Donald Trump loves fewer things more than pelting his many enemies with childish nicknames, but the first one he came up with for Ron DeSantis was a stinker. “Ron DeSanctimonious” doesn’t roll off the tongue like “Crooked Hillary” or “Sleepy Joe.” (Then again, at least it’s not racist.) On Sunday, though, The New York Times reported that he was trying out some new ones for the Florida governor. And one of them was pretty good, if pretty mean: “Meatball Ron,” an apparent dig at his figure. Alas, it appears he’s denying they’re real.
“All of the Fake News is reporting that I spend large amounts of my time coming up with a good ‘nickname’ for Ron DeSanctimonious, who is obviously going to give the presidential ‘thing’ a shot,” Trump wrote on his rinky-dink Twitter clone. “They are all 100% wrong, I don’t even think about it — A very unimportant subject to me!!!”
It’s hard to believe Trump doesn’t spend at least some of his time thinking up immature nicknames for people he doesn’t like. That includes DeSantis, his biggest potential 2024 Republican rival (who’s probably not ready for Trump’s wrath). What’s more, why would he deny “Meatball Ron”? It’s a hall-of-famer. Perhaps he realized it was pretty rich, even for him, to make jokes about someone’s weight given that he’s no Adonis either. Still, maybe he’ll start using it anyway, at least once he realizes he can do much, much better than “Ron DeSanctimonious.”
(Via Mediaite)