This week’s Succession episode, “Kill List,” felt decidedly less gut-wrenching than the past few installments. However, we did receive tons of wonderful one-liners, including “snakes on a plane” and “bleed the Swede.” On that last note, Kendall and Roman likely believe that their resistance was what led Lukas Matsson to hike his sale offer, but Shiv knows better.
She had quite the telling conversation with Alexander Skarsgard’s abs, particularly when Lukas admitted to sending his blood to his head of comms in a (gross) attempt to court (?) her. As far as we know, too, Shiv remains pregnant, although this moment sparked people’s curiosity because Shiv picked up a cocaine vial.

People did wonder what on earth was happening because it didn’t look good.
shiv’s baby when that whiskey and cocaine enters their system pic.twitter.com/x4nfSIScKY
— Claudia (@thewaitisogre) April 24, 2023
Are not going to talk about Shiv drinking whiskey and champagne (and possibly doing cocaine) while pregnant??????#SuccessionHBO #succession
— Kalhan (@KalhanR) April 24, 2023
So did shiv do the cocaine or not? I couldn’t tell #SuccessionHBO
— Marlaina (@marlainaphin) April 24, 2023
— fiona (@JUSTAPARTYG1RL) April 24, 2023
Alas, Shiv was never actually seen snorting any cocaine during the episode. Nor did she drink any alcohol (although she did pretend to do so), and she was previously seen turning down champagne in an earlier episode this season. Oddly enough, Shiv asked Tom to dinner after they returned home from Sweden, which means that she might be breaking the news to him? Either that, or she really likes being told that her “earlobes are thick and chewy.”
the way shiv asked tom to dinner a few moments later, IT’S BASICALLY FOREPLAY BUT SUCCESSION STYLE #Succesion #SuccesionHBO pic.twitter.com/KbcFyE7bmA
— sarah • succession spoilers (@seiruhcavanaugh) April 24, 2023
One never knows with this family.