FX knows that the people want more of Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens. We could all use more of his swagger, his love of ice cream, and the way that he wears that hat. Fortunately, this is all on the way to our living rooms with Justified: City Primeval, but when will that happen? FX has been guarding this show well, only revealing the tiniest sliver of footage thus far, even as Timothy Olyphant has revealed the “insane” experience of the real-life shoot-out that spilled over onto the Chicago set last year.
Soon enough, the Justified: City Primeval world premiere shall be happening. And from there, they will simply have to show the rest of the world actual episodes. When does the former happen? As Deadline has now revealed, the premiere will go down during the first week of June: “The world premiere of FX’s Justified: City Primeval is among the events scheduled for Opening Night of Season 12 of the ATX TV Festival, which runs June 1-4 in Austin.”
What of an actual release date on your TVs and streaming devices? You gotta hang tight for a little longer for that information. FX hasn’t divulged that detail yet, but it’s understood that Summer 2023 will make it happen. So, we’ll get to see how Raylan is doing, fifteen years after he discussed digging coal with Boyd Crowder while the latter prepared to languish behind bars.
Will we see any cameos from old cast members? There’s been no confirmation of any thus far, and there’s really no reason for the show to haul other characters up to Chicago. I do kind-of wonder how many times Raylan and Winona tried to get back together over the years, but it felt like they were done at the end of the principal series. Also, Natalie Zea is stuck in primeval hell these days, in a place much worse than the hollers of Kentucky.
Whatever happens, this limited series will run a mere eight episodes (cross your fingers for more!) and be based upon Elmore Leonard’s City Primeval: High Noon in Detroit novel.
Justified: City Primeval on FX sometime in Summer 2023.
What does the next big K-pop thing look and sound like? If you’re guessing it’s a stylish bunny from outer space, you’d be right, as far-fetched as it sounds. Known as APOKI, stylized in all-caps, this virtual rabbit with a rich vocal tone first introduced herself to the world in 2019, but didn’t release her first single until 2021’s “Get It Out.” Since then, she’s steadily grown her repertoire with original songs, brand tie-ins, and cover performances of hit songs, K-pop and otherwise.
Crafting an addicting, futuristic sound for herself on the cusp of web3’s rise, APOKI took off amid the pandemic lockdowns. With musical collaborations, brand deals, virtual concerts, and a mashup of on and off-line content shared on social media, she acts pretty much no differently than any other K-pop stars, aside from the fact that she can’t host in-person concerts.
Quasi-animated character and quasi-virtual avatar of an actual, anonymous singer — though that’s never been confirmed, leaving some mystery up in the air about AI capabilities for the digital K-pop star — APOKI’s sci-fi, realm-hopping reality while operating in the metaverse via real-time 3D content is an example of how the internet can enable creators to have careers digitally while living off-screen. This is truly an age of digital connectivity, where the blending of virtual and reality is all the more common.
Are virtual K-pop stars the next stage of the industry, or will digital stars operate along but parallel to live ones, similar to the way the animated TV shows and movies are related but separate (most of the time) from their live-action counterparts? While APOKI doesn’t fully answer the question as to whether virtual K-pop stars will be able to attract the same sort of fandom the industry is known for, she is garnering attention, showing a new paradigm of what can be as web3 continues to expand.
Produced by A-Fun Interactive, and managed by their virtual management company VV Entertainment, APOKI is one of several characters A-Fun has launched in recent years (there’s also a cat counterpart, LeChat, plus APOKI’s backup dancers, Ova and Dose), with others in the works, able to be licensed by other brands.
APOKI is currently off somewhere on the internet working on new music and fashion collaborations, but took some time to answer some questions about who she is and what she stands for. Never dropping character, APOKI talks about her aims and how she feels about the burgeoning virtual K-pop industry.
Can you please introduce yourself to UPROXX’s audience who may not be aware of who you are?
Hello, UPROXX readers! I can’t believe there are some of you who still don’t know me 🙁
I am the No. 1 virtual artist APOKI! I have loved everything about Earth and its music since a long time ago. I officially made my debut on Earth in 2019, and I have released 5 singles so far. Not only that, I am a bunny loved by 5 million fans across all social media including TikTok and Instagram!
What goes into becoming a virtual K-pop artist?
This might sound pretty obvious, but as a K-pop artist, your music has to be reaaally good!
You also might have to sing better and be more attractive to make people recognize you as a true virtual artist. Coming up with the same performance as regular artists would not differentiate you as a virtual artist in the first place.
How did APOKI come into being?
Like everyone else, I was born with the passionate love of my parents [laughs].
I think you are asking me that question because it’s interesting to see a being like me as a music artist. In short, everything would not have been possible without the technical help of [metaverse management company] VV Entertainment to send my video to Earth from where I used to be in space.
What are your musical inspirations? How about your digital ones?
Everything I’ve done are my inspirations. However, they are just tiny particles of my worldview. My story is to be continued.
How does it feel to be a bunny making it so big?
I am so grateful that I am receiving so much love. But the truth is, I personally think my journey has not even started. I really want to become a “bunny making it so big,” trying awesome things every day and spreading my music to the entire world. So when I truly become a “bunny making it so big,” please request me for another interview; I’d be able to answer this question by then.
You’re a leader in K-pop’s push into the metaverse. How do you feel things are going so far?
In Korea, people’s interest in virtual artists is growing more than ever. Virtual artists like GIRL’S RE:VERSE, MAVE:, ISEGYE IDOL, SAGONG_EE_HO, ETERNITY, YuA, Rui, Rozy, etc. are recently making their debut and being active implies that K-pop is currently on the stage of moving into a new chapter. There will be more virtual artists to appear, and the market itself will grow a lot bigger. And as K-pop is trending all over the world, I wish people will start to have more interest in virtual K-pop!
Being wholly virtual, you can only interact with audiences and fans online. How do you engage with audiences in ways that are unique or special to you?
Wholly virtual? Where is your childhood innocence?? :’(
Like my recent performance at a mini concert at Charles & Keith’s huge event in [crypto-fuelled game] The Sandbox, I am considering some unique methods of engaging with my fans in the metaverse space. Look forward to them – [I] won’t let you down!
This interview is for a special project called the “Future Of Fandom.” You’re the first-ever virtual K-pop star, but what do you think the future will look like for other artists who follow your footsteps, and how audiences will engage with them?
The number of virtual artists will increase, and there will be so much awesome work that no one has seen before. Speaking of the future of fans, they and the artists will be able to meet each other more often and vividly without the limitations of time and space in the metaverse world.
Fans who stan virtual artists seem to be hiding somewhere (mostly because it’s not a major culture). I and my fellow virtual artists will try our utmost to expand our influence all over the world so that one day, people will eventually be able to proudly say that “I am a fan of the virtual APOKI.”
Do you feel there are ever limitations on your experiences or music due to the virtual element of your existence?
It’s actually the opposite. I can be whoever I want, go wherever I wanna go, and do whatever I want. The virtual element of my existence has given me limitless possibilities.
You’re becoming quite a fashion and brand ambassador icon. What’s your relationship to fashion? What does it mean to you?
Aside from auditory characteristics, I believe fashion is a crucial factor to express myself and the concept of my music. I try to match the theme of my fashion to that of my new music, so that I can fully deliver to the audience what I am trying to say through the song.
Is there anything else you’d like to discuss, or want people to think about when they think of APOKI?
I really wish that when people think of APOKI, they think of my songs. That’s something I am working on the most, and I believe that is the biggest reason I could be loved by people. I don’t wish to be loved by everyone, but want to be known to everyone. To put it simply, I want to be a “bunny making it so big!”
Earlier this month, Netflix announced it would send out its last DVDs to customers on September 29. Over its 25-year history, the company sent out over 5.2 billion DVDs, and in its peak year, 2010, it had over 20 million subscribers to the DVD service.
It’s incredible to think how ubiquitous those red envelopes were just a few years ago, and in a few months, they’ll be history.
Netflix’s announcement made headlines worldwide, but not every cultural staple has its moment in the sun before it’s gone. There are a lot of things that come in with a bang and go out with a whimper. Many of them are never thought about again.
A Reddit user named Musicmaniac247 asked the online forum, “What eventually disappeared and no one noticed?” The question received over 23,000 responses in just one day. The reactions ranged from natural phenomena to cultural habits to things you used to be able to pick up at the store but are permanently out of stock.
Things always come and go with the times, but these days, more cultural touchstones are going by the wayside due to rapid changes in the environment and technology.
Here are 19 of the biggest things that “eventually disappeared and no one noticed.”
“Our need to know who our neighbors are. I listened to a podcast about human interaction recently and the host said that the internet slowly made it possible to live without knowing who the people are next door. It used to be that we would hang out with people in our street or attend dinners, birthdays, and whatnot. Now, everyone seems to have no need to even so much as introduce themselves. The only time we do get to know each other is if we have a complaint.” — Anima99
“Toys in cereal boxes.” — getupk3v
“Somewhere along the way 9-5 turned into 8-5.” — nocerazbj·
“We’re in the process of full size can of Arizona teas for $.99 disappearing. I’m seeing a lot of places starting to carry the smaller plastic bottles for $.99 or the larger plastic bottles for more. I’m honestly surprised that they’ve lasted for this long at the same price.” — WeirdJawn
“Longevity in careers has largely gone away. People used to get a job and after being there for decades reap the benefits of being seasoned employees (higher salaries and better perks).” — arthurdentxxxxxii
“People fainting when something unexpected happens. And people carrying smelling salts for just such an occasion. It’s so 19th century.” — CobaltNebula
“TV bumpers. There used to be a little sequence between the show and commercials. Some of them were really interesting and creative. I think my generation remembers the ‘wand IDs’ on the Disney channel (where a Disney celeb would use a wand to make the logo). There were also bumpers that were PSAs or other actual content.” — LtCommanderCarter
“Having many family photographs in homes. Not completely gone, but homes used to be plastered in them. The only times I really notice them is in homes of older people.” — boxoffingernails
“3-D television.” —1feralengineer
“Someone answering the phone at businesses.” — suffaluffapussycat
“Blimps, helium is expensive and drones can do some of their missions.” — Loki143
“Fireflies aka lightning bugs. I live rural and I used to see hundreds on a warm summer night. Now I get excited if I see just one. I mentioned it to other people who live in the same area as I do and they were just like ‘Huh. Yeah. You’re right!'” — ZookeepergameSea3890
“Privacy in your daily life.” — Annoyedatreddit1
“Lobster tanks in grocery stores! Not that I particularly want them back, but those are nostalgic af.” — BIGPOOPYTYME
“A common pop culture (in the U.S., at least). Until at least the ’80s, most people watched the same TV show, saw the same movies, listened to the same music, could recite the same commercial slogans or jingles, bought into the same fads. I don’t know when it happened, but now we are all siloed into highly specific subcultures.” — Choreplayed
“Color from the world. Everything is becoming grayscale. Look at commercial buildings and fast food buildings. McDonald’s used to look fun and exciting, now they’re all gray and boring.” — Sosantula21
“The need to remember phone numbers.” —imcoolmymomsaidso
“The COVID quiet. You remember how quiet things were? When we all just took a chill pill? I remember. Everything is loud again. From streets to stores. Sidewalks. Everything is loud. I couldn’t point to when it happened, it just disappeared. And nobody seems to talk about how nice the quiet was.” — RubSalt1936
All dogs are different, but specific breeds have unique tendencies that are recognizable to people who know dogs. And few people know dogs as well as veterinarians, vet techs and dog groomers. Vets are animal experts, of course, but many people take their dogs to get cleaned and primped far more frequently than they take them in for health checkups, so groomers see a huge range of dog breeds on a regular basis.
Basically, if you want to know about typical dog breed behavior, look to the people who trim their claws, whether they work at an animal clinic or the PetSmart grooming salon.
A TikTok video from @ktbergeron shows what appears to be two vet techs doing a reenactment of how different dog breeds respond to having their nails clipped, and it’s hilariously spot-on.
By “reenactment,” I mean full-on, “human on the grooming table on all fours acting like a dog.” It’s truly something to behold—and especially fun if you’ve actually owned one of these dog breeds.
First comes the Pug, who goes feral, writhing on its back as the tech tries to get hold of its paw. Next, the anxious Chihuahua, who doesn’t want anyone to come near her. Third, the friendly Pit Bull whose tail wags so forcefully its paw can’t stay still. Then comes the Golden Retriever, who obliges but with some seriously trepidatious side-eye. And finally, the Beagle, who…well, that one you just have to hear.
What #breed do you have?😜 #veterinarian #vettechlife #veterinary #arkanimalhospital #nailclipping
People in the comments are rolling over the accuracy.
“The biblically accurate beagle howl 😭😭😭😭😭.”
“LMAOOO why is the pug one so accurate 😭😂.”
“The golden retriever side eye is so relatable.”
“Beagles really come with their own sound effects.”
“Tengo un chihuahua, un pug y una beagle y SUPER CONFIRMO 😭😂“
Commenters were also clamoring for them to do other breeds, with many people specifically requesting she do a Husky. The other big request was that the tech be given an Oscar for her performance.
What a fun way to kill some downtime at work. It sounds like everyone agrees a Part Two is in order as well. Perhaps a Jack Russell Terrier and a Shih Tzu next, please?
Tyler The Creator is a man with many personas (as seen in his video for the single “Sorry Not Sorry”) to match each of his eras in the game. However, the musician is letting it be known that fans should hold tight to the releases they receive while he’s breathing because that will all come to an end once he transitions to the other side.
While gushing onstage to fans about his latest songs, including those featured on his newest album, Call Me If You Get Lost: The Estate Sale, he shared that he legally took precautions to ensure that his estate could not release a posthumous album when he dies.
“I’m just so excited,” the recording artist gleefully declared. He then went on to say, “Some of these [songs] are so good that I can’t just let it sit on my hard drive because I have in my will that if I die, they can’t put no f*cking posthumous album out.”
The news was met with a roaring cheer from the crowd. “That’s gross. Then they’ll get some random feature from a n***** that I didn’t really f*ck with like that. No,” said Tyler.
Tyler, the Creator says that if something ever happened to him, nothing posthumous would ever be released.
“I have it in my will that if i die they can’t put no f**kin’ post(humous) album out.” pic.twitter.com/D9TmUxpN87
This isn’t the first time the entertainer has spoken publicly about his wishes regarding the creative affairs following his death. In a conversation with XXL, Tyler said, “Do not continue anything in my name if I die. You got this on record. If I ever die, I don’t want people to put my music out. The companies are over with. Everything’s done.”
Call Me If You Get Lost: The Estate Sale is out now via Columbia Records. Find more information here.
Joe Rogan has finally weighed in on the Tucker Carlson debacle after the Fox News personality was abruptly fired on Monday. While Rogan is obviously a fan of Carlson and his like-minded conspiratorial views, the podcaster also has a huge amount of reverence for Fox News and firmly believes that the network knows what it’s doing.
“They’re f*cking Fox News, man. They’re smart. They’re not stupid,” Rogan said. “Although it was very shocking seeing him leave.”
According to Rogan, Carlson could easily become a valuable commodity on the internet, and it’s in Fox News’ best interest to make sure that never happens. Via Mediaite:
“I mean, if I was a person in a position of power and a wild card, like Tucker Carlson got released from Fox News and maybe Rumble makes a deal with him or something like that. Do you have any fucking idea how big that would be?” Rogan said.
“It could make that app — it could make that platform. I mean, if Tucker Carlson goes over there, it would be worth it for them to invest a considerable amount of money but if I was Fox News, that’s the last thing I would want.”
While Rogan has no idea what happened behind-the-scenes with Tucker’s exit, he’s pretty confident that Fox News would attempt to lock him down with some sort of “no compete” and “pay him off.”
“You’d be better off just giving him the same amount of money he made when he was on the air, than you would have with him opposing you,” Rogan opined.
Welcome to SNX DLX, your weekly roundup of the best sneakers to hit the internet. We can confidently say that this is the strongest single week for releases in the entire year so far. Seriously. Whether you like high-profile brand collaborations, new designs that don’t rely on nostalgia to move products, or tried and true classics, this week has a little bit of something for everyone.
This week’s obvious highlight is Travis Scott’s latest Jordan collaboration, a low-top olive-adorned Jordan 1. But Travis isn’t the only big musician heating up the week, Bad Bunny is also dropping a similarly colored collaboration with Adidas. These two celeb collaborations bookend the week with some classic Jordan colorways and eye-catching New Balances filling out the rest of the spots.
There is a lot to love for sneaker fans of all tastes — so let’s dive in!
Women’s Air Jordan 1 Low x Travis Scott Medium Olive
What a way to start the week! Travis Scott is back with his latest signature Nike, a Medium Olive rendition of the low-top Jordan 1. Featuring olive accents and sail panels over a black leather upper, this Jordan 1 looks to Moto-style for inspiration (the colors resemble a racing flag) and sports embroidered Cactus Jack branding on the tongue tag.
Brace yourself people with big feet, we’ve got some bad news for you — it’s a women’s size exclusive. There was once a time when ultra-hyped women’s size exclusives would inspire a bunch of whining from men who feel left out, causing brands to cave to the pressure (looking at you Off-White) but these days the sneaker world is in a comfortable enough position to not give this one a wider release.
You win some you lose some, and this time around the ladies are being treated to the best sneaker drop of the week!
The Women’s Air Jordan 1 Low x Travis Scott Medium Olive is out now. Pick up a pair via the Nike SNKRS app or aftermarket sites like GOAT and Flight Club.
Speaking of Off-White, the late great Virgil’s brand is back with this new colorway of an original Abloh design. Featuring a Pine Green leather upper with a white swoosh and midsole, this reimagined AF-1 sports a unique spike traction design, two sets of laces, and Flywire cables crossing across the sneaker’s body.
The Nike Air Force 1 Mid x Off-White Pine Green is set to drop on April 28th at 7:00 AM PST. Pick up a pair via the Nike SNKRS app.
It’s not Off-White but it’s just as wacky, the Washed Dark Blue Air Max 1 features a patchwork take on the silhouette with a mixed textile upper that combines Denim and animal print with Picante Red and white accents, laser etching on the tongue, rope laces, and a suede Swoosh.
It’s a bit all over the place but in the best way possible.
The Nike Air Max 1 Washed Dark Blue is set to drop on April 28th at 7:00 AM PST. Pick up a pair via the Nike SNKRS app.
If you’re after an all-time classic, this True Blue and Copper Jordan 3 is the way to go. Featuring a white leather upper with True Blue accents and Metallic Copper eyelets and branding, this Jordan 1 sports that classic combination of leather and an elephant print mudguard that makes the Jordan 3 so iconic.
For some people, this easily beats out the OG University Red colorway. We are those people, this is a top-three Jordan colorway for sure.
The Air Jordan 3 True Blue and Copper is set to drop on April 29th at 7:00 AM PST. Pick up a pair via the Nike SNKRS app.
New Balance is holding its own against Nike this week with a handful of dope releases starting with this Tan and Black rendition of the 990v2. Part of the premium MADE in USA line, this 990 features an upper of mixed unbuckle leather, premium pigskin suede, and mesh over an ABZORB midsole for a comfort-focused fit.
The sneaker sports heritage styling for a vintage look and embroidered vintage-style branding at the tongue.
The New Balance MADE in USA 990v2 is out now. Pick up a pair via the New Balance webstore.
If you’re looking for something a bit more contemporary, New Balance is also dropping a Tan and Black 990v3 which features an updated design.
The upper of this sneaker is still a three-way split of pigskin suede, nubuck leather, and mesh over an ENCAP midsole which offers a lighter step and enhanced support. At the heel is a classic NB logo with embroidered detailing at the tongue and heel.
The New Balance MADE in USA 990v3 is out now. Pick up a pair via the New Balance webstore.
New BalanceNew Balance
New Balance x Joe Freshgoods 610 Latte With Carrot
Joe Freshgoods is linking up with New Balance once again for a double sneaker drop this week. First up is Freshgoods’ take on the 610v1. This trail-inspired sneaker sports a mesh upper with diamond knit details at the collar, suede overlays, and an embroidered Freshgood’s custom camo outline.
Rounding out the design is Nubuck overlays, a rubberized tongue logo, and an EVA midsole.
The New Balance x Joe Freshgoods 610 is set to drop on April 28th at 7:00 AM PST. Pick up a pair via the New Balance webstore.
For his second NB linkup this week, Freshgoods is keeping the outdoor theme rolling with this take on the Rainer. The Rainer sports a ripstop GORE-TEX equipped nylon upper with a custom woodland camo pattern, and brass eyelets that provide a nice contrast to the mix of brown and green colors.
The tongue features a co-branded woven label and the sneaker sits atop an EVA midsole and a Vibram outsole with enhanced grip.
The New Balance x Joe Freshgoods Rainier is set to drop on April 28th at 7:00 AM PST. Pick up a pair via the New Balance webstore.
Bad Bunny returns! It might not be quite as exciting as Travis Scott’s Jordan linkup, but the Bad Bunny’s Adidas collaborations are pretty solid as well, and this moss-colored new colorway looks great!
The Bad Bunny Wild Moss utilizes the brand’s Campus silhouette and alters it with a double tongue-design, and a full velvet soft suede upper with a textile lining and a rubber outsole. Rounding out the design is Bad Bunny branding at the tongue and an extra padded heel piece.
The Adidas Bad Bunny Campus in Wild Moss is set to drop on April 29th at 7:00 AM PST. Pick up a pair via the Adidas CONFIRMED app or aftermarket sites like GOAT.
Jason Momoa, a big man, has a big 2023 ahead of him. This May sees the release of Fast X, the 10th film in the Fast and Furious, while Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom comes out the day before Christmas. There’s also Chief of War, his Apple TV+ series about the unification of the Hawaiian Islands, which might premiere this year. Ahead of all that, Momoa spoke to Men’s Health for a cover story, and basically everything he said is blockquote-worthy.
Here he is on Aquaman:
“Well, to be perfectly honest, I was absolutely baffled that Aquaman was received so well. I’ve done things that are amazing that no one sees and no one gives a sh*t about. You just don’t know in this business.”
And a certain unnamed actor:
“I’ve seen some of the most shocking acting performances firsthand and watched them edited, and they were amazing. I wish I could tell you who it was. I’m like, ‘What the f*ck?’ I watched this guy who had to be fucking propped up. They read the lines to him. But this motherf*cker killed it when the edit came in and was applauded for it. At that point, I was like, wow, this sh*t is made in the edit.”
And his reaction to a letter from Harrison Ford:
“Han Solo! Indiana Jones! Bro!”
Honestly? That would be my response, too.
But my favorite part of the Men’s Health profile is what Momoa told Vin Diesel while they were making Fast X. “I saw the first Fast and the one that was in Brazil [Fast Five], and they’re amazing — they always are. I talked to Vin and said, ‘Yo, Daddy-o, I’m here to support you, but I’m going to do it my way. I’m going to be a bad man, and you’re going to want to take me out!’ It felt really good to go there without some ego competition,” he said. Momoa called it “an honor” to be part of the Fast family, adding, “I’m down to go down.”
When Pete Davidson hosts SNL this upcoming weekend, he won’t be joking about ex-girlfriend Kim Kardashian. This will still be awkward, probably, given that Pete and Kim met when she hosted the NBC late-night sketch series, but in all fairness, Pete might be occupied while dodging BDE jokes from the cast. Lots of fodder there will be hard to resist.
However, Kim didn’t put any such limits on referencing her breakup with Pete in the new trailer for The Kardashians on Hulu. She’s seen embracing sister Khloé while admitting that she’s not alright, and that it’s been a pretty awful day. This feels mildly surprising, given that Kim has played her cards close to her sleeve with the Pete relationship, but she’s also been known to save some drama for the cameras. The trailer further dives into her drama with Kourtney, who feels like Kim used her wedding (to Travis Barker) as a PR opportunity. That seems like a fair criticism. As well, Khloé will detail her fight with melanoma, and here’s the season’s synopsis:
The cameras return as Kris, Kourtney, Kim, Khloé, Kendall and Kylie invite viewers back into their lives as they navigate motherhood, coparenting, and building their own empires. Their bond will be tested and tensions arise, but as a family they will stand together through the storm.
Hulu The Kardashians Season 3 premieres on May 25.
Sure, you may have attended Coachella, but were you guest listed to any of the Coachella after-parties? Everyone and anyone who attends Coachella goes straight for the influencer-worthy photos in front of the Ferris wheel, adorned in flashy fast-fashion outfits that may just be worn once. And yet, only a select few hundred people from the 120,000 attendees each weekend this year made it into the exclusive Coachella after-parties at Zenyara Estate. Now there’s where you can brag about photo ops.
Hosted by Corso Marketing Group (CMG) – the experiential production agency behind Goldenvoice since the inception of Coachella – both Weekend One and Weekend Two of the festival featured an insane roster of programming on the 70-acre private luxury desert estate. If you were one to cry over Frank Ocean’s botched set during Weekend One and missed him all together for Weekend Two, there were plenty of after party sets all throughout the six festival evenings to help dry your tears.
Weekend One saw exclusive sets by Rufus Du Sol, TALE OF US, KEINEMUSIK, and Cassian, all of which saw a crowd of cool kids — held down by talented attendees Diplo, Becky G, G-Eazy, Post Malone, Zoey Deutch, Tobey Maguire, Leonardo Dicaprio, Alesso, Diddy, Madison Pettis, Metro Boomin’, Bella Thorne, Travis Kelce and more.
Weekend Two wrapped up three nights with highly exclusive performances by Skrillex, Kaytranada, Fisher, Gordo, Francis Mercer, Camelphat, Kitty Cash, and Hot Since 82. Of course, The Kid LAROI, Katarina Deme, Alabama Barker, Bryant, Adison Justis, Avry Justice, Tyga, Anderson Paak, and more were all dancing in the crowds throughout the property.
Among the highly exclusive after parties, attendees were welcomed with an aquatic wonderland, a white sand beach, a front entry moat, a boating path with boat and jetski options, infinity pools, large sundecks, fire pits, a plethora of bars, a golf course, ATV course, sports courts, and state-of-the-art gym and spa. Let’s just say… we have some FOMO. If you’re already imagining yourself raging to Skrillex while you dance next to Tyga, let these photos help you bring that vision to life.
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