Donald Trump is on his third presidential campaign, and polls have him crushing his GOP rivals. He even has a not-quite-hit record, sort of. And yet he’s beset upon by all sides. He thought he was going to be indicted last week, and he still might be. But if the Manhattan D.A. case against him blows up, there are plenty of other legal headaches that could land him in the slammer. But you know what? It’s not his oldest daughter’s problem.
Sources told People that Ivanka Trump, who gave up her own ambitions to work closely with her father during his lone term in the White House and who recently seemed to throw her own family members under the bus, is done trying to help him.
“Even though Ivanka loves her dad, she knows how impossible he can be,” one source said. Instead, she’s busy “recreating her business life and raising her children which are her priorities. She is through with politics.”
The same source said Ivanka laments that she’s been all but banished from New York City, her former home, but she’s enjoying her new life in Miami. “She has started over and pursues interests in business, design, and being involved in the lives of her children,” they said.
Ivanka’s so wrapped up rebuilding her life in a new location that she’s not going to intervene in her father’s chaotic affairs, as she has in the past.
“Donald does what he wants, and she can’t help him now,” the source said. “His help is in the hands of his lawyers and advisers. She is no longer working in that capacity.”
Another source told People that Ivanka may have regrets helping out her father, who helped make her name persona non grata, at least in NYC.
“She basically wants a new life to compensate for what she lost when she spent four years in her father’s Washington,” they said. “She misses her active social life and group of friends.”
What does Trump, who famously prizes loyalty about all, think of his own daughter turning her back on him? Perhaps he forgives her. Or perhaps he’s not above throwing even her under the bus if need be.
(Via People)