Jack White is very famously somebody who tends to prefer older technologies and reject newer ones; In 2019, for instance, he revealed he doesn’t own a cell phone. Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich doesn’t quite understand that, though, since he and White text frequently.
Ulrich is the guest on a new episode of the Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend podcast that premiered today (April 24). At the top of the show, Ulrich and O’Brien opened by talking about White, a mutual friend. A few minutes into the chat, O’Brien and Ulrich were playfully ribbing White, after which O’Brien said, “I’m going to get a text from Jack about this.”
Ulrich replied, “I’ll tell you what, and Jack, if you’re hearing this: You know I love you and nothing but love. But for a guy who supposedly doesn’t have a phone, he’s a pretty… he’s a pretty engaged texter. I’m not really quite sure how that works out, whether it’s his wife’s phone or whether he’s got a computer that he texts from, whatever.”
O’Brien then joked, “Also, he’s so pro-vinyl, vinyl, vinyl… every time I go to his house, all he does is play CDs. That’s all he does.”
Speaking of vinyl, White recently congratulated Metallica for buying their own vinyl pressing plant.
Check out the clip above and find the full episode here.