If you’ve had a baby or babysat someone else’s, then you know sometimes they cry, and there doesn’t seem to be much you can do to soothe them. You try all of the things—change their diaper, give them a bottle, do the bounce and sway that just about every parent has perfected. Yet, the wailing continues and you begin to question your life choices.
But thankfully, babies are pretty easily amused…most of the time. Ripping up paper or accidentally stubbing your toe can throw a baby into a fit of laughter. Other times, you have to call in the reserves—Lil Jon and the East Side Boyz featuring the Ying Yang Twins. Nope, I didn’t bump my head. Melissa Buckley discovered her 2-month-old son’s magic remedy to inconsolable tears is Lil Jon, specifically, “Get Low.”
You may be wondering how her infant son has such impeccable taste in 2000s dance music, and the answer is surprisingly simple.
“I listened to it a lot in the latter half of my pregnancy because I was trying to get him low, and then I listened to it on repeat a good few times a day for probably three, four weeks on end,” Buckley told Today.com.
Dancing is one way to help move babies down into position in preparation for birth. In fact, there have been several viral videos of expectant mothers dancing to club music in their kitchens and even in the hospital hoping to speed along the labor process. Buckley was in good company with her idea.
Recently, Buckley and her husband Zack let the world in on their secret to getting baby Jackson to stop crying when the mom uploaded a video to social media. In the video, Buckley is holding a crying Jackson when she says, “Alexa, play ‘Get Low.'” Alexa obliges like a good little eavesdropping robot, and as soon as the music starts to play, the crying stops.
Jackson looks around while his mom bounces and dances. Suddenly the infant is perfectly content in his mother’s arms, but it turns out that this is part of their routine. The new parents told Today.com that they play Lil Jon at least once or twice a day to help calm the baby down when he’s fussy.
This revelation came about through a moment of desperation according to Buckley, who told Today.com that she was having difficulty getting her son to stop crying one day, so she put on “Get Low.” While listening to the familiar song, Jackson stopped crying and fell asleep.
Babies are certainly interesting. They remember much more than we parents give them credit for, and baby Jackson is here to remind everyone that even newborns can be nostalgic about songs. Granted, when he starts being able to understand the words to the iconic club song, heading to preschool may be interesting.
But the Buckleys will cross that bridge when they get to it. For now, they’ll keep using the song to put their baby to sleep and one day he’ll learn all about how Lil Jon was impressed by his required napping music.