I will die on the “Chance The Rapper’s debut album The Big Day was good” hill, but while I might be up there alone, almost no one disputes the opinion that the Chicagoan’s second mixtape, Acid Rap, was a stone-cold classic.
With the tape’s 10th anniversary coming up soon — time is, after all, a flat circle and expeditious as hell, besides — Chance told his fans on Twitter that he’s thinking about holding a virtual concert to celebrate. This is good marketing because if there was one artist who excelled at the virtual concert format throughout the pandemic, it’s Chance. “What songs do I absolutely need to do?” he asked the digital audience.
Thinking bout just doing a virtual concert of 5 or 6 songs from Acid Rap. What’s songs do I absolutely need to do
— Chance The Rapper (@chancetherapper) February 17, 2023
Naturally, the results began pouring in almost immediately, with fans requesting (demanding, really) such favorite tracks as “Juice,” “Cocoa Butter Kisses,” and “Everybody’s Something” (okay, fine, two of those are my personal favorites and I’ll let you, dear reader, figure out which ones). One user Chance retweeted just straight up said “all of them” — and that might not be a terrible idea, even though Chance did say only “5 or 6 songs” from the tape.
Juice absolutely. That song defined my sophomore year https://t.co/fl3o5YZ1BX
— Social Ice
(@TheSocialIce) February 17, 2023
— obtuse rubber goose szn
(@s_aintszn) February 17, 2023
ALL OF THEM TF???? https://t.co/PXf36WtjlA
— Gwen (@Sloomlight) February 17, 2023
Oooooh Everybody’s something is my favorite off acid rap @sabaPIVOT https://t.co/3JHZCdoa65
— Chance The Rapper (@chancetherapper) February 17, 2023
Acid Rap was originally released on April 30, 2013, so Chance has a little over two months to figure it out — and once he’s locked down a date/venue for the concert, we’ll be sure to let you know.