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Usher Thought Biggie Smalls Was The ‘Most Profound Talent’ He’d Ever Seen In A Rapper After Joining Him In The Studio

Usher is undoubtedly becoming the unofficial king of Las Vegas, thanks to his My Way Residency. Even with a career spanning 30 years, the singer has continued to find ways to honor the acts before him in his music by way of samples while finding inspiration in today’s newer acts.

The musician doesn’t mind calling cap on the questioning of his talent, but giving other recording artists their flowers is as equally important to him. Late rap music icon The Notorious B.I.G. (real name Christopher Wallace), often referred to by the shortened name Biggie Smalls, is at the center of Usher’s latest praise session.

In an interview with GQ, the singer shared the story of sharing a studio with the late rapper. Although Usher wasn’t working on his own solo material, he stuck around to watch the rapper lay down his own music.

“He didn’t write anything down,” says Usher. “He lined up four blunts, ran it back, just listening [to the beat].” After three blunts, Biggie was ready to go to work. Usher continued, “He was the most profound talent I think I’ve ever seen in an MC. Coming up with sh*t off the top of his head, the ability to make things so vivid. That sh*t was profound, man.”

Even after the rapper’s tragic death in 1997, Biggie is still remembered as one of the greatest to ever touch a microphone.

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We Have A ‘Good Guess’ For When ‘House Of The Dragon’ Season 2 Will Premiere

The year 2024 probably sends shivers down your spine. “Another presidential election? Didn’t we just have one of those?” But there are things to look forward to next year. Avatar 3, for instance, and Furiosa. Speaking of prequels, 2024 will also see the return of House of the Dragon.

HBO and HBO Max content CEO Casey Bloys confirmed to Variety that it’s “a good guess” that Dragon won’t be eligible for the 2024 Emmy season, which ends on May 31, 2024. So, expect a summer 2024 premiere.

That may sound like forever from now, because it is. But at least we still have the rest of the season of The Last of Us, followed by Succession, which unlike Game of Thrones, will (most likely) not be getting a spinoff.

“I don’t think so,” Bloys said. “I always say ‘never say never.’ When we started talking about doing a Thrones prequel that was something that HBO had historically never done. I had some people internally saying, ‘This is crazy. What are you doing?’ That said, I think that there’s something about the universe that George created that lent itself to [spin-offs]. There’s a huge history, a lot of different families, a lot of different wars and battles. It doesn’t seem to me that there’s something in Succession where you would go, ‘Let’s follow just this kid’ or whatever. It doesn’t seem like a natural thing to me. But if [Jesse Armstrong] said I want to do this, then I would follow Jesse’s lead.”

This is the right call, unless it turns out the Roys owned a dragon at some point. Now that’s a show I would enjoy watching, in 2024 or otherwise.

(Via Variety)

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Jon Favreau Has Already Written ‘The Mandalorian’ Season 4: ‘We Have To Know Where We’re Going’

As The Mandalorian gets ready for its Season 3 premiere, series creator Jon Favreau has revealed that Season 4 is already written even though neither Disney+ nor Lucasfilm have announced its renewal. (But who are we kidding? It’s coming back.) Favreau made the revelation during an interview with France’s BFMTV where he also confirmed that the spinoff series, Ahsoka and Skeleton Crew, will be arriving this year.

“Season 4, yeah I’ve written it already,” Favreau said. “We have to know where we’re going to tell a fully formed story. We had mapped it out, Dave [Filoni] and I, and slowly you start to write each episode. I was writing it during post-production. All of it has to feel like a continuation and one full story.”

According to Favreau, Ahsoka and Skeleton Crew will be connected to The Mandalorian as Star Wars adopts a Marvel approach to its live-action series, which is an interesting development considering Marvel is pulling back on its Disney+ series. Then again, none of the Marvel series have put up numbers like The Mandalorian, the crown jewel of Disney’s streaming platform. Via Variety:

“[Dave’s] doing ‘Ahsoka,’ which I’m producing with him. He’s the writer and showrunner on that. To understand what’s happening on other shows….‘Skeleton Crew’ all take place within the same ‘Star Wars’ time period. There’s a lot more things that we’ve got to keep in mind and also stuff that we’ve built up to from previous seasons of ‘The Mandalorian’ as well.”

Of course, hearing that The Mandalorian is ready to go for Season 4 is bittersweet news. According to insiders, the fourth season will reportedly end the main series starring Mando and Baby Yoda. However, it’s clear that Lucasfilm is rapidly expanding the Mando-verse, so there will be plenty of opportunities for Pedro Pascal’s character and his adorable boy to return for cameos. In the words of Luke Skywalker, “No one’s ever really gone.”

The Mandalorian Season 3 premieres March 1 on Disney+.

(Via Variety)

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Mom explains why she doesn’t teach her kids about ‘stranger danger’ and it makes a ton of sense

In the 1960s, the Little Golden Books series included a book called “Never Talk to Strangers,” a cute little sing-songy rhyme with a host of silly animals and an ominous, repeating refrain: Never talk to strangers.

For generations, the “Don’t talk to strangers” message for kids has been as ubiquitous as “Wear your seatbelt” and “Look both ways when you cross the street.” But unlike those clear-cut safety rules, “stranger danger” messaging comes with some significant drawbacks and glaring omissions.

Mom and life coach Marcie Whalen shared why she and her partner don’t teach their kids the concept of “stranger danger” at all, and her alternate approach makes a lot of sense.

“Parents are trying to protect their kids, keep them safe. But most people are good people,” Whalen says. “And we want our girls to be outgoing and have conversations with people to be, in general, hospitable to those around them. And so instead of talking about strangers, we talk about strange behavior.

Whalen points out the statistical truth that it’s far more likely that kids will be abused or hurt by someone they know rather than a stranger. “So I want my girls to understand what strange behavior is—asking them to keep a secret…asking them to go somewhere without their mom or dad—and my girls understand what to look for, whether it’s in somebody they know really well or somebody they don’t know at all.”

Watch her explain:

“Stranger danger” may be catchy as a rhyme, but when we teach kids that strangers in general can’t be trusted, we instill a sense of fear about everyone they don’t know, which isn’t entirely fair and can quickly become confusing. Real life involves interacting with strangers all the time, so kids miss developing an important life skill if all they hear is that strangers might be dangerous. We also talk about the kindness of strangers being a good thing, so at what point do kids learn to stop fearing unfamiliar people and start reaching out with kindness?

In truth, some strangers will be more trustworthy and safe than some people kids know, so automatically feeling paranoid about every stranger won’t guarantee their safety. Kids who are old enough to be in situations where they might interact with strangers without a parent or guardian beside them are old enough to learn what kinds of situations to avoid and what behavioral red flags to watch for. Most obviously, we should teach kids some specific luring tactics to watch for with strangers, such as an adult asking a child for directions or for help looking for a lost puppy, in addition to the classic tempting them with candy. However, it’s also important that they know “strange behavior” isn’t always super obvious, so they should listen to their gut if something seems even a little bit “off” or questionable.

For parents worried about kidnapping, it may help to know that even the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children avoids the “never talk to strangers” message as well.

“At the National Center, we don’t teach stranger danger, either,” executive director Callahan Walsh told TODAY Parents. “We know that child safety is much more nuanced than just a rhyming phrase. There are inherent flaws with that strategy.”

Walsh shared that kids will often describe strangers as “mean” or “ugly” or “monster-like,” which isn’t the reality with most people who actually pose a threat. Teaching children to avoid strangers also might prevent them from seeking help from a stranger, such as a security guard, a store employee or a mom with kids, if they find themselves in a scary or dangerous situation.

Of course, knowing your own kid also comes into this equation. Some children are more naturally anxious and cautious, while others may be oblivious to potential dangers, so tailoring the messaging to a child’s temperament is wise. Whalen’s premise is solid either way, though. Most people are good, most threats come from people kids know and “stranger danger” is a simplistic approach to keeping kids safe that doesn’t take the whole of reality into account.

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Woman explains what dry cleaning actually is and people are legitimately shocked

Have you ever wondered what happens at the dry cleaners? Or are you like me, who just assumed the people at the dry cleaners were wizards and never questioned their magic? Turns out, dry cleaners aren’t magic and there’s actually a pretty interesting explanation of how they came to be and what they do.

Melissa Pateras is known on Tiktok for her laundry knowledge. Seriously, her ability to fold laundry is hypnotizing. This time, she created a video explaining what actually takes place at the dry cleaner and the internet is aghast.

Before Pateras explained what happens in the mysterious world behind the counter of a dry cleaner, she asked a few of her friends what they thought dry cleaning was. Their answers were…interesting to say the least.

One friend surmised, “You put it in a box, right…and then you let some wind, really fast wind, blow around on your clothes and it wipes off all the dirt.” The friend, whose username is @unlearn16, continued with her working hypothesis, saying that the clothes are then blasted with infrared heat to sterilize the garments. While that is certainly an interesting theory, that’s not what happens.

Another friend guessed, “Dry cleaning is when they take all of your dirty clothes into this big dryer with a clean sheet that sticks all of the dirt to it from your dirty clothes.” This friend was also incorrect, and Pateras finally explained why after her friends dug deep into their brains for their best guesses.

Turns out dry cleaning was invented by accident when Jean-Baptiste Jolly spilled a kerosene lamp on his tablecloth, which dried cleaner than it was previously, according to Pateras.

The laundry guru explained that while it was dangerous, the practice of cleaning things with kerosene continued until a less flammable method was discovered. But even the safer method is still fairly harsh, which is why dry cleaners take buttons off of clothing before running them through, she says.

This prompted one commenter to ask, “They really take the buttons off of every shirt?” to which Pateras replied that it only occurs if the buttons won’t withstand the chemicals.

If you’ve ever been curious about what happens at the dry cleaner, watch the video below. She takes you through each step.


What is dry cleaning #laundry #laundrytok #drycleaning #funfacts @Tracy Taylor @Unlearn16 @Ana Pac @Ashley Mathieu @Li

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We are ‘brainwashed’ every time we go to sleep at night. And it’s actually a good thing.

We know on an intuitive level that sleep is a rejuvenating process. After a really good night’s rest, we wake up refreshed with a clear mind. A 2019 Boston University study shared by Scientific American helps explain why this happens.

Researchers found that during non-rapid eye movement sleep (which happens at the beginning of the night) neurons shut down as blood flows out of the head, allowing space for cerebrospinal fluid, aka CSF, to flow in. This liquid pulses through the brain in slow, rhythmic waves, quite literally washing away toxic metabolic waste products.

So yes—while the term “brainwashing” might initially make us think of mind-controlling commercials and zombie apocalypses, it could actually be a gift from Mother Nature.

As explained in Scientific American, this research is the first of its kind to link CSF flow directly with the memory-consolidating function of slow-wave sleep. Laura Lewis, who co-authored the study, hopes that this connection will one day provide insight into neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, which is thought to be caused by a buildup of toxic proteins in the brain.

“We know that people with Alzheimer’s have fewer slow waves, so we may find they also have fewer CSF waves,” Lewis told Scientific American, noting that other psychiatric conditions like depression and schizophrenia, which can have symptoms of sleep disturbance caused by “different electrical signatures,” could also benefit from follow-up studies.

Studying CSF flow and slow brain waves together could also help illuminate the relationship between normal age-related impairments. As people age, their brains often generate fewer slow waves, which could affect the brain’s blood flow and in turn reduce the pulsing of CSF during sleep, leading to a buildup of toxic proteins and a decline in memory abilities. This is why Lewis and the team also hope to do more studies on older adults; previously only healthy adults participated.

Perhaps the biggest takeaway of this study: Never underestimate the power of quality sleep. It’s like our brain’s Marie Kondo, gracefully doing away with whatever doesn’t spark joy. Or maybe in this case, whatever doesn’t spark good health? Either way, it’s a habit that should be taken seriously.

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Keanu Reeves Actually Became ‘Too Good’ At Car Stunts, According To A ‘John Wick 4’ Featurette

Even though The Fast and the Furious franchise might seem like it is spearheading the “dangerous driving in action movies” trope, John Wick is steadily creeping up behind Vin Diesel and co!

In a new action-packed featurette ahead of John Wick: Chapter 4, Reeves details all of the various weaponry and tools that the assassin uses, and the list is getting pretty long because it now includes some fancy driving sequences. “We have all the John Wick swag: cars, new weapons, Jiu-Jitsu,” Reeves said, adding that they cranked it up a notch with this installment. “With Chapter 4, we took it to another level.”

With a new level comes months of training for Reeves, who has said that the latest flick has been the hardest physical role of his career thus far. “It’s been about 12 weeks of training. It’s new levels of action. You know, nun-chucks. Which was challenging,” Reeves explained, along with footage of him cursing out an innocent pair of nun-chucks. Does Vin Diesel have nun-chucks? Didn’t think so.

The actor continues, “John Wick action asks just a little bit more. And you see the effort and the commitment from the team. For Chapter 4 we wanted to bring the muscle cars back. We’re gonna have a sequence around the Arc De Triomphe,” he added, detailing the elaborate scene they shot outside the French monument.

Stunt coordinator Scott Rogers explained the logistics of the scene, “We tore all the doors off and lost the windshield,” Rogers said, adding that Reeves had to do a reverse 180, while reloading his weapons and shooting. This might sound like Fast and Furious-level action, but Reeves was up for the challenge. “He actually started getting too good in the car,” Rogers added. Hear that, Momoa?! Your time is up!

The latest installment in the series will follow Reeves as he continues his expedition to look cool in every country on the planet, this time taking production to Germany, Japan, France, and the US. As Reeves states in the clip, “Have we gone too far?” To which we say “NO!” The action simply cannot stop until Wick owns his own dog hotel.

John Wick 4 arrives in theaters on March 24, 2023

(Via Collider)

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Bas, Black Sherif, And Kel-P Put Their ‘Blood, Sweat & Tears’ Into The ‘Creed III’ Soundtrack’s Second Single

Michael B. Jordan may have let it slip that Dreamville boss J. Cole was executive producing the soundtrack to his directorial debut film, Creed III, but ever since, he has remained tight-lipped. The project’s first single, “Ma Boy,” featuring JID and Lute, was shared earlier this month, and now as the movie’s opening week approaches, another track from the soundtrack has hit the internet.

The latest track, “Blood, Sweat, & Tears,” by Dreamville’s own Bas and Ghanaian recording artist Black Sherif featuring Nigerian producer Kel-P, is the epitome of the film’s plot, in which Adonis Creed’s (played by Jordan) legacy is being threatened by his former childhood friend Damian (played by Jonathan Majors). The pair will, as the trailer outlines, “reconnect in the ring, setting up a delicious dichotomy between loyalty and betrayal.”

Bas opens the track with a declaration of faith as he raps, “I’ve been waitin’ all my life, I’ve been spendin’ all my nights / Contemplatin’ all my trails, oh my God, this not overnight / I’ve been givin’ all my soul, I’ve been chasin’ all my goals / Dedication all I know, that’s how hard I go,” which could be a first-hand account from the fictional and namesake character.

On the chorus, Black Sherif joins in for a combined chanting of, “Blood sweat and my tears, no, I will not surrender/ If you take my lead then we can fly together / Heaven never seem to reach, it’s now or never / We got what we need, but we don’t got forever,” which will send chills down your spine if you’re a big fan of climatic cinema as it creates suspense for what’s to come in the film.

Listen to the full track above.

Creed III hits theaters on 3/3.

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Liam Gallagher Won’t Let ‘Boss Of Time’ Matty Healy Shame Him Into An Oasis Reunion: ‘It’s Our Time To Waste’

The 1975’s Matty Healy commented on how’ Liam and Noel Gallagher’s continued feud has prevented an Oasis reunion for years during a recent appearance on Q With Tom Power.

“What are Oasis doing?” Healy said. “Can you imagine being in potentially – right now, still – the coolest band in the world, and not doing it because you’re in a mard with your brother?”

“There’s not one kid, not one person, going to a High Flying Birds gig or a Liam Gallagher gig that would not rather be at an Oasis gig,” he added.

People had been wondering, after Healy’s words went viral on social media, when and what Liam’s response would be — as he’s frequently a comedic Twitter presence. Sure enough, he chimed in after someone prompted him.

“Matty Healy says you’re just wasting your time and you should stop being like children… what do you think?” one fan asked.

“It’s our time to waste who made him the boss of time,” Liam responded.

Still, hope is not completely lost on the possibility of an Oasis reunion.

“You should never say never,” Noel admitted to BBC Radio Manchester (via NME) last month. “It would have to take an extraordinary set of circumstances. That’s not to say that those circumstances would never come about.”

“Why not f*ck all else going on this year,” Liam also tweeted to another fan around the same time.

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Mike Pence Claims That He Told Vladimir Putin ‘Things He Didn’t Want To Hear,’ But No One Believes Him

While Donald Trump continues to say nice things about his buddy Vladimir Putin, much to the dismay of those around him, Mike Pence is threatening the Russian tyrant. Or so he claims. “I really do believe that it’s absolutely essential that we embrace that Reagan doctrine,” the former vice president said on Fox News on Tuesday. “I’ve stood closer than I am to you and looked Vladimir Putin right in the eye and told him things he didn’t want to hear.”

There are a lot of things that Putin doesn’t want to hear — like that he’s a below-average height for a male, or that his troops have suffered humiliating defeat after humiliating defeat — but no one is buying that Indiana’s biggest Garfield fan is the one who said them.

“Mike Pence just making stuff up. He claims he stood up to Putin ‘and told him things he didn’t want to hear.’ It never happened. It’s more likely Mother or the fly on his head did,” former NBCUniversal senior executive Matt Sington tweeted, while political commentator Brian Normoyle added, “There are many things Mike Pence has never done in his life. Chief among them is look Vladimir Putin in the eye and tell him anything of consequence, let alone things he didn’t want to hear. What a weird lie to tell.” Here’s more:

And what’s this I hear about the baby looking at him?

(Via Raw Story)