Desiigner has been charged with indecent exposure after his recent airplane misadventure. According to TMZ, the Brooklyn rapper apparently didn’t just expose himself on his return flight from Thailand — he was also full-on choking the chicken, even after flight attendants asked him to stop. Multiple times.
According to documents filed by federal authorities, Desiigner told police in Minneapolis that he “didn’t really get much… cootie” overseas and said he was so attracted by a flight attendant he ended up “brick hard.” While he later attributed his behavior to medications he was prescribed in Thailand, he reportedly told police he was not under the influence of anything and hadn’t been taking the prescribed medications, while the police report alleges he appeared sober.
Desiigner posted a statement to Instagram after the incident, saying that he was checking himself into a mental health facility.
For the past few months I have not been ok. And I have been struggling to come to terms with what is going on. While overseas for a concert I performed at, I had to be admitted in to a hospital, I was not thinking clearly. They gave me meds, and I had to hop on a plane home. I am ashamed of my actions that happened on that plane. I landed back to the states, and am admitting my self in a facility to help me. I will be cancelling all of my shows and my obligations until further notice. Mental health is real guys, please pray for me. If [you’re] not feeling like yourself, please get help.
It certainly was not the first time the rapper got himself into hot water by getting his junk out in public. He allegedly flashed a couple during an altercation in New York in 2018. Let’s hope he gets the help he needs and keeps it in his pants in the future.