Jenna Ellis just pounded another nail into the tightly-sealed coffin housing Donald Trump’s election fraud claims. On Wednesday, the Colorado Supreme Court’s Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel censured Ellis for misrepresenting evidence at least 10 times. Ellis, who no longer represents Trump, agreed with the court’s findings via an attorney.
“The parties agree that two aggravators apply — Respondent had a selfish motive and she engaged in a pattern of misconduct — while one factor, her lack of prior discipline, mitigates her misconduct,” Disciplinary Judge Bryon Large wrote.
Ellis was a prominent member of Trump’s legal “Strike Force,” which also included Rudy Giuliani and Sidney “The Kraken” Powell. While they made zero progress in proving the 2020 election was stolen, all three of them are facing lawsuits for their wild claims of fraud, which were spouted everywhere from Twitter to Fox News to, somehow, the parking lot of a landscaping company.
At issue in Colorado are several statements that Ellis made either on Twitter or during interviews. Here’s just a sample of the items she’s agreed were “misrepresentations.” Via Mediaite:
On November 20, 2020, Respondent appeared on Mornings with Maria on Fox Business and stated: “We have affidavits from witnesses, we have voter intimidation, we have the ballots that were manipulated, we have all kinds of statistics that show that this was a coordinated effort in all of these states to transfer votes either from Trump to Biden, to manipulate the ballots, to count them in secret . . .”
On November 20, 2020, Respondent appeared on Spicer & Co. and stated, “with all those states [Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia] combined we know that the election was stolen from President Trump and we can prove that.”
On November 21, 2020, Respondent stated on Twitter under her handle @JennaEllisEsq., “ . . . SECOND, we will present testimonial and other evidence IN COURT to show how this election was STOLEN!”
On November 23, 2020, Respondent appeared on The Ari Melber Show on MSNBC and stated, “The election was stolen and Trump won by a landslide.”
You get the picture. As for the fact that Ellis was engaged in political speech, the Colorado Supreme Court made it a point to note that isn’t a free pass.
“The public censure in this matter reinforces that even if engaged in political speech, there is a line attorneys cannot cross,” the ruling stated. “Particularly when they are speaking in a representative capacity.”
(Via Mediaite)