Paul Giamatti (pictured above with his natural skin color) is ready to conspire with you. According to Deadline Hollywood, the guy who keeps trying to bring down the billionaires of Billions will co-host the hoaxy podcast Chinwag with philosopher Stephen Asma.
“I like nothing more than hanging out with my pal Steve and getting into a good chat about highly weird stuff,” said Giamatti. “I’m ridiculously excited for listeners to join us as we off-road into some wild, whacky territory and, like any great chinwag, have some laughs along the way.”
Chinwag will feature special guests gabbing about said weird stuff and answering questions like “Are we living in a simulation?,” “What’s the most perfect sentence in literature?,” “Is Bigfoot interdimensional?,” and, presumably, “What’s in that dumpster???” If you know, you know.
Asma is a Professor of Philosophy at Columbia College Chicago and Senior Fellow of the Research Group in Mind, Science and Culture. Giamatti is a legend. With their powers combined, it sounds like a seriously funny time digging into thorny questions orbiting the world of science, superstition, and the occult. If they have Jonathan Frakes on, the universe will fold in on itself.
If you’re worried that we are living in a simulation, don’t sweat it too much. Even if none of this is real, it feels real to you, so you really shouldn’t change anything you’re doing. Plus, Chinwag is part of the simulation, and it sounds pretty cool. It’ll hit podcast libraries all over starting April 5th.
(via Deadline)