While everyone is mourning the death of a certain big-shot media mogul, Karl and Frank are out here thriving. Sure, it’s sad that Logan died all the way up in the sky and yeah, everything at Waystar Royco is off the rails, but now Frank and Karl are being given their time to shine and, as it turns out, we should have been getting a lot more of them over the years on Succession.
In episode five, the two hoisted up their compression socks before jet-setting to Norway, which is a sign of proper foot care that nobody ever talks about (seriously, you should all be taking care of your circulation). Not only that but they were treated to a nice outdoor excursion and donned cushy robes, implying that maybe Logan Roy was holding these men back from living the lives they truly wanted to live? Just look at them. That is a high-thread count plush robe. They are not messing around here.

Even though their future at the company is a little uncertain, they always have the option to move to a Scandinavian oasis and live out the rest of their lives Bert and Ernie style. This obviously didn’t go unnoticed by fans, who have begun to compare the two to various old guy duos, all while the rest of the characters are fighting it out. These guys can just coast for now:
we need frank and karl on retirement tv show pic.twitter.com/jfJ9RO898M
— ivy (mourning succession) (@ohhhhherewego) April 24, 2023
Karl and Frank in their robes pic.twitter.com/VhS2sQJDAh
— Lauren Killer
(@LaurenKiller1) April 24, 2023
frank and karl outside the sauna pic.twitter.com/vC7OKocKGI
— abby monteil (@abbyemonteil) April 24, 2023
this old queen omg pic.twitter.com/yLdYghgxVP
— ash (@rumsfeld69) April 24, 2023
Frank and Karl putting compression socks on before the plane takes off is cinema. #Succesion pic.twitter.com/8uQJD5zMip
— M A N D Y (@mandy_stephens) April 24, 2023
I don’t want any #Succession spinoffs — leave a good thing alone! — but who among us would not watch a Frank/Karl buddy comedy? pic.twitter.com/kxUwXwwbup
— Marina Fang (@marinafang) April 24, 2023
karl and frank in their little robes pic.twitter.com/iNL2qQWmva
— i hate you eric adams (@sonyashea3) April 24, 2023
frank and karl pic.twitter.com/w7lKHIikO1
— victoria edel (@victoriaedel) April 24, 2023
frank and karl in robes and talking shit about other people…theyre such mean girls im giggling
— nab (@romanroyfilms) April 24, 2023
Frank and Karl in sweden https://t.co/n3yfp0eMBJ
— Chloe
(@crybabywalker9) April 24, 2023
frank & karl spin-off needs to be greenlit tonight
(@francescaaahhhh) April 24, 2023
Telling my kids this was Karl and Frank pic.twitter.com/3OFxRxizNP
— Gideon (@gidbot) April 24, 2023
A potential spinoff idea: the two decide to get really into kite making. It would be great for both of them!