John Mayer is currently in the midst of a solo tour (his first ever), and last night (April 11), the trek brought him to Seattle. While on stage at Climate Pledge Arena, a fan presented Mayer with a novel opportunity and, being the fun-loving guy he is, he embraced it.
Early in the show (as the concert’s setlist on setlist.fm indicates), Mayer took notice of a sign in the audience, which was labeled “Surprise Song Request” and which instructed Mayer to choose one of three hidden options, labeled “A,” “B,” and “C.” Mayer enjoyed the fan’s creativity, saying, “This is one of the most psychologically manipulative and brilliant sign ideas I’ve ever seen in my life.”
He continued, “I’ll tell you what: This sign is so clever, I will play the song that I choose, whether I know it or not. It is too good an idea. You win on cleverness alone.”
Mayer then did his best impression of a Price Is Right contestant and chose option B. The fan lifted a paper flap to reveal the chosen song was “Love Is A Verb,” from Mayer’s 2012 album Born And Raised. Sure enough, Mayer then launched into a performance of the song.
Check out the video above.