Gender reveal parties have continued to be popular over the past decade or so, and people have gotten more and more creative with them in an effort to keep them fun for everyone involved. Marissa Bailey decided to take her party to a local restaurant and use cupcakes to reveal the gender, but the catch was there were dozens of cupcakes and only one had the colored frosting in the middle.
Thankfully for the internet, Bailey decided to film the event and upload it to TikTok, where it has amassed over 10 million views. In the video, the family members take turns biting into the cupcakes as curious patrons watch, slowly realizing what’s going on. Soon the other restaurant guests become invested as cupcake after cupcake proves to be free of colored filling. (I don’t know whose idea it was to bake so many cupcakes but, whew, they were going to be there a while.)
Eventually, someone decides handing them out to the now-interested patrons would speed along the process. Even the server gets in on the game and cuts open a cupcake to again reveal no colored filling. So more volunteers raise their hands to bite into cupcakes.
Now there’s even more of a party because strangers are feeling invested and competitive, but alas there’s still no color in the cupcakes. Soon the entire restaurant is collectively shouting out in disappointment as another cupcake reveals a whole lot of nothing. The mom-to-be is looking stressed at this point, but the show must go on.
Surely she’s rethinking the idea of recreating a Willy Wonka’s Golden Ticket situation. But just when defeat is hitting the pregnant woman, a shriek can be heard from a stranger in the restaurant, followed by, “IT’S A GIRL!!!” as she dances in place.
What a fun and intense gender reveal. Check it out below:
@rissa_bai The energy was amazing!