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Anitta Confirmed She’s Joining Netflix’s ‘Elite’ And Already Looks Right At Home In A Photo With Carmen Arrufat

Anitta was reportedly spotted filming a music video with Chlöe in her native Brazil in January, and her acting stock just went up.

Thursday morning, March 9, Anitta and the official Instagram account for Elite confirmed that she’s joining the cast for the upcoming seventh season of the beloved Netflix series that premiered in October 2018. The caption roughly translates to, “A ‘girl from Rio’ you already know is about to arrive in Las Encinas… @anitta is joining the #Elite7 cast.”

Anitta also shared a smiley set of photos with actress Carmen Arrufat, who joined Elite last season, and Elite‘s executive producer Rubén Goldfarb to her Instagram Story. Atop the photo with Goldfarb, she wrote, “@rubengol Gracias por tratarme con tanto cuidado, cariño y respecto.” (In English, “@rubengol Thank you for treating me with so much care, affection, and respect.”)

Anitta IG
@Anitta on Instagram
Anitta IG
@Anitta on Instagram

For the uninitiated, Elite‘s official synopsis is, “When three working-class teenagers begin attending an exclusive private school in Spain, the clash between them and the wealthy students leads to murder” (as written on IMDb). Elite can count on people wanting to get more Anitta anywhere they can, as evidenced by her 2022 Versions Of Me album (named among Uproxx’s Best Latin Albums Of 2022), her Guinness World Record-breaking Lay’s commercial, and her nomination at the 2023 Grammys for Best New Artist.

To start this year, Anitta teased a new album during an interview with Billboard. “I feel more freedom to show my real culture and show myself, so now I’m working on an album, full funk, full my culture, so people will know, ‘OK, so that’s her!’” she said.

Anitta is a Warner Music artists. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.

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Diddy Reiterates The Notorious B.I.G.’s GOAT Status On The Anniversary Of His Death: ‘There Will NEVER Be Another’

Today is the 26th anniversary of The Notorious B.I.G.‘s death, and social media is awash in posts praising the Brooklyn rapper’s impact and legacy. Of course, that includes B.I.G.’s friend and business partner, Sean “Diddy” Combs, who shared a throwback video of B.I.G. giving some motivational advice in an old interview alongside the caption,”There will NEVER be another. The GREATEST RAPPER OF ALL TIME. Today we celebrate and honor you king. Love and miss you!!”

In the video, Biggie explains the importance of remaining true to yourself. “Don’t be the fool to just sit back and do it because somebody else is doing it,” he says. “Because those of you who do just gon’ follow in somebody else’s footsteps, and you just gon’ be a shadow. Who wanna be a shadow for the rest of their life. If you got a lil’ something’ that you know how to do, progress that and keep trying. I mean, God knows what could happen. That’s what I did. Just kept on walking, just happened to get to the right ends.”

Even though so much time has passed since The Notorious B.I.G. was gunned down in Los Angeles, his peers and contemporaries never seem to get tired of talking about him and his game-changing effect on hip-hop. Recently, Usher called Big “the most profound talent I think I’ve ever seen in an MC.” Meanwhile, Biggie’s hometown, New York, honored what would have been his 50th birthday last year by lighting up the Empire State Building with a crown on its mast along with citywide celebrations like murals and limited-edition MetroCards.

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A ‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Contestant Lost Out On $1 Million And A European Vacation After An Embarrassing Guess

It’s one thing to embarrass yourself at a game night with your closest friends and creepy neighbors because we are all used to that. It’s another thing to rack up one million dollars and a European vacation…and still, go home empty-handed. Unfortunately, this happened last week on everybody’s favorite game show (or what you watch then you accidentally miss Jeopardy!) Wheel of Fortune.

In the already broad category of “Thing,” contestant Micki was tasked with finishing the clue on the board which read, “A ROARING FIRE IN THE FIRE _ _ A _ E.” She had already grabbed the Milion Dollar wedge and had a trip to Croatia on the line. Now, you would think that this would inspire the contestant to ask for a “P” or “C” but, unfortunately, Micki did not land there. She tried her best, though.

wheel of furtune

Much to the dismay of viewers everywhere, Micki shouted “S,” which led the studio audience to gasp in horror. “You got the reaction,” host Pat Sajak said, referencing the crowd. “No ‘S,’ I’m sorry.” She had the sound right! But the letter was wrong. Again, she tried, and she sure looked embarrassed after.

What are you supposed to do when a gameshow contestant loses on national TV? Take to social media to express your frustration, which many did. Hopefully, Micki does not use Twitter, because not many people were forgiving of the major flub.

Even though Micki didn’t get her dream vacation and a measly million dollars, she did become cemented in Wheel’s ever-growing hall of fame of worst moments ever. And that’s a real accomplishment!

(Via Decider)

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Tucker Carlson’s Leaked Texts Reveal Him Ruthlessly Mocking Rudy Giuliani For His Gross, Leaky Head

When Rudy Giuliani’s head began leaking goo in the middle of a heated press conference on November 19, 2020 — just days after pal Donald Trump lost his presidential reelection bid — millions of people laughed. And pointed. And mocked. (Trump included.) And there’s nothing wrong with that because, truly, it was hard not to. Unless you are Tucker Carlson.

At the same time the media was reporting on the absolute hilarity of Rudy’s leaky brain, the sanctimonious (there’s a word Trump should try and work into a nickname for someone) Fox News host was busy pretending to be above all that. And a Trump supporter. As it turns out, neither of those things were true. As Insider reports, the recent cache of unsealed evidence in Dominion’s $1.6 billion defamation suit against Fox News brought several once-private communications between Carlson and his inner circle to light, and revealed that he was roasting Rudy harder than Seth Meyers does on any given night.

While the actual press conference was happening, Carlson was texting with his executive producer, Justin Wells, who described the bizarre incident as “so desperate and deranged at the same time.” Carlson, total cut-up that he is, replied with an image of sad, leaky Rudy and the line: “My mind is blown.”

“No one cares that Rudy was melting away at 1 pm,” Wells texted. “Thought it is sad and somewhat hilarious at the same time.” Ultimately, according to Insider, Fox News opted to forgo any coverage of the press conference.

Of course, pointing out that Rudy looked like an unhinged buffoon was nothing compared to some of the juicier things we learned about Carlson — including how he “couldn’t wait” until he no longer had to cover Trump on a daily basis and how he hated the then-president “passionately.”

(Via Insider)

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The ‘Poker Face’ Showrunners Have Begun To Tease Some Potential Season Two Guest Stars, Including One Oscar Nominee

Poker Face just wrapped up its wildly entertaining first season, and now that a second season is on deck, we can start to plan out some dream detective scenarios for season two. Maybe another popular investigator will want to reunite with his Among Us teammate in the near future? Or perhaps a certain handsome reporter will want to get in on the detecting action? There is so much potential here.

Showrunners and sisters Lilla and Nora Zuckerman recently spoke to Entertainment Weekly about what fans can expect from season two of the crime comedy, while also name-dropping some potential guests. Season one had a whole roster of beloved guest stars including Joseph Gordon-Levitt and newly Oscar-nominated actress Stephanie Hsu, the pressure is on for the sophomore season to live up to the hype.

“We would love to get Jamie Lee Curtis to play a role,” Lilla said. Curtis also starred in creator Rian Johnson’s Knives Out, so this could very easily happen. But they don’t want to stop at Jamie. Lilla added, “And the cast of Knives Out, we’re coming for you. The cast of Glass Onion, we’re coming for you.” Put Chris Evans back in a wool sweater, and you have a surefire hit.

Poker Face is produced by an all-star team of veteran comedians who could surely pop on for a guest spot, according to Nora. “Maya Rudolph is somebody we talked about because she’s one of the producers of our show and a partner of Natasha’s, so it’s only a matter of time before a van pulls up to Maya’s house and we grab her and throw her in a Poker Face episode,” she explained, adding that the community of Johnson’s collaborators is always expanding. “It’s just really wonderful that Rian already has this community of people that love working with him. It’s a very fortunate problem.”

Judging by the success of season one, it won’t be too hard to get some actors on board. Jennifer Coolidge might have some free time now. Just something to keep in mind.

You can catch the first season of Poker Face now streaming on Peacock.

(Via EW)

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The McDonald’s All American Game Guide

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A college student who was fed up with his classmate has gone viral for calling out his own ignorance

You know that feeling you get when you walk into a classroom and see someone else’s stuff on your desk?

OK, sure, there are no assigned seats, but you’ve been sitting at the same desk since the first day and everyone knows it.

So why does the guy who sits next to you put his phone, his book, his charger, his lunch, and his laptop in the space that’s rightfully yours? It’s annoying.

All you want to do was walk in, sit down, get out your notebook and (try to) pay attention. But now? Now you’ve got to talk to a stranger about moving their stuff and there goes your day, already bogged down with petty annoyances.

Sound familiar? It should.

We’ve all got so much to do these days that interacting with people we see every day — not our friends, but our classmates, fellow commuters, co-workers, the people in line for coffee with us every day — can feel like a burden.

So, when these people do something we perceive as annoying, like putting their stuff on our desks, we don’t have the time or the energy to assume their intentions or think about the lives they’re leading.

But if we stepped out of ourselves for a second, we might just realize that we’re all much more connected than we think, that our preconceived notions of others are usually just that — preconceived. And, often, inaccurate.

That’s why this Twitter story about a guy who learned an important life lesson from a classmate he was frustrated with is going viral.

It’s the perfect example of that “don’t judge a book by its cover” adage we should have all learned in preschool but sometimes forget. And it starts the exact same way as this post — with a college student groaning on the inside as he sees someone’s stuff on his desk.

If not for this one day running late, McFall may have never realized what his classmate was trying to do. And he may have continued to think of him as annoying, maybe telling others about “the weird guy who was always trying to take up my space”… when all the guy was really trying to do was be kind.

We all misinterpret the actions of others sometimes. It’s easy to do that!

But if there’s one thing this story reminds us, it’s that it’s important to stop and remember that while you’re living your life, other people are living theirs, so assuming best intentions can do us a great favor.

That’s why we should step outside of our bubbles and engage with the world on a regular basis.

You could make a new friend. You might brighten someone’s day.

But most importantly, getting out of your own head, checking your own biases, and giving others the benefit of the doubt will make you a more compassionate person.

You don’t have to engage with everyone you meet, but the next time someone smiles and offers you a high-five?

Maybe just take them up on it.

This article was originally published on April 16, 2018.

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A Twitter user asked people to share the most random facts they know. The answers didn’t disappoint.

Certain people have an innate ability to remember random facts. They are great at trivia but can also be insufferable know-it-alls.

So why are some people better at recalling random facts than others? Researchers in Europe believe that it’s because their brains are more efficiently wired than other people’s.

“We assume that more efficient networking of the brain contributes to better integration of pieces of information and thus leads to better results in a general knowledge test,” biopsychologist Erhan Genc, from Ruhr University Bochum, said according to Science Alert.

Brittany Packnett Cunningham, an MSNBC contributor, activist, and co-host of Crooked Media’s “Pod Save The People,” wanted to harvest the mind hive on Twitter and find the most random fact that anyone knows.

“I mean RANDOM random,” she wrote.

The answers ranged from the utterly pointless to the truly amazing. There was also a generous helping of utterly disgusting answers thrown in the mix.

Almost every answer deserved the follow-up question: “Why in the world do you know that?”

Here are some of the most random responses to Brittany Packnett Cunningham’s question: “What’s the most random fact you know?”

Most were utterly useless, but somehow still fascinating.

Muhammad is statistically the most common first name on the planet while Wang is the most common last name on the planet. But I still haven’t met anyone named Muhammad Wang.

The only word in the English language with all vowels+Y in alpha order is “facetiously”

Queen Elizabeth is one of the only people in the world who doesn’t need a passport to travel.
Everyone else in the royal family does.

NYE goes hard

In DNA, mushrooms are more similar to animals than they are to plants.

Some were pretty darn cool.

London Tube platforms have different tilings because when the Tube was originally built, a lot of people who used it were illiterate, and the different tilings helped them know what station they were

Some were thought-provoking.

You’ve never seen your own face. You’ve seen a reflection, and you’ve seen pictures, but you’ve never actually seen your own face!

When you look at a flower, some of the photons that entered your eye just ended a 100,000-year journey from the center of the sun.

Nobody else sees them.

Just you.

10% of THOSE will give up their energy to cause a chemical reaction that—literally—makes them a part of you. …

Elephants are the only animals other than humans who have something like funerals. They cover the dead elephant gently with leaves and branches, then stand around in a circle for hours making sad noises.

There was a day when your parents put you down and never picked you up again.

Others were disturbing.

Humans have a coccyx (aka a tailbone) which is the remnant of, you guessed it, a vestigial tail. One of our several vestigial features.

The act of touching glasses to cheers comes from medieval suspicions of poisoning each other, so youd slam mugs together to spill each others drinks into your own to show trust you werent trying to kill them. Europeans man…

Male dolphins can ejaculate as far as 10′ and with such force it can kill a human if that human was foolish enough to attempt zoophilic relations with dolphin.

Artificial raspberry and strawberry flavoring comes from the anal glands of a beaver.

And some could be helpful down the road. You just never know.

If you are attacked by a gator and your arm is in its jaws, push, don’t pull. If you can push the flap open at the back of its throat, water rushes in and it starts to drown and will open jaws, hopefully releasing you.

The Phenomena: “The Doorway Effect”
When you forget the reason you enter a different room.
To retrieve the reason, walk backwards w/o turning around.
It can trigger the memory.

This article originally appeared on 02.06.20

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Viral post thoughtfully reexamines Kerri Strug’s iconic broken ankle vault at 1996 Olympics

Simone Biles withdrawing from the team final in the Tokyo Olympics and subsequently withdrawing from the individual all-around finals after getting a case of the “twisties” has the world talking. She’s received overwhelming support as well as overwhelming criticism for the move, with some praising her for recognizing her limits and others blasting her for not persevering through whatever she’s dealing with.

Some people pointed to Kerri Strug, who landed on one foot after vaulting with a broken ankle in the 1996 Olympics to help the U.S. win gold, as an example of the kind of sacrifice an athlete should be willing to make for their country.

Byron Heath shared some thoughts about that fateful day in a viral Facebook post that has been shared more than 370,000 times in less than a day.

Heath wrote:

“This realization I had about Simone Biles is gonna make some people mad, but oh well.

Yesterday I was excited to show my daughters Kerri Strug’s famous one-leg vault. It was a defining Olympic moment that I watched live as a kid, and my girls watched raptly as Strug fell, and then limped back to leap again.

But for some reason I wasn’t as inspired watching it this time. In fact, I felt a little sick. Maybe being a father and teacher has made me soft, but all I could see was how Kerri Strug looked at her coach, Bela Karolyi, with pleading, terrified eyes, while he shouted back ‘You can do it!’ over and over again.

My daughters didn’t cheer when Strug landed her second vault. Instead they frowned in concern as she collapsed in agony and frantic tears.

‘Why did she jump again if she was hurt?’ one of my girls asked. I made some inane reply about the heart of a champion or Olympic spirit, but in the back of my mind a thought was festering: *She shouldn’t have jumped again*

The more the thought echoed, the stronger my realization became. Coach Karolyi should have gotten his visibly injured athlete medical help immediately! Now that I have two young daughters in gymnastics, I expect their safety to be the coach’s number one priority. Instead, Bela Karolyi told Strug to vault again. And he got what he wanted; a gold medal that was more important to him than his athlete’s health. I’m sure people will say ‘Kerri Strug was a competitor–she WANTED to push through the injury.’ That’s probably true. But since the last Olympics we’ve also learned these athletes were put into positions where they could be systematically abused both emotionally and physically, all while being inundated with ‘win at all costs’ messaging. A teenager under those conditions should have been protected, and told ‘No medal is worth the risk of permanent injury.’ In fact, we now know that Strug’s vault wasn’t even necessary to clinch the gold; the U.S. already had an insurmountable lead.

Nevertheless, Bela Karolyi told her to vault again according to his own recounting of their conversation:

‘I can’t feel my leg,’ Strug told Karolyi.

‘We got to go one more time,’ Karolyi said. ‘Shake it out.’

‘Do I have to do this again?’ Strug asked. ‘Can you, can you?’ Karolyi wanted to know.

‘I don’t know yet,’ said Strug. ‘I will do it. I will, I will.’

The injury forced Strug’s retirement at 18 years old. Dominique Moceanu, a generational talent, also retired from injuries shortly after. They were top gymnasts literally pushed to the breaking point, and then put out to pasture. Coach Karolyi and Larry Nassar (the serial sexual abuser) continued their long careers, while the athletes were treated as a disposable resource.

Today Simone Biles–the greatest gymnast of all time–chose to step back from the competition, citing concerns for mental and physical health. I’ve already seen comments and posts about how Biles ‘failed her country’, ‘quit on us’, or ‘can’t be the greatest if she can’t handle the pressure.’ Those statements are no different than Coach Karolyi telling an injured teen with wide, frightened eyes: ‘We got to go one more time. Shake it out.’

The subtext here is: ‘Our gold medal is more important than your well-being.’

Our athletes shouldn’t have to destroy themselves to meet our standards. If giving empathetic, authentic support to our Olympians means we’ll earn less gold medals, I’m happy to make that trade.

Here’s the message I hope we can send to Simone Biles: You are an outstanding athlete, a true role model, and a powerful woman. Nothing will change that. Please don’t sacrifice your emotional or physical well-being for our entertainment or national pride. We are proud of you for being brave enough to compete, and proud of you for having the wisdom to know when to step back. Your choice makes you an even better example to our daughters than you were before. WE’RE STILL ROOTING FOR YOU!”

Many people shared Heath’s sentiment, with comments pouring in thanking him for putting words to what they were feeling.

We’re in a new era where our lens of what’s admirable, what’s strong, and what’s right has shifted. We understand more about the lifelong impact of too many concussions. We have trainers and medics checking on football players after big hits. We are finding a better balance between competitiveness and well-being. We are acknowledging the importance of mental health and physical health.

We are also more aware of how both physical and mental trauma impacts young bodies. Though Kerri Strug pushing through the pain has long been seen as an iconic moment in sports, the adults in the room should have been protecting her, not pushing her through an obvious injury.

And the way this fall of Dominique Moceanu at age 14 was handled is downright shocking by today’s standards. She said she never received an exam for it, even after the competition was over. So wrong.

“@Carolinafan0279 @Simone_Biles Nope 👎🏻”

Athletes are not cogs in a wheel, and the desire to win a competition should not trump someone’s well-being. Elite gymnasts already put themselves through grueling physical and mental feats; they wouldn’t be at the top of their sport if they didn’t. But there are limits, and too often in our yearning for a gold medal—or even for a triumphant Olympic story—we push athletes too far.

Now we see some of them pushing back, and knowing what we know now, that’s 100% a good thing.

This article originally appeared on 07.28.21

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Showrunner Graham Yost’s ‘Silo’ Brings Hugh Howey’s Trilogy To Eye-Popping Life In Apple TV+’s Teaser Trailer

Justified creator Graham Yost has been busy lately, to put things mildly. Not only does he have his hands full with producing duties for the upcoming Justified: City Primeval revival, but he’s been bringing Hugh Howey fans’ dreams into TV reality while showrunning a Silo adaptation. From the looks of the above teaser, this Apple TV+ series first tackles the trilogy’s initial short-story-turned-novel, Wool, which begins with the last remaining humans (several thousands of them) living in an enormous, 150-story silo that largely sits underground. As a voracious reader of the books, I didn’t know how such a structure could be rendered onscreen, but it looks more than solid. And some of these people are satisfied, but not everyone. The “wool” of the title is both literal and symbolic. Sh*t eventually goes down.

This ominous teaser trailer reveals how only the very top of the silo allows the view of the outside world, which has been left in desolation due to a mystery toxic-apocalypse. Rebecca Ferguson portrays the hard-as-nails engineer who goes a million extra miles to keep the silo running as a self-sufficient society, and as the trailer reveals, she begins to realize that something is sketchy. All answers to those suspicions don’t come too fast in the book series, but I would like to know why Common’s character has access to such a fine leather jacket in this world. From the synopsis:

Silo is the story of the last ten thousand people on earth, their mile-deep home protecting them from the toxic and deadly world outside. However, no one knows when or why the silo was built and any who try to find out face fatal consequences. Ferguson stars as Juliette, an engineer, who seeks answers about a loved one’s murder and tumbles onto a mystery that goes far deeper than she could have ever imagined, leading her to discover that if the lies don’t kill you, the truth will.

The series also stars David Oyelowo as the Silo’s sheriff, Holston, along with a very serious looking Rashida Jones, Tim Robbins, Harriet Walter, Chinaza Uche, and Avi Nash. The Apple TV+ series premieres on May 5.