villain of that original trilogy. At the moment, nothing has built the kind of excitement it needs to cut through the noise, save Indiana Jones. But hey, there’s still time.
Tabrys: I’ll admit, I am very curious about Indiana Jones. I’m a huge fan, but I don’t know that the movie is going to be a gargantuan hit. It’s going to need Top Gun: Maverick buzz, where people are blown away by how broadly appealing the story is, and by how much of a crowd-pleaser it is. They can’t just lean on nostalgia here. They actually have to break the mold and tell a story.
The last time they made a truly great, celebrated Indiana Jones film was in 1989. So I have a little anger toward the Indiana Jones franchise. I feel like in a lot of ways they’ve let it just sort of rot on the vine for 30 years. So I’m curious if this film is actually going to captivate large swaths of people. I don’t think you can just market a film that’s going to appeal to 40-year-old and 50-year-old guys anymore. I don’t know that this isn’t going to just rest on that built-in audience. Top Gun was fighter jets and shit blowing up versus, what, an old dude with a hat and a whip? I feel like I’m going to burst into fan hell flames here saying all this, but I don’t feel like it has the same visual pop. I’m hopeful that I’ll be proven wrong.
Toomer: As am I, but then, I am always hoping you’ll be proven wrong.
Should We Get Ready To Say Goodbye?
Toomer: I think I would like for us collectively to be a bit more critical about when the right time to end a show is. I think the Ted Lasso team has said they had a number in mind and I hope that they stick to that number. I’m for shows going out on top. I appreciate that. I want them to stick the landing and not just kind of leave us on a cliff or linger until we lose interest. I think with something like Barry , I know you’ve said to me you don’t know where else they can go.
Tabrys: With Barry, it’s not that they’ve run out of things. I just can’t conceive of where they’ll go from here, but I said that before last season and they delivered a magnificent season. Maybe their best while spreading the ball around to the entire cast in really inspiring ways. But I naturally wonder, with the way it ended (and I’m trying to be gentle and not spoil), if the end game is near. But I fully expect Bill Hader to make me look like a schmuck by dropping another 5 seasons of brilliance on us and/or by completely reconstructing what the show is a la Atlanta.
As far as the overall thing of less is more, I’m really mixed on the idea. People get joy from these shows. People get jobs from these shows. If there’s a reason to keep running them and people are still getting joy, then, screw it. If it’s the same core folks behind the scenes and in front of the camera and people are still loving it, I hope these shows run for as long as everybody still gets joy and a paycheck out of it.
Toomer: I guess we’re just different. I’m a story purist, Jason, and you are trash for ratings.
Tabrys: No, I am a bringer and celebrator of joy. You keep your art. I’ll keep my happiness.
Is Barbie Going To Be A Hit?
Warner Bros. Pictures
Toomer: I’m worried because I think Barbieis going to be a bit smarter than people think. Some people got the references in its first full-length trailer and some people didn’t. That’s why I worry about Barbie. I think it might be too smart for us. I think Greta Gerwig has more than proven she can make this kind of material work. She’s a pro at writing for women and her last two films have performed well at the box office, but both Little Women and Lady Bird were holiday releases. She hasn’t had a Summer blockbuster drop yet and that’s just a whole different beast. Barbie is going to be competing with the kind of wild action epics and superhero stories that want to be the next Top Gun so… I’m not saying ‘dumb things down’ but I think marketing this thing is going to be key. It’ll deliver either way but it’s got to be more than just, what did you call it Jason when we were planning this, ‘internet famous?’
Tabrys: Yeah, films like Barbie and Cocaine Bear are going to get so much attention on social and on film twitter that I worry that they’re going to be taken for granted or pigeonholed by the conversation (Barbie is camp! Cocaine Bear is chaos!). I’m worried marketing departments are going to see the buzz and assume these things are in the bag but these are films that, like you said, are going to maybe have a tougher time hooking people (no capes, no cowls!) to actually put money on the counter, which is a bigger ask than asking them to ReTweet or pass around a candy-colored meme of Ryan Gosling in a denim vest.
Will Yellowjackets Live Up To The Hype?
Tabrys: There are so many questions about Yellowjackets. This show came out of nowhere. Is it possible to live up to the hype and actually pull this off again?
Toomer: How dare you?!
Tabrys: I want it to! But is it possible?
Toomer: Of course it is. You know how I feel about this show. Do you want to end our friendship right here?
Tabrys: Fine, fine. And yes, I know you ride or die for this show. You were telling me it was going to be a hit well before it debuted.
Toomer: Girls’ soccer team, cannibals, survival drama. What’s not to love about that?
Tabrys: It’s become this pop culture phenomenon. Let me alter my approach. It’s not can they do it again, but how do they do it again?
Toomer:When I interviewed Juliette Lewis, it seemed like they had a clear idea of how many seasons they wanted and where they were going. I feel like they’ve plotted the story out enough that it’s not going to be impacted too much by people’s expectations. I guess I could always be wrong … but I never am and I don’t think that Yellowjackets is going to disappoint in season two. It’s got a lot of questions to answer. I think it will answer some questions and then pose even more. I’m just really proud of the nineties alt-girl casting and I’m excited to see the gang back together. Now, if you really want to ask a question, let’s talk about whether they’re going to eat that baby this season.
Tabrys: Let’s not. I am very much a believer that Yellowjackets will deliver. I think you hit on something very important though, and that is the problem of trying to exist in a vacuum when shows hit. It’s the biggest question about Yellowjackets. Can they avoid falling into that trap of listening to people on the outside? They nailed the formula in season one. They should stick with what worked and ignore any other outside advice about what did or didn’t work.
Toomer: I think you’re right. And that’s where sometimes a show like Lost fell off for me. At a certain point, there’s a conscious effort to create mysteries that fans couldn’t solve or that have twists that blow people’s minds. Some of the fun of shows like this is that fans get together on the internet and try to solve them and if they solve plot points, that should be okay. You don’t have to always be a hundred steps ahead of the audience. My only worry with Yellowjackets is that the need to keep audiences guessing, to be so much smarter than the audience, will eventually start to dictate its storytelling.
Vladimir Putin knows that his Ukraine war isn’t going so well for Russia. In a sense, he has been in distraction mode by handing out fancy rings to heads of the former Soviet Republics, but that doesn’t change how Russians can’t even scrounge up some paper as their nation descends further into chaos where brands (including McDonald’s) have pulled out like crazy.
The actual war itself continues to be a morbid disaster in Ukraine. Russian troops are reportedly drunkenly shooting each other amid an absurdly huge loss of life, which Putin initially greeted by drafting hundreds of thousands more Russians even though he has admitted failing hard at even providing basic war supplies including ammo and medical treatments. Still, the propaganda train is attempting to go strong, and one of Putin’s biggest State TV cheerleaders is now suggesting that Russians change their view on death. For real, presenter Vladimir Solovyov (clearly a big Kremlin supporter) wants everyone to lay it all on the line. From The Daily Beast:
“Life is highly overrated,” the propagandist said in his program on state-run TV on Monday. “Why be afraid of what is inevitable? Moreover, we’ll go to heaven. Death is the end of one earthly path and the beginning of another.”
He went on to question why people would let their fear of death “influence their decisions … It’s only worth living for something you can die for, that’s the way it should be.”.
That’s grim stuff. It does, tellingly, run counter to one of Putin’s recent public statements, which is that he’s not looking to draft more Russians anytime soon, so who knows if there’s a good-top/bad-cop type of intention, since we’re talking about State TV here. The Wall Street Journal does report that Putin’s New Year’s Eve address communicated that he’s still in it to win it, even as his Ukraine invasion approaches the one-year mark.
News of Gangsta Boo’s death over the weekend hit hard across rap, but it especially hit hard here at UPROXX. The Memphis rap godmother had put in an appearance at UPROXX Studios just weeks before to shoot content, resulting in a rowdy performance of her 2020 single “I’m Fresh” for UPROXX Sessions and few lessons in Memphis lingo in which she broke down some of her favorite Dirty South slang. The occasion for her recent flurry of activity might have been her new collaboration with breakout Atlanta star Latto and Memphis upstart GloRilla, “FTCU,” but the honor was all ours, because Gangsta Boo very much defined rap royalty in her life, even if she wasn’t quite as well known by mainstream standards.
Born Lola Chantrelle Mitchell in Memphis in 1979, Gangsta Boo got her start in the rap business as a member of the pioneering group Three 6 Mafia alongside Juicy J, DJ Paul, and Lord Infamous. The group’s 1995 cult classic Mystic Stylez helped to create the template for modern trap music; Lord Infamous is often credited with pioneering the “triplet flow” popularized more recently by Atlanta rap trio Migos, while the group’s thumping 808 drums and eerie sampling style can be heard in Southern rap bangers from Atlanta to their hometown, Memphis — and everywhere in between.
While Boo left the group after the release of its 2001 album Choices: The Album to pursue a solo career, she remained associated with them and released her first two albums, Enquiring Minds and Both Worlds *69, on the group’s label Hypnotize Minds before striking out on her own. In 2014, she teamed up with fellow pioneering Memphis female rapper La Chat to drop the Witch EP, a blueprint for the era of solidarity that followed a few years later and coincided with the current wave of dominance by female rappers in hip-hop.
And although her output slowed in the years since, any number of true hip-hop heads could see her influence and impact growing in the rising importance of Southern rappers like Latto and GloRilla, even before their collaboration. However, the moment of her greatest resurgence came in 2020, when she was featured on Run The Jewels’ RTJ4 track “Walking In The Snow.” Her scene-stealing verse served as a reminder to rap fans just how influential she had always been, increasing interest in new music from her — which she was more than happy to oblige with a string of singles including “I’m Fresh” in 2020, and a flurry of activity in 2022 including “Sucka Free,” “4Eva Crunk,” and “FTCU.”
The overwhelming sense among rap fans was that Gangsta Boo was due for a re-emergence. Thanks to her passing the torch to Glo on “FTCU,” her status as a rap elder stateswoman had been certified, and all eyes were on her. What moves would she make next? Unfortunately, it now seems we’ll never know, although her commitment to the craft remains unquestioned. Although she’s far from being one of rap’s biggest “What Ifs” thanks to her iconic status as a member of Three 6 Mafia, her story also feels incomplete. It seemed like she was on the cusp of finally receiving her due as one of rap’s most fearless, boundary-breaking figures — especially among the oft-overlooked godmothers of the genre.
Perhaps now she will be recognized for her contributions to the culture, albeit belatedly. If there’s a takeaway from this loss, it should be this; we have a lot of legends who aren’t getting their flowers while they can still smell them. It’s time to change that, because as the loss of Gangsta Boo shows, time is the one thing we aren’t guaranteed very much of.
When it was first announced that Greta Gerwig would be moving forward with a feature film based on the beloved (and sometimes very dated) Barbie doll, many fans were wondering what exactly to expect, and how she could possibly top all of those classic animated features that have since gone down in history.
But after the first teaser was revealed, it became apparent that this isn’t just any old regular Barbie movie with veiled 2001: A Space Odyssey references–there are also dance sequences! And on top of those dance sequences, there are many different types of people involved in this movie beyond the titular doll. The cast also includes America Ferrera, Will Ferrell, Issa Rae, Michael Cera, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Ncuti Gatwa, Hari Nef, and others, proving that this movie will be a multiverse of madness for those normal, non-Marvel people (they exist!).
But there are some Marvel stars in the mix, too. Simu Liu recently opened up about the casting process, as Gerwig sought to find all different types of actors, not just an 11.5-inch plastic doll with unrealistic body standards. “I remember very clearly about some of our big intricate dance sequences. Greta was very, very conscientious about who she cast. We were able to cast people of different shapes, sizes, differently abled, to all participate in this dance — all under this message of: You don’t have to be blonde, white, or X, Y, Z in order to embody what it means to be a Barbie or a Ken,” the Marvel actor explained in a recent interview with Vanity Fair. “It’s really about finding your inner beauty and owning that part of yourself and being the best possible version of you.”
Liu then praised the diversity among the set, which will hopefully be apparent on the big screen. “I will say, going on set I was never isolated. I felt like I was going to work every day with a cast that really celebrated each other and celebrated each other’s differences, no matter where we came from,” Liu explained. He will portray Ken (or at least some iteration of him) in the film, alongside Ryan Gosling. He added, “I think when you watch the movie, you’ll see that reflected on the screen.”
As for those intricate dance scenes, Liu has been more or less prepping for this moment his whole life. “One of my first conversations with Greta, I told her, ‘Well, I don’t want to brag, but I was on my university’s hip-hop dance team.’ And she literally screamed. So I feel like that ended up playing a very critical role in me getting this project,” Liu added. Now we can fully understand why noted dance legend Ryan Gosling was also cast in the movie!
UFC President Dana White and his wife, Anne, have both issued statements following a New Year’s Eve altercation inside a Cabo San Lucas nightclub in which Anne strikes Dana in the face, and Dana retaliates with a slap of his own.
White spoke with TMZ after the altercation, acknowledging what he’s said over the years that there’s no excuse for “a guy to put his hands on a woman,” and admitted he is embarrassed by the situation.
“This is one of those situations that’s horrible, I’m embarrassed — but it’s also one of those situations that right now we’re more concerned about our kids. We have three kids and obviously, since the video popped up, we’ve shown the kids the video and we’re more focused on our family right now,” White said.
“I’m literally making no excuses for this thing at all. It’s never happened before. It’s the first time it’s ever happened. People are going to say what they’re going to say and it is what is. Whatever people say is deserved. I deserve it.”
In a separate statement provided to TMZ, Anne echoed Dana’s sentiments.
“Dana and I have been married for almost 30 years. To say this is out of character for him is an understatement — nothing like this has ever happened before,” Anne said. “Unfortunately, we were both drinking too much on New Year’s Eve and things got out of control, on both sides. We’ve talked this through as a family and apologized to each other. I just hope people will respect our privacy for the sake of our kids.”
On Tuesday morning, former ESPN personality Dan Le Batard followed the release of the video by questioning how coverage of the incident will be handled considering ESPN’s relationship with the UFC.
“If it happened with (Roger) Goodell or an owner do you imagine it would be quiet? Because I don’t.” – Dan reacts to damning video of UFC president Dana White slapping his wife and asks why the coverage from ESPN hasn’t been louder.
— Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz (@LeBatardShow) January 3, 2023
As of this writing, ESPN has written about the incident, but has not commented on how the incident will impact the relationship between the two organizations.
Fox Sports commentator Skip Bayless issued an on-air apology on Tuesday morning after getting roundly hammered for a seemingly insensitive tweet about Damar Hamlin, who collapsed on the field during Monday Night Football last night. The defensive back for the Buffalo Bills suffered cardiac arrest and is still listed in critical condition as of this writing. Immediately following his collapse and removal from the field by ambulance, there was speculation about whether or not the NFL would postpone the game, and that’s when Bayless stepped in it with a poorly worded tweet.
“No doubt the NFL is considering postponing the rest of this game – but how?” Bayless wrote before the decision was made. “This late in the season, a game of this magnitude is crucial to the regular-season outcome … which suddenly seems so irrelevant.”
No doubt the NFL is considering postponing the rest of this game – but how? This late in the season, a game of this magnitude is crucial to the regular-season outcome … which suddenly seems so irrelevant.
After being widely dragged, Bayless attempted to clarify his tweet later that night and put the emphasis on Hamlin’s health.
“Nothing is more important than that young man’s health,” Bayless said. “That was the point of my last tweet. I’m sorry if that was misunderstood but his health is all that matters. Again, everything else is irrelevant. I prayed for him & will continue to.”
Nothing is more important than that young man’s health. That was the point of my last tweet. I’m sorry if that was misunderstood but his health is all that matters. Again, everything else is irrelevant. I prayed for him & will continue to.
With the controversy over his tweet in the air, Bayless issued an apology on Tuesday morning where he noticeably hosted Undisputed without co-host Shannon Sharpe, who we presume called in “sick.” At the top of the show, an emotional Bayless addressed the bad optics of attempting to discuss sports during a “life or death” situation and emphasized that he feels “wrecked” over the whole thing.
Skip Bayless is without Shannon Sharpe for Undisputed today.
He attempted to apologize for the discussion surrounding Damar Hamlin last night and on today’s show. pic.twitter.com/MTg7w0gafx
Allow me to say upfront that I apologize for what we’re going to set out to do here today if it offends anyone because we’re going to try to do the show pretty much as we usually do the show. But I’ll admit upfront I’m still shook up by what happened last night to Damar Hamlin. In fact, I’m still wrecked. In fact, I’m not sure I’m capable of doing this show today. But after barely sleeping on it, I decided to give it a try. Maybe I’ll fail. Maybe we will fail, but we’re going to try. We wrestled through much of the night whether to even do a show today because it felt like, in our minds, we almost can’t win with this. Because the last thing we want to try to do is come off as insensitive to what this young man is going through in a life or death situation. The last thing we want to do is offend anyone by trying to do what we always do, which is talk about sports.
After the intro, Bayless then encouraged viewers to share their “emotions of the night” on Twitter, which he promised to read during this “difficult morning for all of us.”
Iconic hip-hop trio De La Soul’s entire discography will finally be available across streaming platforms this spring. But, with the catalog dating back to 1989, what took the group’s music so long to reach digital streaming platforms? After several failed attempts behind the scenes to agree with their former record label, Tommy Boy, emcees Posdnuos, Trugoy, and Maseo took to social media to air their grievances.
The legal battle began back in 2018. Then, the Long Island natives began planning to release their first six albums on streaming servers in 2019 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of their debut album, 3 Feet High and Rising. Still, they weren’t pleased with the terms Tommy Boy brought to the negotiating table.
On February 26, 2019, the group took to Instagram to reveal the details behind the meeting, writing, “the music will be released digitally,” by Tommy Boy. Still, the group would not be paid fairly, “your purchases will roughly go 90% Tommy Boy, 10% De La,” as the trio allegedly still owed the label 2 million dollars in unrecovered debt.
Quickly fans were outraged by the label’s plans to move forward without the group being onboard, sparking the hashtag #BoycottToyboyRecords. Fellow rapper Jay Z shared in this anger. As the owner of the streaming platform, Tidal, his company refused to upload the albums to its server until De La Soul was satisfied with the financial terms.
The label even attempted to enforce a confidential agreement to restrict the group from speaking on a deal if one had been reached with the public.
Fast-forward to August 8, 2019, the group shared an update on the matter, writing, “After 30 years of profiting from our music and hard work and after seven long months of stalled negotiations, we are sad to say that we’ve been unable to reach an agreement and earn Tommy Boy’s respect for our music/legacy.”
The label shot down the group’s attempt to gain control over their master recordings. The group wrote on Instagram, “Tommy Boy says they are ‘not in the business of giving artists back their masters,’” adding, “Be aware, all parties involved will profit, but De La Soul will not benefit or earn deservedly/fairly. We really tried.”
With the public’s support, the group continued to fight for their music back, even appearing in the animated show Teen Titans Go! in February 2021. The episode featured De La Soul fighting an octopus trying to steal their music (a metaphor for Tommy Boy Records).
Then in August 2021, Talib Kweli revealed the group had reached an agreement with Tommy Boy in an Instagram post captioned, “After years of being taken advantage of by the recording industry in the worst possible ways, De La Soul now owns all the rights to their masters and is in full control of the amazing music they have created.”
Now, Tommy Boy Records has been acquired by Reservoir Media. In a statement, Reservoir’s Executive Vice President of A&R and Catalog Development, Faith Newman, addressed the matter, saying, “As someone who has devoted my life to hip-hop for over 30 years, my relationship with the guys in De La Soul dates back to my early days in the industry, and I can attest to how influential their catalog is to the genre.”
Newman added, “When Reservoir acquired Tommy Boy, the first call we made was to De La Soul. We vowed to bring their music to streaming, and it means the world to our team to make good on that promise and expose a whole new generation of listeners to one of the most important catalogs in hip-hop history.”
De La Soul’s first albums will be available on streaming platforms on March 3.
Bianca Belair and Alexa Bliss fought for the Raw Women’s Championship title on this week’s episode of Monday Night Raw, and some fans noticed that some portions of the match looked oddly familiar.
That’s because Belair and Bliss decided to take their match and become legends on social media for doing a shot for shot recreation of the Scary Movie 3 fight scene between Regina Hall and the girl from The Ring. It was something fans had joked about online and Bliss and Belair decided to bring it to life and did so with startling precision, as you can see in these clips that put the match on top of the scene from the movie.
This is art of the highest form, and what’s great is the vast majority of the audience had no idea they were just going move for move out of a fight scene from a 2003 spoof comedy. Thankfully, plenty of folks on the internet caught what they were doing and made sure we could all enjoy how they painstakingly crafted this match to go along with the Scary Movie 3 scene. Belair retained her title after Bliss got DQ’d and hopefully when they meet again in the ring they will find a new 20-year-old movie to inspire their moves.
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