On May 4th, a.k.a. Star Wars Day, Carrie Fisher is getting a long overdue star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In honor of the occasion, Mark Hamill paid tribute to his late co-star, the Leia to his Luke. “I was completely unprepared for the person I met, who just was overwhelming, in the sense that she seemed so much wiser than her years,” he told Variety. “Very funny, very spontaneous, very witty.” Don’t forget that she had a very good dog.
Hamill said Fisher was “the perfect person in the perfect role. She was as far from a damsel in distress as you could get. She was in charge of her own rescue. I think that first impression that the audience got really established how they perceived Carrie overall, and she just grew from there.”
Fisher passed away in 2016, and Hamill still has a hard time thinking of her in the past tense. “There are people that you encounter in life that are so vibrant and make such a profound impact on you, they stay with you forever,” he said. “Had she only done Princess Leia, that would be enough. Had she just written one book, that alone would be something that would be enough to satisfy someone who wanted to make a mark on the world. But she did it from every different direction… She really was just such an original.”
You can watch Fisher’s Walk of Fame ceremony here.
(Via Variety)