Most people would love a free impromptu trip to Disneyland. It’s one of those destinations that doesn’t have an age limit; no matter how old you are, you get to go explore the park and feel like a kid again for an entire day. And the best part is, since you’re an adult, there’s no one to tell you no to ice cream before dinner or to drinking a fancy margarita with Mickey ears at 1:00 in the afternoon. You truly just get to escape and pretend you have no responsibilities.
Some lucky day workers got to do just that recently. In a video uploaded to TikTok, Jesús drove a local hardware store to see if any day workers wanted to accompany him and the person filming to Disneyland. The group was skeptical, especially when he wasn’t offering work, but a day of fun—and when he told them they’d be paid to join him.
This offer would be a head-scratcher for just about anyone, but these guys decided to lean into the curiosity and hopped in for a full day of working hard at playing.
The look on the men’s faces says it all. They went from ride to ride laughing, smiling and just enjoying their time at the park. I’m sure if they’re married or partnered, they’re going to have a hard time convincing their significant others that they actually got paid to go to Disneyland, but it was worth it. One of the men says in Spanish, beaming while watching the parade, “The face of a child who has never had a toy.”
At the end of it all, the men got dropped back off at the parking lot they were picked up and everyone was still full of smiles and gratitude. Jesús gave each of the day workers $200, a hug and memories that will last a lifetime.
Watch the sweet video below:
@juixxe Their smiles say it all 🥹