Last year, it was Better Call Saul. This year, it’s Succession. What hall of fame prestige drama will the TV gods take from us next?
Succession creator and showrunner Jessie Armstrong recently confirmed that the fourth season of Succession will also be its final season. “There’s a promise in the title of Succession. I’ve never thought this could go on forever. The end has always been kind of present in my mind,” he told the New Yorker. “From season two, I’ve been trying to think: Is it the next one, or the one after that, or is it the one after that?” Guess we know the answer.
Alan Ruck, who plays presidential laughingstock Connor Roy, agrees with Armstrong’s decision to end the show before it becomes stale. “The truth is, we’ve all known on the show since June,” he told Empire. “And I think it’s the right time to end it in terms of the struggle to see who’s going to take command of this empire. A fifth season would have been drawn out, and if it just faded away, that would have been a disgrace.”
As for what to expect from Connor in season four (the Conheads are gonna love this), Ruck teased, “I don’t think it’s far-fetched to say that this delusional man with unlimited resources could make it to the highest office in the land.”
Hm, whoever could he be referring to?
“We just went through what we went through with Trump, and nobody thought that would happen. And it did, and it was a mess.”
I guess that’s who. Succession returns to HBO on March 26.
(Via Empire)