(Yellowjackets spoilers will be found below, obviously.)
Well, it took over a season to get there, but Yellowjackets ladies went full-on cannibal (this season doubles down on darkness) in this week’s episode, aptly titled as “Edible Complex.” This was coming, obviously. We knew from the very beginning of the show that hunger would fully set in, and someone would be eaten, and after Jackie’s ear (as recapped by Jessica Toomer) became Shauna’s pregnancy-craving snack last week, this shouldn’t be too surprising. Yet the manner in which this buffet happened still managed to shake viewers.
Why? For one thing, the scene was set to a Radiohead song (which our own Phil Cosores has discussed in depth, and Wongo Okon also detailed the music of this week’s episode). For another, the ladies only hesitated for a few minutes when they walked out to Jackie’s funeral pyre, and there she was, slow roasted for them. Shauna declared that either her unborn child or Jackie would want them to eat her (“[s]he wants us to”), and it. was. on.
A full-on feast (interspersed with a more ethereal fantasy banquet) went down, and the survivors tore Jackie’s corpse to pieces while poor Coach Ben acted as the audience POV, possibly while worrying that he’s next (although we do know that he survives). He couldn’t resist another peek, and neither could viewers.
It was a lot to witness, and this brings the full gravity of Shauna’s adult personality and relationships into a more terrifying place. I know people are afraid of cult-leader Lottie these days, but man, Shauna and Jeff are not to be overlooked. Naturally as well, viewers took to social media while reacting to the shock of seeing cannibalism actually materialize on the “cannibal show.”
#yellowjackets spoilers
me when they start eating people on the cannibal show pic.twitter.com/ZGLDNasskz— yellowjackets spoilers
(@90scinemah) March 31, 2023
me when the cannibal show starts being about cannibals #Yellowjackets pic.twitter.com/LWvpWPBIno
— laurel | yellowjackets spoilers
(@evcnstars) March 31, 2023
— Tom
(@tvtalkswithtom) March 31, 2023
Yellowjackets playing Radiohead during a cannibal scene pic.twitter.com/9o0wLU5lVg
— Scott Kacsmar (@ScottKacsmar) March 31, 2023
watching teenagers cannibalize one of my favourite characters in the teenage girl cannibal show pic.twitter.com/1PX3jZHeL1
— luz (@vnbvrnt) March 31, 2023
One whiff and one look at jackie and the whole team folded #YellowJackets pic.twitter.com/ilvtTXzfDb
— K | Yellowjackets spoilers (@glazedaries) March 31, 2023
— grazi | Mando & Yellowjackets spoilers (@yellcwjackets) March 31, 2023
my girls did not HESITATE to eat jackie oh my god
— Skylar | Yellowjackets spoilers (@Enmxzan) March 31, 2023
Yellowjackets is literally one of the best shows on tv like tv shows now a days suck but this is the one exception because IK THEY NOT EATING JACKIE TO A RADIOHEAD SONG GIRLLLLL IM SCARED
— Karl |watched Scream VI
4x (@psychofinalgirl) March 31, 2023
jackie joined the team and the yellowjackets were like, oh pretty girl, let’s eat her
— nora (@lNTHEFADE) March 31, 2023
the yellowjackets with jackie’s deep fried body pic.twitter.com/BXcyY1XS4l
— esme (@killbiill) March 31, 2023
And an audience is forever changed by what they’ve witnessed.
there’s before watching the Jackie cannibalization scene and then there’s after
— ًpaul
yellowjackets spoilers (@HERETIC0RE) March 31, 2023
‘Yellowjackets’ airs Sunday nights on Showtime and streams two days early on Fridays.