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The Fantastic Final Season Of ‘Better Call Saul’ Is Coming To Netflix Soon

If you, a Better Call Saul fan who has watched every season except the last one because you’re waiting for it to be on Netflix, have somehow gone this long without having the ending spoiled for you, you probably stay off Twitter and Reddit, and therefore, live a happy, fulfilling life. It’s about to get even happier: Better Call Saul season six premiere is coming to Netflix next month

“The sixth and final season of Better Call Saul premieres April 18 on Netflix (in The US),” the streaming service’s Twitter account wrote. I will not spoil what happens in the final season, other than it’s great and you should check to see where the nearest Cinnabon is located before April 18th. Believe me.

Bob Odenkirk recently took part in a Reddit Ask Me Anything to promote his new AMC series, Lucky Hank. When asked of all the roles you’ve played, which one would you say is the closest to your actual personality?” Odenkirk replied, “In some ways Hank Devereaux Jr. [from Lucky Hank] is closest but he’s still pretty far away from me. I would say that Jimmy McGill as you see him in the final episode of Better Call Saul I felt was closer to me than any other Jimmy played and at any other time and by a fair margin.”

I thought he was going to say the triples guy from I Think You Should Leave, because triples is best.