As George Santos continues to find new and exciting ways to embroil his political career in scandal, the freshman representative is reportedly considering what’s being called a “nightmare scenario” for Republicans. That nightmare? Running for reelection.
Despite facing an investigation from the House Ethics Committee and the Federal Election Commission probing his extremely questionable campaign finances, Santos is mulling a reelection campaign. Of course, that decision shouldn’t come as a surprise. Santos previously told GOP colleagues that he would only serve one-term, so right off the bat, everyone should’ve assumed the exact opposite. C’mon, look who we’re dealing with here.
In an interesting twist, the FEC is reportedly pressing Santos on whether he intends to run again in 2024, and if he does, Republican officials are already searching for primary challengers to knock him out of office. Meanwhile, other GOP members are ready to boot him from Congress right now. Via CNN:
“George Santos will not be on any ticket in 2024,” said Rep. Marc Molinaro, a New York GOP freshman, who has said he’d vote to expel Santos if a resolution to kick him out of Congress came to the floor.
“I am confident that George Santos will not be on any ticket come 2024,” added Rep. Anthony D’Esposito, a fellow Republican freshman who represents a neighboring Long Island district. “I am confident that we’ll do everything in our power to make sure we have the right candidate, the honest candidate, the truthful candidate, and the one who was honest about his entire being.”
Santos has until March 14 to declare his intentions to run again, but from the sound of things, he might not make it that far. If Santos is expelled, a special election would be held, which could cost the GOP a seat in its super-thin congressional majority.
(Via CNN)