Tucker Carlson exists in a world of privileged white men. And nothing gets his panties in a bunch more than when he feels that privileged white men are being “discriminated” against. But that’s exactly what he’s claiming Joe Biden is doing by making diversity an important part of his decisions when appointing new federal judges. And Tucker’s not happy.
On Monday night, as Mediaite reports, the Fox News firebrand felt no shame in promoting his pro-white male privilege agenda while attacking the president for appointing just five white men to federal judgeships.
“The point of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion — as you’ve often heard — is to wind up with a leadership class that ‘looks like America,’” Carlson explained. “Now we think you should hire on the basis of merit,” he added — surprising absolutely no one. He continued:
“That’s kind of an appealing idea: the people who run the country should look like the country. That’s not what it’s about at all. Because no administration has ever looked less like America — just by the numbers — than the Biden administration. It’s not about making the administration look like America, it’s about discriminating against certain classes of people who don’t vote for them.”
Only Carlson could talk about “discriminating against” “certain classes of people” with a straight face when those “classes” are privileged white male Republicans.
Yes, Tucker’s issue is with the fact that Biden is attempting to level the playing field in our justice system — which has long been the domain of old white dudes — by lambasting the POTUS for appointing nearly two dozen Black women as federal judges.
Carlson pointed to a Claremont Institute fellow who “found that out of 97 federal judges confirmed under Joe Biden, the total number of White men – five! Twenty-two are Black women. So, this is race-based hiring. It’s illegal, but it’s also not about looking like America. It’s about punishing people.”
As Michael Luciano wrote for Mediaite, but Carlson conveniently left out of his outrage:
“Sixty-nine percent of federal judges are White, a race that makes up 58% of the U.S. population. Meanwhile, 62% of the bench is male, though just under half the U.S. population is. And all judges of color — including Black, Latino, and Asian-American ones — amount to just 30% of the bench.”
So Carlson is actually correct when he says the administration does not look like America. In order to replicate the diversity of our country, we’re going to need to replace a lot of these white male judges.
You can watch Carlson make a fool of himself — yet again — here.
(Via Mediaite)