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A year after it went missing, a kind-hearted truck driver helped this cat get back home

BooBoo’s parents had all but given up, nearly a year after their beloved cat disappeared.

Vanore Voaklander and her husband were diligent after BooBoo disappeared during what was supposed to be a short trip outside from their home near Edmonton.

They searched local parks, put up posters and offered a reward. But still their cat was nowhere to be found.

“We were getting leads from all different neighbourhoods. We would rush there and find out there would be no cat,” Voaklander told the Global News.

But the Global News reports that seemingly out of nowhere, tow-truck driver Darren Labelle spotted BooBoo wandering around near his shop, nearly 10 miles from his home.

Describing the cat as looking “sick, dirty and beaten up,” Labelle slowly began feeding BooBoo and offering him shelter inside.

“He’d actually jump up on us, head butt you and lay on my keyboard while I was trying to work,” Labelle said. “I realized this cat has to be domesticated.”

After disappearing a year earlier, Alberta cat reunited with owners

photo of missing cat

So, he put a photo of BooBoo up on a Facebook page for lost animals and within an hour the Voaklanders were on their way to rescue their beloved cat, whom they say slept for three straight days after getting back home.

Hero’s don’t always wear capes. Meet the rescuers. The world needs more people like this. We are forever grateful.
Posted by Boo Boo Come Home on Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Couple looking for lost cat

They may never know what happened but they think someone may have stolen BooBoo then abandoned him. Regardless, they returned to give Labelle some thank you gifts, including a $1,000 reward.

Labelle initially declined, but now will use the money to help feed some of the other stray cats who have wandered near his shop looking for their own homes.

This article originally appeared on 09.26.18

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When a Dad shows the world the ‘right way’ to yell at kids about their report card

“I don’t usually yell at my kids but he deserved it.”

This Dad gets an A++.

Actor and comedian Kevin Fredericks gave social media a masterclass in inspirational parenting.

In an Instagram video that quickly went viral, Fredericks yelled at his young son as they discussed his report card.

“I am so proud of you, you are doing amazing in school!” he tells his son, while holding a copy of his report card.

What makes this video so special is most people know the fear of facing their parents after getting in trouble in school. And that fear is so rarely replaced with love and encouragement when kids are showing up, doing their homework and generally doing just fine.

And it’s not the only time Fredericks has shown off the power of positive parenting the impact it can have on children at school and beyond.

With good humor and humility, he shared a response on Twitter from a parent who pointed out it’s never a bad time to treat our children with compassion:

It’s so true that most people seeing the video are assuming it’s a video of a parent legitimately “yelling” at their child in anger for poor grades. In fact, Fredericks tagged his video with a note jokingly saying, “I don’t usually yell at my kids but he deserved it.”

It turns out there is a perfect time to yell at kids. With love, encouragement and acknowledgment of when they do the right thing.

This article originally appeared on 10.11.18

News Trending Viral Worldwide

When a Dad shows the world the ‘right way’ to yell at kids about their report card

“I don’t usually yell at my kids but he deserved it.”

This Dad gets an A++.

Actor and comedian Kevin Fredericks gave social media a masterclass in inspirational parenting.

In an Instagram video that quickly went viral, Fredericks yelled at his young son as they discussed his report card.

“I am so proud of you, you are doing amazing in school!” he tells his son, while holding a copy of his report card.

What makes this video so special is most people know the fear of facing their parents after getting in trouble in school. And that fear is so rarely replaced with love and encouragement when kids are showing up, doing their homework and generally doing just fine.

And it’s not the only time Fredericks has shown off the power of positive parenting the impact it can have on children at school and beyond.

With good humor and humility, he shared a response on Twitter from a parent who pointed out it’s never a bad time to treat our children with compassion:

It’s so true that most people seeing the video are assuming it’s a video of a parent legitimately “yelling” at their child in anger for poor grades. In fact, Fredericks tagged his video with a note jokingly saying, “I don’t usually yell at my kids but he deserved it.”

It turns out there is a perfect time to yell at kids. With love, encouragement and acknowledgment of when they do the right thing.

This article originally appeared on 10.11.18

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This incredible mom saved her husband’s life just before giving birth

28-year-old Ashley Goette was just days away from the birth of her first child.

She was at that stage of her pregnancy where everything can seem like a headache. So, when she heard what she thought was her husband Andrew snoring in the early morning hours, it all made sense.

Instead, she realized Andrew wasn’t snoring but was actually gasping for breath and wouldn’t wake up. In a panic, Goette called 911 and told them what was happening. Time was of the essence and to help give her husband a fighting chance at surviving, the operator talked Goette through performing CPR on her husband while she waited for an ambulance to arrive.

“When (the paramedics) were standing in the house and doing CPR, I was thinking, ‘I cannot have this baby and not have Andrew be here,”’ Goette said in an interview.

After Andrew was taken to a hospital, it was discovered he has Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, a condition which results in an extra electrical pathway in the heart and rapid heart rate.

Only around 20,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with the condition each year and it’s rarely fatal. But in this case it nearly was.

Doctors were forced to place Goette’s husband in a medically-induced coma while she and her family prepared for the worst on the eve of what was supposed to be the happiest day in their lives.

Thankfully, doctors were able to successfully revive Andrew, who awoke in the hospital confused and scared. But after being brought up to speed, he realized he was also back in the mix in time for one more miracle.

It’s nothing short of a miracle,” he said. “I went from the brink of death to being able to watch the birth of my son. It will be one heck of a story to tell him when he’s older.”

hospitals, insurance, charity, medical bills

Doctors praised Goette for her quick thinking that literally helped save her husband’s life until medical professionals arrived.

“Within a four-day span, she saved a life and she brought a new life into the world. That’s amazing,” said Dr. Alex Teeters, who treated Andrew Goette in the hospital.

However, the couple faced a steep financial climb with Andrew’s medical bills and the birth of their baby Lenny all happening in the same week. They set up a GoFundMe campaign for anyone that wanted to help cover their steep medical costs, which raised more than $12,000.

You can watch more about it in the video from the show “Inside Edition” just below:

This article originally appeared on 10.30.18

News Trending Viral Worldwide

This incredible mom saved her husband’s life just before giving birth

28-year-old Ashley Goette was just days away from the birth of her first child.

She was at that stage of her pregnancy where everything can seem like a headache. So, when she heard what she thought was her husband Andrew snoring in the early morning hours, it all made sense.

Instead, she realized Andrew wasn’t snoring but was actually gasping for breath and wouldn’t wake up. In a panic, Goette called 911 and told them what was happening. Time was of the essence and to help give her husband a fighting chance at surviving, the operator talked Goette through performing CPR on her husband while she waited for an ambulance to arrive.

“When (the paramedics) were standing in the house and doing CPR, I was thinking, ‘I cannot have this baby and not have Andrew be here,”’ Goette said in an interview.

After Andrew was taken to a hospital, it was discovered he has Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, a condition which results in an extra electrical pathway in the heart and rapid heart rate.

Only around 20,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with the condition each year and it’s rarely fatal. But in this case it nearly was.

Doctors were forced to place Goette’s husband in a medically-induced coma while she and her family prepared for the worst on the eve of what was supposed to be the happiest day in their lives.

Thankfully, doctors were able to successfully revive Andrew, who awoke in the hospital confused and scared. But after being brought up to speed, he realized he was also back in the mix in time for one more miracle.

It’s nothing short of a miracle,” he said. “I went from the brink of death to being able to watch the birth of my son. It will be one heck of a story to tell him when he’s older.”

hospitals, insurance, charity, medical bills

Doctors praised Goette for her quick thinking that literally helped save her husband’s life until medical professionals arrived.

“Within a four-day span, she saved a life and she brought a new life into the world. That’s amazing,” said Dr. Alex Teeters, who treated Andrew Goette in the hospital.

However, the couple faced a steep financial climb with Andrew’s medical bills and the birth of their baby Lenny all happening in the same week. They set up a GoFundMe campaign for anyone that wanted to help cover their steep medical costs, which raised more than $12,000.

You can watch more about it in the video from the show “Inside Edition” just below:

This article originally appeared on 10.30.18

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6 wild conspiracy theories that actually turned out to be true

It’s feeling harder and harder to separate truth from fiction in the age of fake news.

But conspiracy theories and propaganda are as old as society itself. Perhaps most disturbing of all is the growing wealth of scientific evidence suggesting that we’re influenced even by news we know to be fake.

How many disproven JFK assassination theories are floating around in your brain thanks to Oliver Stone? Do you sometimes wonder if anyone has ever really landed on the Moon? And do you think just maybe it’s possible that Adolf Hitler actually survived World War II and lived out his days in Brazil? If so, you’re not alone.

And that’s to say nothing of more modern conspiracy theories driven by social media, making unfounded claims about everything from diets to money to the state of reality itself.

But sometimes the wildest conspiracies are true. Like these six seemingly insane conspiracy theories that are quite real:

A radar lit in rainbow colors

1. “Gaydar”

Who doesn’t love Canada? Well, 1960’s Canada wasn’t quite the squishy utopia it seems to be today. The Canadian government hired Carleton University professor Frank Robert Wake to create something it maliciously called the “fruit machine,” which they believed could detect and identify gay men. It wasn’t part of some benign effort to understand human sexuality.

It was part of a sick bit of McCarthyism with the stated goal of getting all gay men out of the country’s government.

More than 400 people lost their jobs, and 9,000 more were kept on a file of “suspects.” The device claimed to work by measuring how much a subject’s pupils dilated after being forced to look at same-sex erotic imagery.

Harry Truman and MK Ultra

2. MKUltra

Back in the 1950s the CIA secretly dosed individuals with LSD in order to test the potential effects of mind control. Although the practice reportedly continued for two decades, it was launched before the drug movement of the 1960s made LSD into a popular counterculture symbol. And while being given some free acid might sound like a great time to some, or at least the plot to a bad hipster action movie, dozens of people were reportedly left with permanent disabilities after secretly being subjected to massive amounts of LSD and electroshock therapy after seeking treatment for “minor psychiatric complaints.”

Gulf of Tonkin

3. The Gulf of Tonkin incident

On August 2, 1964, the USS. Maddox opened fire on what it later claimed were several North Vietnamese targets. The skirmish deepened America’s involvement in the Vietnam War, leading to the death of thousands of U.S. soldiers and many more Vietnamese, including hundreds of thousands of civilians. Except, it turned out the “targets” the Maddox fired upon didn’t actually exist. It’s still debated today whether the incident was an intentional misdirection by the military. But one thing is certain: President Johnson’s original claim that the North Vietnamese fired first has been debunked. Even former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara admitted as much in an interview before his death. After all, it’s kind of hard to start a fight when you’re not even there.

Bohemian Grove

4. Bohemian Grove: A secretive gathering of world elites

A secretive organization of people that control the world? Well, it turns out it does exist and many of its members are powerful world leaders and titans of industry. The real action happens at Bohemian Grove, which appears to primarily exist as a place, “where the rich and powerful go to misbehave” according to The Washington Post.

Or, alternatively, to hear it from the group directly, where members, “share a passion for the outdoors, music, and theater.”However, along with more traditional fare such as drinking and big dinners, the regular activities also reportedly include performing rituals before a giant wooden owl, according to The Post.

Owners of the property host a two-week retreat in California each year for some of the wealthiest and most influential Americans. Past attendees include Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, both of whom attended before entering the White House. Oh, and it’s where the idea for the atomic bomb was first sketched out.

No big deal.

Dalai Lama

5. The CIA helped fund the Dalai Lama

Who doesn’t love the Dalai Lama?

Other than the Chinese government.

Even the CIA can’t get enough of His Holiness and his band of Tibetan resistance fighters. That’s because during the 1960s, the CIA allegedly funneled millions of dollars to the Tibetan Resistance, including what some claim was a six-figure annual “salary” that went directly to the Dalai Lama himself (which he denied). This wasn’t some remnant from the agency’s flirtation with LSD. Rather, it was a pretty obvious attempt to undermine the Chinese government, something the Chinese have complained about for decades. In declassified State Department memos, the organization says: “The purpose of the program … is to keep the political concept of an autonomous Tibet alive within Tibet and among foreign nations, principally India, and to build a capability for resistance against possible political developments inside Communist China.”

Abraham Lincoln

6. The conspiracy to kill Abraham Lincoln

The most commonly held version of events is that actor John Wilkes Booth acted alone when he assassinated President Lincoln inside Ford’s Theater. But it turns out Booth collaborated with no less than 9 other co-conspirators, including Mary Surratt, the first woman executed by the U.S. government. First, there was David Herold, who helped Booth escape after leaving Ford’s Theater. Then, there was George Azterodt, who unsuccessfully attempted to assassinate Vice President Andrew Johnson. Even though Azterodt never actually attempted the act, he was, nonetheless, executed for plotting against the president. Meanwhile, coconspirator Lewis Powell did attempt to assassinate Secretary of State William Seward, severely injuring him. If you ever want to learn the full story of Booth’s traitorous act, and the desperate attempt to capture him and his team, you can’t do better than James L. Swanson’s Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase For Lincoln’s Killer.

This article originally appeared on 08.31.18

News Trending Viral Worldwide

6 wild conspiracy theories that actually turned out to be true

It’s feeling harder and harder to separate truth from fiction in the age of fake news.

But conspiracy theories and propaganda are as old as society itself. Perhaps most disturbing of all is the growing wealth of scientific evidence suggesting that we’re influenced even by news we know to be fake.

How many disproven JFK assassination theories are floating around in your brain thanks to Oliver Stone? Do you sometimes wonder if anyone has ever really landed on the Moon? And do you think just maybe it’s possible that Adolf Hitler actually survived World War II and lived out his days in Brazil? If so, you’re not alone.

And that’s to say nothing of more modern conspiracy theories driven by social media, making unfounded claims about everything from diets to money to the state of reality itself.

But sometimes the wildest conspiracies are true. Like these six seemingly insane conspiracy theories that are quite real:

A radar lit in rainbow colors

1. “Gaydar”

Who doesn’t love Canada? Well, 1960’s Canada wasn’t quite the squishy utopia it seems to be today. The Canadian government hired Carleton University professor Frank Robert Wake to create something it maliciously called the “fruit machine,” which they believed could detect and identify gay men. It wasn’t part of some benign effort to understand human sexuality.

It was part of a sick bit of McCarthyism with the stated goal of getting all gay men out of the country’s government.

More than 400 people lost their jobs, and 9,000 more were kept on a file of “suspects.” The device claimed to work by measuring how much a subject’s pupils dilated after being forced to look at same-sex erotic imagery.

Harry Truman and MK Ultra

2. MKUltra

Back in the 1950s the CIA secretly dosed individuals with LSD in order to test the potential effects of mind control. Although the practice reportedly continued for two decades, it was launched before the drug movement of the 1960s made LSD into a popular counterculture symbol. And while being given some free acid might sound like a great time to some, or at least the plot to a bad hipster action movie, dozens of people were reportedly left with permanent disabilities after secretly being subjected to massive amounts of LSD and electroshock therapy after seeking treatment for “minor psychiatric complaints.”

Gulf of Tonkin

3. The Gulf of Tonkin incident

On August 2, 1964, the USS. Maddox opened fire on what it later claimed were several North Vietnamese targets. The skirmish deepened America’s involvement in the Vietnam War, leading to the death of thousands of U.S. soldiers and many more Vietnamese, including hundreds of thousands of civilians. Except, it turned out the “targets” the Maddox fired upon didn’t actually exist. It’s still debated today whether the incident was an intentional misdirection by the military. But one thing is certain: President Johnson’s original claim that the North Vietnamese fired first has been debunked. Even former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara admitted as much in an interview before his death. After all, it’s kind of hard to start a fight when you’re not even there.

Bohemian Grove

4. Bohemian Grove: A secretive gathering of world elites

A secretive organization of people that control the world? Well, it turns out it does exist and many of its members are powerful world leaders and titans of industry. The real action happens at Bohemian Grove, which appears to primarily exist as a place, “where the rich and powerful go to misbehave” according to The Washington Post.

Or, alternatively, to hear it from the group directly, where members, “share a passion for the outdoors, music, and theater.”However, along with more traditional fare such as drinking and big dinners, the regular activities also reportedly include performing rituals before a giant wooden owl, according to The Post.

Owners of the property host a two-week retreat in California each year for some of the wealthiest and most influential Americans. Past attendees include Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, both of whom attended before entering the White House. Oh, and it’s where the idea for the atomic bomb was first sketched out.

No big deal.

Dalai Lama

5. The CIA helped fund the Dalai Lama

Who doesn’t love the Dalai Lama?

Other than the Chinese government.

Even the CIA can’t get enough of His Holiness and his band of Tibetan resistance fighters. That’s because during the 1960s, the CIA allegedly funneled millions of dollars to the Tibetan Resistance, including what some claim was a six-figure annual “salary” that went directly to the Dalai Lama himself (which he denied). This wasn’t some remnant from the agency’s flirtation with LSD. Rather, it was a pretty obvious attempt to undermine the Chinese government, something the Chinese have complained about for decades. In declassified State Department memos, the organization says: “The purpose of the program … is to keep the political concept of an autonomous Tibet alive within Tibet and among foreign nations, principally India, and to build a capability for resistance against possible political developments inside Communist China.”

Abraham Lincoln

6. The conspiracy to kill Abraham Lincoln

The most commonly held version of events is that actor John Wilkes Booth acted alone when he assassinated President Lincoln inside Ford’s Theater. But it turns out Booth collaborated with no less than 9 other co-conspirators, including Mary Surratt, the first woman executed by the U.S. government. First, there was David Herold, who helped Booth escape after leaving Ford’s Theater. Then, there was George Azterodt, who unsuccessfully attempted to assassinate Vice President Andrew Johnson. Even though Azterodt never actually attempted the act, he was, nonetheless, executed for plotting against the president. Meanwhile, coconspirator Lewis Powell did attempt to assassinate Secretary of State William Seward, severely injuring him. If you ever want to learn the full story of Booth’s traitorous act, and the desperate attempt to capture him and his team, you can’t do better than James L. Swanson’s Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase For Lincoln’s Killer.

This article originally appeared on 08.31.18

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MJF Submitted Bryan Danielson In Sudden Death At AEW Revolution

MJF needed sudden death, but he was able to submit Bryan Danielson to reclaim his AEW Heavyweight Championship in the main event at AEW Revolution.

Over the first 20 minutes of the match, we saw a little bit of everything — mat wrestling, MJF wasting time, and Danielson taking risks. MJF tweaked his knee on a moonsault to the outside, which would come back to hurt him later.

After a series of false pins, the challenger earned the first fall with the Busaiku Knee. Immediately after, Danielson went for another Busaiku Knee, but MJF hit him with a low blow for a disqualification to give him a 2-0 advantage. MJF then rolled up Danielson for a pin, then pinned him again to draw level at 2-2.

Danielson and MJF went back and forth at the midway point of the match, with the challenger attacking the champ’s injured knee. He slammed it against the ring post and held him in a figure four leg lock until MJF could escape. On the ring apron, Danielson chipped away at leg kicks to MJF, while the champ attacked his injured shoulder. MJF dragged Danielson over to the table and ringside, then dropped an elbow on him from the top rope through the table. Danielson made it into the ring before the 10 count to keep the match level.

MJF brought Danielson back out to the broken table and tombstoned him through the remnants of the table, opening up a gash on his head. MJF then landed the Heat Seeker for the pinfall and the 3-2 advantage. MJF taunted Danielson, yelling about his kids, claiming to be the best in the world, and demanding some fight from the challenger.

With 15 minutes remaining, MJF looked to be in cruise control. Danielson reversed a toss into the ring apron, then hit two springboard attempts onto MJF. Back in the ring, Danielson dropped MJF with the spider suplex, then landed a diving headbutt that opened up MJF. With 10 minutes to go, Danielson landed another Busaiku Knee and then put together the LeBell Lock and earned the submission to draw level at 3-3.

MJF worked his way into Salt of the Earth, but Danielson was able to roll out and attempt the LeBell Lock again. MJF reversed into a pin attempt and after a two count, Salt of the Earth again. Danielson was dragged away from the rope as he neared, then barely got a foot on the rope as MJF stretched him.

On their knees in the middle of the ring, Danielson and MJF traded blows. They worked their way to their feet, continued to trade shots, then fell to their knees again. With five minutes remaining, both Danielson and MJF got to their feet and exploded into shots and chest slaps. MJF then poked Danielson in the eyes. On the apron, MJF landed the Heat Seeker again for the two count.

With less than three minutes remaining, MJF landed a top rope tombstone, but the champ took over a minute to crawl for the pin, only getting the two count. Danielson then reversed into the single leg crab with one minute remaining. He crawled to the rope, but couldn’t get it. Danielson dragged him to the middle of the ring and sat down on the single leg crab as the clock counted down and MJF submitted after the 60 minute timer had expired.

After it was announced the match had ended in a draw, Tony Schiavone came down to the ring to announce the match would go to sudden death as Danielson hyped the crowd and MJF was administered oxygen.

MJF pushed the referee to open the extended bout and got an illegal low blow with the ref distracted to get the two count. MJF tried to hit Danielson with the belt, and with the ref’s back turned, pulled the Dynamite Diamond Ring out of his trunks. Danielson then dropped him with the Busaiku Knee for the two count. Danielson then locked in the single leg crab. MJF inched his way to the ropes, then tapped. Danielson then went looking for MJF, and MJF hit him with the oxygen tank and locked in the LeBell Lock to a passed out Danielson.

Danielson began to fight out before ultimately tapping out.

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FTR Made Their Return To The Tag Team Scene At AEW Revolution

The greatest tag team in the world is back in AEW. Less than three months after losing to the Gunn Club, the former AAA, IWGP, and ROH Tag Team champions made their grand return after the former successfully retained the AEW tag belts in a four-way match at Revolution.

In January, Dax Harwood discussed Tony Khan allowing the duo to take time away to “sit back, reflect, decide” on where they’d sign their next deal with their contracts set to expire.

“By April, we will have an answer. I have to take my health, my family, my creativity, and I have to take my personal life all in consideration about what we’re going to do next. I know what I want to do, but whatever we do, I just want to be respected,” Harwood said at the time, per TJR Wrestling.

“I feel we have done something so special in 2022 and most of that is in part to the fans. We deserve to continue to build on our legacy for ourselves, but also we owe it to the fans to build on that legacy because they made us this past year. I’m not sure exactly how long we’ll be away. It may be all the way until the end of our contract. Our contract is up in April.”

Their return seemingly sets up a new deal with AEW and a fresh slate, which will hopefully lead to a title run for the accomplished duo.

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Giannis Pulled A Ricky Davis And Purposefully Missed To Get A Rebound At The Buzzer For A Triple-Double

Triple-doubles have become a regular occurrence in the NBA as offenses are built around stars initiating everything, no matter what their position, but even as we see them almost every night, they still hold a special meaning to players.

We saw that on Sunday in Washington as Giannis Antetokounmpo, who has logged 32 triple-doubles in his career, couldn’t help but chase the allure of another in the closing seconds as he sat on nine rebounds. Giannis was dribbling out a 117-111 win over the Wizards when he realized he was under the basket, so why not just bounce one off the backboard to himself for a little treat.

The Wizards’ scorekeeper gave Giannis his rebound in the official book, allowing him to notch the triple-double in an important win for the Bucks to stay ahead of the Celtics in the top spot in the East.

It’s very funny watching Giannis do this in particular, because as noted, it’s not like he only gets this chance on rare occasions. That’s usually when you get triple-double hunting of this magnitude, with the all-timer in this category being Ricky Davis, who threw a layup at the wrong rim in a legendary moment to try and get one in a blowout.

Giannis isn’t quite this bad because he at least goes to the correct rim for a shot, but it’s still pretty shameless (while being completely harmless).