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Fox News Employees Are (Anonymously, Of Course) Trashing Tucker Carlson, Calling Him ‘Extremely Unprofessional’ And ‘A Joke’

The Dominion lawsuit against Fox News has been ramping up, with one damning revelation after another. Not that viewers would know; they’ve barely mentioned it on-air, instead carrying on as usual. But as Tucker Carlson goes on air to once again downplay the Jan. 6 riot, behind the scenes staff is freaking the hell out. They’re mad at upper management. And they’re pissed at Tucker.

A new report by The Daily Beast speaks to numerous employees and insiders — all anonymously, of course. The mood there is grim. “We’re not happy,” one reporter told them bluntly. A producer added, “It’s just a really bad time to be working here.” But while they have plenty of ire for highers-up, who’ve given them “no guidance” on how to handle one apocalyptic news story after another.

Then there’s Tucker. “He acts like the king of Fox,” a producer said. “Entitlement. Extremely unprofessional.”

One correspondent went even further. “Honestly, Tucker is a joke, and I don’t know many in the news division that likes or respects him,” they said. “He makes our jobs harder and way more dangerous.”

Indeed, not long before Tucker’s show Tuesday night, Bret Baier aired a report brutally criticizing his widely condemned coverage of newly available Jan. 6 footage, which the host predictably edited into segments that made the violent insurrectionists look like nice tourists. Tucker’s reports have been slammed by Democrats and Republicans alike, but it’s clear his own colleagues don’t like that they’re making they’re already untrustworthy network look somehow even less reputable.

(Via The Daily Beast)

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A teacher made a student cry in a good way — by telling him test scores aren’t everything.

When you’re a kid, kind words from a caring adult can make such a lasting impression.

Schools can have so much at stake with their testing results, they often inadvertently transfer that pressure onto the students.

That’s exactly what happened to Indiana third-grader Rylan as he was gearing up for something most kids dread: standardized testing week.

His teacher, who has asked to remain anonymous, gave each of her students a letter and a cookie before the big test. The letter is touching, but it’s the video of Rylan’s reaction to it that really gets me (you’ll see that at the end).

Whether you think the amount of testing being done in public schools is great or if you wish it were reduced dramatically, one thing we can all probably agree on is that it’s important to not send kids the wrong message — that their entire worth is wrapped up in whatever score they get.

The need for kids to hear this stuff is real. School pressures are waaaayyy different from when most of us were kids.

I’ll never forget when I drove my daughter home after results came in from a three-day marathon of fifth-grade testing. Usually she was bubbly and happy on days like these because she often got the highest score in her class and was proud of herself — she worked hard and did her best to beat her own scores and loved feeling like it was paying off.

This time she was salty. Her friend had bested her, and though she congratulated her sincerely and effusively, she couldn’t help but feel a pang of disappointment that her “winning” streak had been broken.

My daughter exercising her love of learning: on her way to Battle of the Books (L) and learning photography basics (R).

A lightbulb went off in my head. Her self-worth is all wrapped up in this, I realized. This is all she’s ever known as a measure of who she is and where she ranks.

I pulled the car over and we had an instant talk because it was that important. My speech went something like this:

“You know that if you never achieved another thing in your entire life, you would still be loved and valued in our family just for who you are, right? It’d be disappointing if you stopped trying to reach your potential, but even if you did, we’d still love you.
Who you are isn’t proven by your track record of achievements — it’s the moments when you’re sad but are kind to others anyway, when you have a good reason to be a jerk but you choose not to be, and it’s when no one is looking and you don’t have to be a good person but you are anyway.
You will achieve amazing things in your life, and I will always be happy for you when you do, but not because it’s proving anything about who you are. I already know who you are.”

I saw a lightbulb go off for her then too. I hope it was a pivotal moment in how she will orient herself when going after lofty goals throughout her life.

Here’s Rylan and his mom talking about what it meant to get his teacher’s letter.

Hearing and seeing Rylan’s face and his mother’s gratitude as they share the letter is all the proof we need — a little kindness can go a long way.

If you’re not completely sure a kid in your life totally knows how to separate their test scores from their self-worth, this is a great thing to share with them right now.

This article originally appeared on 03.08.16

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A dancing guy caught on camera picking up litter reminds us that we can do more, too

Have you heard the story of the girl throwing starfish back in the ocean?

It’s a parable about how some people will scoff at others trying to help because it won’t solve the entire problem. The moral of the story is that being a useful person isn’t about being able to solve entire crises, but doing your bit of good in the ways you are able and how that multiplies when many individuals do the same.

We focus so much sometimes on the hugeness of the issues in front of us that we forget we can (and should) do things because they are the right thing to do.

We can just do a little bit, and it adds up.The Avalon Theater’s surveillance camera in Milwaukee snagged footage of this unknown guy delightfully dancing down the street, picking up trash as he goes. An employee decided to set it to music and do a little zoom work (full video below).

He’s not solving all the world’s ecological problems here.

He’s just doing a bit of good in his corner of it and enjoying himself while he does.

Feeling inspired by his dancing good deed? Here are three ways we can do the same.

1. Sign up to do a little bit of beach or ocean cleanup.

I’ve done this before with my daughter at Lake Michigan. It’s a great way to spend a free morning on a weekend, do a little good for your environment, and commune with nature.

You won’t get the whole beach clean, but you’ll be a part of the solution. Image by Angie Aker, used with permission.

2. Be “that weirdo” who cleans things up when you see litter.

Be the friend that makes it a point to stop and throw things away when you see them. Tell people when you see them litter why it’s not cool. I told a friend that once when she threw something out the window, and she said my vehement reaction to what she did stuck with her the rest of her life and changed her habits.

3. Use your free time to give the Earth a little love.

Going for a hike or rowing around the lake? Bring some trash and recycling bags and stop at common picnic spots. You’ll be sure to find things you can throw out, and you don’t need to sign up for any official expedition to make yourself useful.

It just might put a jaunt in your step and inspire you to dance some litter over to a wastebasket near you.

Change what’s within your arm’s reach, and you just might change the world!

This article originally appeared on 06.28.16

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A mom’s hilarious viral video answers the question ‘Why do you have so many kids?’

Jenny Evans is a mom to six kids. And, yes, she knows that’s a lot.

That doesn’t stop people from asking her, though. The kinds of comments she gets from friends and even from complete strangers would have you thinking she hadn’t actually thought this whole “six kids” thing through.

“One of the questions I get asked constantly as a mom of six is ‘Why do you have so many kids?'” she says.

Surveys show that the average American thinks two or three kids is ideal. So six seems to absolutely blow people’s minds, and they feel compelled — nay, entitled — to receive an explanation. Evans is sick of it.

In a hilarious video posted to her Facebook page, Evans tackles the absurd question with the, uh, thoughtfulness it deserves.

In the video, which has since gone viral, Evans feigns a moment of realization: “That’s a good question. Why do I have so many kids?”

She then launches into a tirade of satirical answers she might offer well-meaning strangers who ask her about the size of her family.

At the very end of the video, Evans briefly touches on the reason she has six kids. The real reason, that is.

“It’s because I like them,” she says in the clip.

“We never had ‘a number’ or consciously decided we were going to have a big family, but simply made room for one more whenever we felt like we could,” Evans told ABC News. “Having a new baby join the family and watching everyone’s relationships with everyone else grow is the most amazing thing. I just never get tired of that.”

Americans are actually having fewer kids overall these days, so concern about over-population and resources is wasted on questioning one individual family’s choices. Besides, we shouldn’t judge, shame, or question people who have lots of kids while simultaneously stigmatizing people who choose not to.

Evans’ video is simply a fun reminder to live and let live. Having no kids is fine. Having six kids is fine. So is seven or eight or however many you choose to — or not to — have.

At the end of the day, it’s as simple as this: How you choose to build or define your own family isn’t a choice you should have to defend.

Check out the rest of Evans’ hilarious responses (all of them!) in the video below:

This article originally appeared on 10.25.17

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He asked her to turn down a promotion to spare his ego and the story went viral

Twitter user Kimber Dowsett was bored and waiting to catch a flight when she caught wind of a couple arguing.

Like most of us would (though we might not admit it), she quickly found herself listening in on the juicy drama.

When she realized what the argument was about, she pulled out her phone and began documenting the scene on Twitter for the benefit of her 24,000 followers.

The couple was arguing about money, but not in a “What do you mean you forgot to pay the gas bill?!” kind of way. It was bigger than that.

The woman had been offered a promotion at work, and Dowsett couldn’t believe she was listening to the woman’s partner — a man — telling her to turn it down.

He’d be “humiliated,” he told her, if she made more money than him, explaining that if she really loved him, she’d turn the promotion down.

Couple beside me at the airport is arguing over money. He just told her if she loved him she’d turn down the promot…— bat (@bat) 1513701391.0


As Dowsett continued listening in, the man twisted the knife, so to speak, insisting his partner put his feelings above her career.

Shocked and enraged, Dowsett sat at her airport gate, listening as the woman began crying, promising her partner she’d never jeopardize the relationship. When the man continued to insist she turn down the job, Dowsett couldn’t help it. “I just want to punch him,” she tweeted.

omg she’s crying and said she’d never do anything to jeopardize their relationship and he’s like “good then turn do…— bat (@bat) 1513701492.0

It only went downhill from there.

According to Dowsett, the man had simply assumed that his partner would eventually leave her job altogether to take care of the kids. There’s no point focusing on her career anyway, he told her.

He just told her once they’re married and have kids she wouldn’t be working anyway so there’s no point focusing on…— bat (@bat) 1513701698.0

OMG SHE WIPED HER TEARS & SAID “kids? who said anything about me ever wanting kids?!”— bat (@bat) 1513701795.0

The dramatic fight ended, Dowsett wrote, when the woman stormed off, leaving her now-ex to go on vacation with his own damn self.

Apparently Dowsett wasn’t the only person who overheard the fight, as the people waiting at the gate burst into applause for the woman when she threw her boarding pass at her ex and told him to have fun in Cancun.


The Tweet thread went viral, with people applauding the woman or just enjoying the absurdity of it all.

For all the conversation’s viral hilarity, there’s more than a kernel of uncomfortable truth in this story.

The wage gap still exists, but women are becoming more and more likely to be the breadwinners in their households and relationships. And that’s not just single mothers. Some estimates say about a quarter of all marriages include a woman who earns more than her partner — a number that has quadrupled since the ’60s.

This is a good thing — obviously! It’s a sign that women are kicking ass in the workplace and finally getting more opportunities to advance, despite the wage gap and sexual harassment and other barriers women face in the workplace.

As the argument above shows, however, it’s not a comfortable transition for every couple. After all, there is immense societal pressure on men to “provide for the family” and on women to slide into motherly, caretaker roles.

For the love of equality, dudes, don’t be like Airport Guy. Be proud of your wives and girlfriends and partners for their accomplishments.

“Equal pay” is only going to get more equal, and the number of women in heterosexual relationships who out-earn or match what their male partners make is going to march closer and closer to half.

Being a man does not entitle you to a higher salary. Not anymore. Being secure in your masculinity and being a supportive partner means celebrating your significant other’s successes. It means encouraging them to be their best and being proud of them when they succeed, even if it means they might be doing “better” than you.

Yes, some people might think it’s “weird” if a wife or girlfriend makes more money, but things are changing and it’s time we all get with the program.

Don’t get swept away with this outdated idea of how things “should be” — or risk being immortalized by a viral Tweet thread in which you come off looking like a total jackass. It’s much better to just enjoy having a relationship with a talented, intelligent, and ambitious woman, if you’re lucky enough to have one.

This article originally appeared on 12.27.17

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The Biggest Takeaways We Have After ‘Snowfall’ Season 6, Episode 4

WARNING: Spoilers for this week’s episode of Snowfall will be found below.

In season six of Snowfall, the best chance of peace returning to Los Angeles seemingly lied in the hands of Leon thanks to his close ties to Franklin, Jerome, and Louie. Unfortunately, his return from Ghana proved that not only is he unable to repair things between the trio, but it also proved that he has his own battles to fight. Episode three concluded with Franklin issuing a warning to Leon to either pick a side or stay out of the mess. In this week’s side, we see Leon make his decision.

In episode four “Projects Boy” of this season, the focus remains on Leon in large part. His interactions aren’t with Franklin, Jerome, or Louie, but rather, with Deon who was put in charge of the projects after Leon’s exit. Leon isn’t a fan of how Deon is running things, and despite several recommendations from him to get things right, Deon opts to ignore him and do as he pleases. Furthermore, he mocks Leon for marrying Wanda who doesn’t have the best history in the projects as she is known as a former crack addict to those who live in the area. All of this leads to a huge fight between Leon and Deon, and while the former won the battle, it remains to be seen who will win the war. Elsewhere in the episode, Franklin pushes Veronique and her mother to find out who stole his $73 million while he connects with Kane to see why product is being made at a slower-than-expected rate. Oh, and you’re mistaken if you thought we were taking a break from the Franklin vs. Jerome & Wanda war this week.

Here are some of the biggest takeaways that we have after season six’s episode four, “Projects Boy.”

Leon Really Wants To Do Good

Leon returned home from Ghana a changed man. Yes, he was married to his longtime lover Wanda, but he also returned home with the goal of bringing some change to his community. In “Projects Boy,” it becomes clear that this change will be a lot harder to come by than expected for Leon. He gets home to see that things have only gotten worse with Deon in charge. Through peaceful conversations, Leon tries to bring back some level of normalcy to the projects, but Deon is set on doing things his own way. Leon, more frustrated than ever, sits several yards across from Deon seething with anger and frustration at how much things have worsened and how little people desire to make things better. So, when Leon gets into a fight with Deon, who we should note is much bigger than him, it’s done not in a moment of recklessness, but rather, to push forward his agenda of restoring order. Maybe it’s rooted in the guilt of his past doings, but Leon simply wants to do right by his people and his community, and though he’d like for it to be an easy process, he will go to whatever lengths necessary to make it happen.

Franklin Doesn’t Mind Getting His Hands Dirty

Desperate times call for extremely desperate measures, and in Franklin’s world, that couldn’t be any truer. In his world, everything needs to go as planned without error and without delay. It’s why Franklin loses his sh*t and goes off on Veronique’s mother Cassandra when she returns with a lot less information than he expected in regard to his missing $73 million. It’s why he demands that Kane allow him to go to one of the cook houses to see the process there and understand why less product than expected is being pushed out of there. It’s why he throws everyone out of the cook house, burns a cook’s face, and rolls up his sleeves to get to work. As Franklin told Kane, he built an empire and in a perfect world, he’d be sitting back to enjoy the fruits of his labor, but things are far from perfect now. So if it requires that he get his hands a little dirty, so be it. But one thing he won’t do is let his empire fall down.

'Snowfall' S6 E4 Jerome & Louie
Ray Mickshaw/FX

Jerome And Louie Aren’t Going Anywhere

In “Projects Boy,” you nearly forget that the war between Franklin, Jerome, and Louie is still ongoing. Much of the episode focuses on Franklin’s effort to track down his lost money with help from Veronique and Cassandra as well as Leon’s effort to bring change in his community. Yet, in the closing moments of the episode, we’re reminded that Jerome and Louie are not to be forgotten as they seemingly employ the aforementioned cook whose face Franklin burned to lead them to his whereabouts. What results is a drive-by shooting and ambush that Franklin and Kane narrowly escape while successfully killing the treason-committing cook. Jerome and Louie can certainly put more focus on taking down Franklin, as they’re a duo who has a more established drug supply coming in. So with that said, it’s imperative that Franklin does a better job of staying on his toes because the shooting at Kane’s house could’ve ended a lot worse than it did.

Wanda Can’t Grow Where She Wasn’t Rooted

As Leon opened up about wanting to return home to fix some of the damage he was responsible for, it was clear that Wanda wasn’t as open to the idea of going back to Los Angeles. Wanda was a victim of all that went down in Los Angeles as she formed a deep addiction to crack. Though she was able to get clean from the drug, addiction is a lifelong battle and being away from LA helped her stay above it. With her return to the city, Wanda’s fear of falling off the wagon couldn’t be more obvious. Life is much better than it used to be for her: she’s married now, she’s in a much better position to hold and maintain a job, and she has a better outlook on the world. The truth of the matter is Wanda will probably do better somewhere that isn’t her old home. Wanda can’t grow where she wasn’t rooted. LA and those very projects that she and Leon are staying in are tethered to some of the lowest years of her life. Her battle with addiction becomes incredibly harder when the very drug she fights to overcome every day is being sold in her backyard and along the pathways that lead in and out of her current home. Leon may want to save the community, but Wanda may have to leave it in order to save herself.

New episodes of ‘Snowfall’ are available on FX on Wednesdays at 10pm EST/ PST.

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B. Cool-Aid Release The New Single ‘Soundgood’ And Unveil A Stacked Tracklist For ‘Leather Blvd’

Rapper Pink Siifu and producer Ahwlee teamed up as B. Cool-Aid for Leather Blvd, an album arriving at the end of this month. As if this collaboration isn’t exciting enough, the tracklist was unveiled today, March 8, and it’s nothing short of stacked.

The record has features from artists like Fousheé, Quelle Chris, Ladybug Mecca, Denmark Vessey, and more. It’ll be 16 tracks and only one will have no guests. So far, “Cnt Go Back (Tell Me)” and “Wassup” are out, and they’ve unveiled “Soundgood” today.

Listen to “Soundgood” above.

Check out the Leather Blvd tracklist below.

1. “Welcome 2 Leather Boulevard” featuring Butcher Brown, DJ Harrison, and Melanie Charles
2. “Cnt Go Back (Tell Me)” featuring Liv.e, Butcher Brown, Jimetta Rose, V.C.R, and Maurice II
3. “Diamonds” featuring DJ Harrison and V.C.R
4. “Neems (Naima)” featuring Mndsgn and Akeema-Zane
5. “Soundgood” featuring Liv.e, Jimetta Rose and V.C.R
6 “Wassup” featuring Devin Morrison, Pher and MoRuf
7. “If U Can See Me (4U)” featuring Liv.e
8. “Cnt Fk Around”
9. “Fools _ LSA” featuring Big Rube, V.C.R, Ladybug Mecca, Butcher Brown, and DJ Harrison
10. “ChalkRoundIt” (Talk Abt It) featuring Ladybug Mecca
11. “CRAXY”’!” featuring Butcher Brown, Kamila, Blk Deco, and SALIMATA
12. “Streets Got Pages” featuring Liv.e, Jimetta Rose and V.C.R
13. “So Soft Salon” featuring DJ Harrison, Demae, Nita Darling, and Funky Chunky
14. “Leather Blvd Ad” featuring Big Rube
15. “Brandy, Aaliyah” featuring Quelle Chris, Denmark Vessey, Jimetta Rose, V.C.R, MoRuf, and Kamilah
16. “We Good At Leather Tht Leather This” featuring Fousheé, Butcher Brown, Ladybug Mecca, and Nita Darling

Leather Blvd is out 3/31 via Lex Records. Find more information here.

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‘The Last Of Us’ Episode 8 Broke A Series Record With A Number That Almost Doubled That Of The Show’s Premiere

HBO has a long history of smash shows, and they’ve recently added a new one to the pile: The Last of Us, the adaptation of the popular dystopian video game. It’s even gotten the kids into both Linda Ronstadt and Depeche Mode. Its eighth and most recent episode tackled the most horrifying part of the game, but instead of scaring off viewers, it helped it become even more popular.

As per ScreenRant, Warner Bros. Discovery reports that Episode 8, titled “When We Are in Need,” drew an impressive 8.1 million viewers, based on Nielsen and first-party data. It’s a record for the show, beating out Episode 4. But that’s not all: The new episode nearly doubled the viewership of the pilot, which drew 4.7 million viewers — the biggest debut since the Game of Thrones spinoff House of the Dragon.

It’s no surprise The Last of Us kicked off swimmingly. It had a built-in audience from the video game, to say nothing of the all-star cast. Doubling it, of course, implies that people not only genuinely like it but are also telling others to tune in. It’s not a fluke; it’s a show that is increasing viewers because of its quality. So kudos to a show that was always going to do well but which is now exceeding those lofty expectations.

(Via ScreenRant)

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Shawn Kemp Was Arrested On Drive-By Shooting Charges In Tacoma, Washington

Former NBA All-Star Shawn Kemp was arrested on Wednesday afternoon and booked by Tacoma police on drive-by shooting charges after an altercation in the parking lot outside Tacoma Mall in which shots were fired from a vehicle that did not strike anyone. Police have recovered the gun from the incident and are still currently investigating.

Kemp was booked at 5:58 p.m. PT into Pierce County Corrections for one count of drive-by shooting after his car allegedly fled the scene after shots were fired earlier in the afternoon, via FOX 13 Seattle.

The shooting call came into police just before 2 p.m. Shots were fired from a passing vehicle in the parking lot on the northeast side of the mall near the Courtesy Tire store.

Police said nobody was hurt in the shooting, and that the suspect initially identified as a 53-year-old man was detained at the scene.

Kemp faced legal trouble in the past shortly after his playing career ended, with a pair of drug possession charges in 2005 and 2006, but has since become invested and involved in a number of local businesses in the Seattle area, including opening the first black-owned dispensary in Seattle in 2020, Shawn Kemp’s Cannabis. We will continue to provide updates as more become available.

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Christina Ricci Feels Bad That She Used To Be A ‘Bit Of A D*ckhead’ During Interviews As A Teen

Christina Ricci is in the midst of a well-deserved resurgence. She’s got a hit show, the about-to-return Yellowjackets, and thanks to Wednesday, there’s renewed attention for her work in the two ‘90s Addams Family movies. Speaking of, when Ricci was younger, she earned a reputation for frank interviews in which she freely spoke her mind. Sometimes she spoke about issues like mental health, body image, and depression. Sometimes she was kind of combative. She doesn’t do that anymore, and in a new honest but not holds barred chat with Rolling Stone (in a bit caught by The AV Club), she admitted she could be, you know, kind of a teenager.

“I was a bit of a dickhead,” Ricci said. “I could have handled it in a way that was less teenage.”

Not that she was entirely at fault. The late ‘90s/early aughts, when Ricci was celebrated as a kind of “anti-It girl,” were a time when young women were more sexualized than they are now. Ricci got caught up in that. For instance, a 1999 cover story for — as it happens — Rolling Stone featured an older white guy writing sentences that described her as a “hazardously sexy teen who will say anything.” The main photo, meanwhile, finds her posing in pink lingerie.

“It’s not how I would have chosen to be dressed, but it’s very much of its time,” Ricci says of it now. “Not great.”

These days, she’s far more protective of herself, though she worries she could let her guard down. Doing TV is different from doing movies in many ways, and one example is that with movies you do press once, maybe twice. With TV you’re constantly having to do press. That means more opportunities to let something slip out.

“I find myself starting to feel a little bit more devil-may-care about the things I say,” Ricci said. “And that’s not good for me. I always go too far. I never realize how awful a thing I’m saying is until someone else is like, ‘What the f*ck?’”

(Via Rolling Stone and The AV Club)