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It’s Been Nearly Seven Years Since Radiohead Dropped An Album, But A Band Member Says New Music Is Indeed Coming

Radiohead’s most recent album is 2016’s A Moon Shaped Pool. Couple that with how active Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood’s band The Smile has been lately (it was just announced today that they’re playing Pitchfork Fest this summer), and Radiohead’s future feels really up in the air at the moment. Now, though, one of the band members had offered hope.

In a recent interview (as NME notes), drummer Philip Selway said:

We’re always talking about stuff. But in terms of an actual kind of collective project, beyond the Kid A and Amnesiac stuff that we’ve been doing [2021’s Kid AMnesia reissue project and interactive exhibition], it’s kind of further down the line for us when that will happen. We’re talking about that, but at the moment everybody’s doing their own thing.

When the pandemic happened, we’d always planned to take a veer off from Radiohead around that, so we could get on with other stuff. But that just meant that those other projects kind of grew, so we’re allowing time for all of those projects to go where they need to. But yeah, we’ll get together soon and in the next couple of years there will be something there, of some sort.”

Check out Uproxx’s recent interview with Selway here.