The disparity between what Donald Trump and his fans think he is and who he really is has always been a source of comedy/enragement. He and MAGA heads believe he’s a tough guy with good jokes who won election twice. His detractors think he’s a coward, a charlatan, a liar, and much else besides. There’s a lot of questionable fan art out there (and NFTs, released by the big guy himself, with more to come) depicting him as things that he’s not, including as a superhero, as a cowboy, and as both Rambo and Rocky. Now there’s AI art, and it sure is weird/offensive.
Brigitte Gabriel, in my opinion, appears to be propagating stolen valor in order to try and brainwash people into respecting Trump.
The Truth:
– Trump never served in the military. He got out of the draft and likely avoided Vietnam by claiming to have bone spurs.
– Trump didn’t… pic.twitter.com/iks2MbjhbB— Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) May 2, 2023
As per Mediaite, new AI images show Trump as something he really isn’t: a soldier. In reality, the younger Donald received draft deferments during the Vietnam War five separate times. One excuse was that he had bone spurs, a calcium build-up in the heel that causes protrusions. It wasn’t unusual for men of wealthy families to get doctors to claim they suffered from such maladies, but most of them don’t become Republican presidents (who also insult POWs).
The images were shared by big time MAGA world figures, which prompted both mockery as well as offense, especially from veterans who didn’t like that they were being lumped in with a guy who insults military leaders and never served.
It’s funny how many different depictions they put this guy on. Depictions he never was and will never be. He’s afraid of the light going out and a bald eagle. STOLEN VALOR. HE NEVER SERVED. pic.twitter.com/iYUXrZhWUN
— Staff Sergeant Gonell, Aquilino (@SergeantAqGo) May 2, 2023
Stolen valor pic.twitter.com/AHIlwZYBxk
— Adam Kinzinger #fella (@AdamKinzinger) May 2, 2023
My husband enlisted in the Air Force, to avoid draft status into the army. He was lied to about his opportunities, exposed to AO in VN, & spit on when he came home. He recently died from cancer caused by Agent Orange complications. He was a hero! This is STOLEN VALOR!
(@_Star_Fire_1) May 2, 2023
Was the pic from when Trump stormed Stolen Valor or fought Battle Bone Spur? pic.twitter.com/4RTaJ1Nx00
Emily Brandwin
(@CIAspygirl) May 2, 2023
Yes or No, this is stolen valor and an insult to all of our service members that have lost their lives and risk there lives defending this country?
— Rich from CA (@TheRichFromCali) May 2, 2023
The Republican Party is the party of Stolen Valor. The @GOP has no respect for the military or veterans. #VetsAgainstGOP pic.twitter.com/OcIxaDqmiF
— Sgt Joker (@TheSGTJoker) May 2, 2023
As a veteran, we call this “stolen valor”. pic.twitter.com/GNq6UxwmqI
— Ray Loewe (@rloewe65) May 2, 2023
Stolen valor vision. pic.twitter.com/bk1O8fmFgG
— Really American
(@ReallyAmerican1) May 2, 2023
Donald Trump: Skips ceremony honoring American soldiers because of rain.
Republicans: pic.twitter.com/7ZTPhK3rLu
— Middle Age Riot (@middleageriot) May 2, 2023
The modern version of AI is still in its early days, though one of its pioneers has already — quite belatedly — warned of its copious dangers. No doubt there will be plenty more artificially-rendered Trump images and videos, and more ridiculous than these.
(Via Mediaite)